Originally posted by boe at 12-6-2009 10:52
kak hazel..mane nak dapat info pasal seme tu?bole suggest buku tak?for reference..
1. buku - retail for dummy ada kot? - pernah jumpa 1 buku write up in BM - dekat MPH
2. google jer
3 pernah buat SOP (standard operation procedure) masa buat retail dulu - dlm tu sumer ada - tapi nak mencari dlm bilik stor - jenuh - soft copy? pun kena cari dlm CD byk2 tu... dullu tak der pen drive - so burn dlm cd jer..tapi among the things yg perlu diambil kira:-
a. calculation PLC (product life cycle) - 1 product should be in your shop for how long, and for how many quantity to maximising the value of per square feet yg dibayar sewa
b. price analysist - merangkumi berapa harga yg patut u letak, dari off factory, lending price, tax, add in % utk promotion, % utk PLC, % utk ROI - ect ect ect - but this is only good kalau u yg decide the end user price, kalau factory yg decide dan siap tertera dlm packaging tu ada susah sikit
c. traffic analysis - walk in vs beli - this is good kalau u nak tau berbaloi atau tidak sewa kat situ, bole bwk jumpa shopping mgmt kalau nak nego rental price.
d. consignment item - terms of payment, quantity ect
e. customer service, duty roster, waktu loading barang... fuhh 1 tahun nak siapkan buku tu..walaupun yg frust nya bila bos cuba take the credit...
3. tapi tu sumer secara ilmiah jer - still the best teacher adalah - EXPERIENCE
tapi kalau nak calculation senang - kira fix cost, (sewa, gaji, utilities ect), plus other cost, dapatkan profit, dan set target kedai tu should jual berapa dlm masa seminnggu, sebulan ect...dari situ u bole tau margin untung u, dan kalau u nak mark up - up to you... |
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alamak banyak benda aku silap ni terutama dlm bg discount |
ada tak software ka..
excel ka yg blh
prgram yg blh dguna utk kra margin ni
bpeluh aku ni.. |
Balas #23 terubok\ catat
saya ada cth dlm excel kalau awak nak.. pm email kat saya...
tapi cuma risau awak keliru nanti... sebab benda tu berpage page dan link dari satu page ke page lain.. hanya masukkan data di page pertama sahaja |
untuk basic retail bisnes, u cuma perlu buat simple income statement jer... cth ..
1. start with berapa net profit u nak sebulan - katakanlah 10k
2. than kira ur fix cost (sewa, payrol, admin, utilities, transport sumer tu) - katakan 120k
3. (1+2) dah 130k, than berapa % gross profit u dari supplier kpd end user - cth 5% - so maknanya u kena buat sales 260k per month -
4. berapa byk buyer yg diperlukan utk spend 260k di kedai u? katakanlah 100pax - that is only 3% from total walk in traffic that u need
5. so u need at least 3333 traffic montly to come to ur shop
6. and 260k tu is only 20% worth of item yg u kena simpan dlm kedai at all time - maknanya sebulan u kena ada 650k, (ni ada lagi trick in - actually itu hanya sales value, than u need to know long u should simpan all the product- agak2 nak expiry product tu - let go jer la as promotion item...
6. from that baru lah u tau samada bisnes u tu worth tak nak rent, cukup atau tidak promotion atau apa2 analisa nak buat ker... |
Reply #25 hazel23's post
wah..tinggi betul ilmu kak hazel nie..dulu keje wat retail ker?nape tak sambung?any problem?leh share wat pedoman kiteorg.. |
Originally posted by boe at 17-6-2009 15:41
wah..tinggi betul ilmu kak hazel nie..dulu keje wat retail ker?nape tak sambung?any problem?leh share wat pedoman kiteorg..
isk, sikit2 jer, belajar dari orang juga (tapi paling banyak belajar dgn bos mat saleh-dorang ni memang ilmu punyalah dasat)..
our of topic, sajer nak jawab pertanyaan ...
dipendekkan citer, pegang jer basic marketing yg phillip kotler ajar masa kat itm dulu, selebihnya experience, short courses ect, ect, ect.
retail dulu akak kerja dgn org jer dik.... berhenti sebab NAK BUAT BISNES YG ADA SEKARANG. kerja dgn orang... buat sales $$$$ pun duit orang....
- ok lah, jaga 40 kedai through out malaysia, masa tu belajar2 lah dari budak kedai jugak, nak manage 40 x 5 staff, 40 x 1 dealer, tapi alhamdulllilah, bila ada masa terluang, pergi jugak short course 2-3 hari pasal retail, sales, kat situ jer... setakat nak share, untuk berjaya dlm sales in retail - pegang 3 benda ni
1.AIDA sales concept
2. jgn sibuk2 jga customer - sebab customer akan pergi juga
3. tapi pegang lah staf (jaga kebajikan ect) - kerna bila kita pegang staf (staf motivate), staf akan pegang customer, dan bila staf pegang customer(customer happy), customer yg akan pegang sales kita.
k, gtg. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi