I think love is obsession...thinking of that person almost every second, your mouth constantly uttering that person's name, whatever you do, is just to please that person...:flower: |
Reply #21 eastrun's post
it could be u know , most people got married due to this feeling, some even go head over heels about it... |
Balas #22 mbhcsf\ catat
if luv = obsession, wonder why this obsession always turns into sumthing nasty once ppl tied the sacred knot? just an individual POV, i found humanely true luv when i have my sons.. (psst, if so happen my hubby is browsing this benang, u know u meant the world 2 me.. hehehe)
with my sons.. there's no me.. it's just them.. (pagi2 dah rindu kat they all plaks..) |
Reply #23 mom2003's post
I dont know...when you love someone, you will do everything just to be with the person you love...you feel so empty when that person not around and in your mind is just that person...Yes, obsession can turn into something nasty. Because when you want to be with that person, you will do everything you could, and that may hurt others... |
Reply #24 eastrun's post
wow you are being Shakepearean today? wow..hujan ker ? |
Originally posted by eastrun at 16-4-2009 09:22
I dont know...when you love someone, you will do everything just to be with the person you love...you feel so empty when that person not around and in your mind is just that person...Yes, obsessi ...
Let me guess....................eastrun
That 'person' must be ALLAH. |
لايوءمن احدكم حتى يحب لاخيه كما يحب لنفسه
mungkin begini.....
Reply #26 niceghost2005's post
Not really..it is to whom you set as a target for your love.
[ Last edited by eastrun at 17-4-2009 18:56 ] |
Islam itu sundiri luas pengertiannya. Begitulah perihal cinta di dalam Islam. Setiap Moslem dalam hidupnya diajar untuk menunjukkan kecintaannya pada setiap perkara, sama ada sesama manusia, haiwan, alam dan tentu sekali kepada Tuhan yang Esa.. Punca segala cinta. Hablumninannas dan HabluminaAllah.. Cinta sesama saudara seugama maka kena jaga silaturahim, amik berat, tolong menolong... Cinta kepada Rasulullah, maka panjatkan doa dan selawat kepada baginda.. Cinta kepada Allah maka ingatiNya selalu dalam semua perkara, lihat dan rasa kebesaranNya berdasarkan keajaiban kejadian alam dan kasih sayangNya pada makhlukNya...Cinta kat seseorang tak salah kerena ia juge perasaan yang dicipta olihNya untuk dirasa oleh hambanya/makhluknya.. Cuma jangan sampai melampaui batas lah.. |
Originally posted by eastrun at 17-4-2009 18:51
Not really..it is to whom you set as a target for your love.
For me.....
1st n foremost is Allah n Rasul
2nd FAMA
3rd wifey n children
4th muslimin muslimat
5th seluruh manusia
6th haiwan
7th alam semesta
Balas #31 niceghost2005\ catat
ingat yang third tu... Iswan, Istu, Istri, Isfor |
Originally posted by ibnur at 18-4-2009 12:21
ingat yang third tu... Iswan, Istu, Istri, Isfor
Ekekekkekekekeke......betul betul, ibnur
Teman buat kesilapan. |
Originally posted by niceghost2005 at 18-4-2009 09:18
For me.....
1st n foremost is Allah n Rasul
2nd FAMA
3rd wifey n children
4th muslimin muslimat
5th seluruh manusia
6th haiwan
7th alam semesta
Nak tambah satu lagi boleh... diri sendiri? |
erm..... cinta tue adalah anugerah Allah pada hambaNya...
tp aku nk tau la
pe hukumnya tok org yg menolak cinta sama sekali.... die mmg xcayekan cinta..... |
Reply #35 ahpai_22's post
x cayekan cinte ape??
cinte tu byk jenis.. |
Ada yang tgh tangkap khalwat, siap bagitau, kami bercinta kerana Allah SWT. perrrrrgghhh.. |
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