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Post time 4-4-2009 06:24 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Saving is sin, and spending is virtue...

Interesting article written by an Indian Economist

Japanese save a lot. They do not spend much. Also Japan exports far more than it imports. Has an annual trade surplus of over 100 billions. Yet Japanese economy is considered weak, even collapsing.

Americans spend, save little. Also US imports more than it exports. Has an annual trade deficit of over $400 billion. Yet, the American economy is considered strong and trusted to get stronger.

But where from do Americans get money to spend?
They borrow from Japan, China and even India.
Virtually others save for the US to spend. Global savings are mostly invested in US, in dollars.

India itself keeps its foreign currency assets of over $50 billions in US securities. China has sunk over $160 billion in US securities. Japan's stakes in US securities is in trillions.


The US has taken over $5 trillion from the world. So, as the world saves for the US, Americans spend freely. Today, to keep the US consumption going, that is for the US economy to work, other countries have to remit $180 billion every quarter, which is $2 billion a day, to the US!

A Chinese economist asked a neat question. Who has invested more, US in China, or China in US? The US has invested in China less than half of what China has invested in US.

The same is the case with India. We have invested in US over $50 billion. But the US has invested less than $20 billion in India.

Why the world is after US?

The secret lies in the American spending, that they hardly save. In fact they use their credit cards to spend their future income. That the US spends is what makes it attractive to export to the US. So US imports more than what it exports year after year.

The result:

The world is dependent on US consumption for its growth. By its deepening culture of consumption, the US has habituated the world to feed on US consumption. But as the US needs money to finance its consumption, the world provides the money.

It's like a shopkeeper providing the money to a customer so that the customer keeps buying from the shop. If the customer will not buy, the shop won't have business, unless the shopkeeper funds him. The US is like the lucky customer. And the world is like the helpless shopkeeper financier.

Who is America's biggest shopkeeper financier? Japan of course. Yet it's Japan which is regarded as weak. Modern economists complain that Japanese do not spend, so they do not grow. To force the Japanese to spend, the Japanese government exerted itself, reduced the savings rates, even charged the savers.
Even then the Japanese did not spend (habits don't change, even with taxes, do they?). Their traditional postal savings alone is over $1.2 trillions, about three times the Indian GDP. Thus, savings, far from being the strength of Japan, has become its pain.

Hence, what is the lesson?

That is, a nation cannot grow unless the people spend, not save. Not just spend, but borrow and spend.
Dr. Jagdish Bhagwati, the famous Indian-born economist in the US, told Manmohan Singh that Indians wastefully save. Ask them to spend, on imported cars and, seriously, even on cosmetics! This will put India on a growth curve. This is one of the reason for MNC's coming down to India, seeing the consumer spending.

'Saving is sin, and spending is virtue.'

But before you follow this neo economics, get some fools to save so that you can borrow from them and spend!!!

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Post time 4-4-2009 07:51 PM | Show all posts
So sekarang the lucky custormer dah less spending & all the shopkeeper financier dah pening kepala tak dapat duit untung balik

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Post time 4-4-2009 09:51 PM | Show all posts
itu lah yang pelik... barang2 yang dijual di US lagi murah dari negra pengeksport sendiri..

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Post time 4-4-2009 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Negara2 pengeksport sees US as profitable country...penduduk diorang suka spending money..negara terkayalah katakan....
that'z why negara2 pengeksport jual murah barang diorang berbanding negara sendiri...contoh utama Proton
.......Proton ada lepaih pi US ke??

[ Last edited by  cyborq at 4-4-2009 23:15 ]

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Post time 5-4-2009 07:54 AM | Show all posts

Balas #4 cyborq\ catat

pernah baca, secara purata, spending diorang (rakyat) lagi besar dari pendapatan... gila betul.
dasyat diorang ni..

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2009 05:40 PM | Show all posts
rakyat yg kuat berbelanja boleh merancakkan ekonomi negara. klu semua pakat simpan bawah bantal duit tu nanti tak rolling.  

mana lebih baik? duit 1000 yg beku bawah bantal atau duit 1000 yg boleh dirolling (bertukar tangan) sbyk 100 kali dlm sehari?

katakan dlm sehari berlaku 100 transaction yg menggunakan duit 1000 yg asalnya dari encik Hamid, semuanya menggunakan duit electronic/kredit kad.:

-Hamid pegi pasang tinted kereta & byr 1000
-Tokey kedai tinted guna duit 1000 tu utk beli inventori dari suplier
-Supplier guna duit 1000 tu utk beli buku2 anak2nya dikedai buku
-Tokey kedai buku guna duit 1000 tu pegi tukar 4 biji tayar keretanya
-Tokey kedai tayar guna duit 1000 tu utk bayar gaji pekerja
-Pekerja kedai tayar guna duit 1000 tu utk book tiket Air Asia online.
-Air Asia guna duit 1000 tu utk beli uniform staff
-begitulah seterusnya sampai cukup 100 kali digunakan dlm masa 24 hours.

seolah2 duit 1000 encik hamid tu sudah bernilai 100,000 dlm 24 jam.
within 24 hours, duit 1000 yg sama boleh digunakan utk bayar tinted kereta, byr inventory kedai i, bayar buku2, bayar 4 biji tayar kereta, bayar gaji pekerja kedai tayar, bayar booking tiket Air Asia dan seterusnya....

imagine klu duit 1000 tu sekadar beku bawah bantal. so nilainya tak bertambah sebab tak berpusing/tak dirolling.

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Post time 6-4-2009 11:49 PM | Show all posts

Strive with your wealth

"Believers are merely those whose hearts feel wary whenever God is mentioned and whose faith increases when His verses are recited to them. On their Lord do they rely. Those who keep up prayer and spend some of what We have provided them with are truly believers" (Quran 8:2-4).

Asmah related that the Prophet said: Spend, and do not count, lest Allah counts against you. Do not withhold your money, lest Allah withholds from you. Spend what you can. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Abu Huraira related that the Prophet said: The Lord's commandment for every one of His slaves is, 慡pend on others, and I will spend on you'. (Bukhari, Muslim)

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Post time 6-4-2009 11:50 PM | Show all posts
Islam memang suruh spend pun

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Post time 7-4-2009 01:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 hafizuka's post

islam suruh berbelanja..jangan kedekut..tapi melarang melampau dan berlebih-lebihan dan bermewah-mewah...nak pilih berada dalam kesederhanaan tu yang payah..

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Post time 8-4-2009 03:32 PM | Show all posts
really interesting article...

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Post time 12-4-2009 03:31 PM | Show all posts
best article ni

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Post time 23-6-2009 10:28 PM | Show all posts
kita simpan wang pun blh sambil invest utk mengandakan wang kita drpd makan interest d bank. betulkan, kawan2?

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Post time 26-6-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts
gue rasa.....kene balance simpan n spend...

dalam kegawatan ekonomi, gov suruh berbelanja. tapi sepatutnya org ramai buat saving terlebih dahulu before spending.

seperti mimpi nabi yusuf pasal kemarau beberapa taun, makmur beberapa taun...mesti ada saving n spending.

zaman gawat nie lah org berduit buat lagi byk duit. die bleh beli rumah lelong murah2, bleh beli apa2 jer dgn harga agak murah dari harga pada keadaan ekonomi biasa.

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Post time 27-6-2009 01:19 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku,ambil tgh2berbelanja secara berhemah.tidak terlalu membazir dan tidak terlalu kedekut

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Post time 30-6-2009 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Simpanan duit/emas/wealth/etc suma kena zakat wajib. Zakat ni kira macam belanja utk akhirat. So sapa yang tak berzakat memang dapat dosa atas sebab menyimpan kekayaan. Menyimpan sekadar nak dapat title jutawan sampai makan suma dicatu, belanja punyer ler kedekut apa ke heiiii

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Post time 29-12-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts i have more reason to go shopping...

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Post time 10-1-2010 07:59 PM | Show all posts
16# baby_pingu

xde reasonnye..huhu..US bleh la pasal depa buleh print currency...duit abis..print...mmg btul Amerika spender while other country peminjam kepada America..why?sbb depa nak kurangkan nilai duit negara masin2..cthnya China..sbgai negara pengeksport..nilai duit dia sepatutnya lebih tgi dr why stiill low..ahhh...

nk spend spend towards investment..bkn handbag coach ek...huhu

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Post time 11-1-2010 12:45 PM | Show all posts
17# koken_7

kena ada saving dulu baru boleh spend ngan senang hati....

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Post time 11-1-2010 10:38 PM | Show all posts
18# Blackberry1

Nak spend puas hati pi US...mmg sempoi....sapa nk tips2 aku bleh bgtau..huhu...

aku pernah keje sat kt US:
Gaji: USD7000 -- Normal Fresh Engineer Salary

Minyak Murah, Keta Murah, Shopping Murah (compare to salary la ek)

Sblm blk MSia, spend USD2000 utk baju2 Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Handbag Coach, DKNY . kasut Lacoste, Timberland etc....Nilai aku check kt MSIA almost

Kt Msia..gaji Engineer RM5000 (bj T Ralph Lauren kt KLCC RM400, kt US kuasa membeli kita very't spend too much...

Why gov suh spend...utk currency (org paham sbg duit) bergerak...kalau x bergerak..ekonomi slow...mcm arus elektrik (current)...klu berjalan, br lampu bernyala..klu x jln...bergelap la...

So, utk kesenangan masa depan...spend for investment 1st..huhu...

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