Senaraikan filem-filem luar negara yang ada selit pasal MALAYSIA
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Wetherby 1985 - ada sebut Malaya, bf heroin nak jd pilot gi Malaya...
Ballet Shoes 2007 - salah sorg tenant bilik ckp baru balik dari Kuala Lumpur
Filem Hong Kong tahun 1970an banyak shooting di Malaysia |
yang terbaru rasanya ada nak kena check dulu... |
Filem haramjadah anak Kak Mah buat tu masuk list tak ?
sbb org google Riza ,keluar peta Malaysia ..........................
This is somehow relevant to the thread kan... 
Be aware how movies filmed in Malaysia portray us to the world
Thursday, 1 Jun 2017
I AM writing in response to “Can Malaysians give their input for Kabali 2?” by V. Thomas (The Star, May 30).
While I am not going to suggest a story or music genre for it, I feel very strongly about the way Malaysia is depicted, not only in Kabali but in other Tamil films as well.
In a film about a decade ago starring Sarath Kumar, Polis Diraja Malaysia was depicted as purely incompetent with them just standing around the scene like overweight statues.
I would assume that the reason the Malaysian Government allows filmmakers to shoot their films there is to by and large promote the country vis-a-vis tourism. Now, no tourist would want to visit a country where the police are depicted as hopeless, would they?
I have even read comments on Facebook by Malaysians and Indians about how badly Malaysia treats its Tamil people. Haven’t we got Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan, Datuk Param Cumaraswamy, S Vanajah and the like?
Kabali was, in my opinion, an unfair representation of the Tamils in Malaysia.
I have no doubt that there are Tamil gangsters but the irony is, to be a gangster itself requires opportunity.
Compared to Palestinians, Rohingya and the like, Tamil Malaysians are in a far more advantaged position. Why undermine the success stories of many Indian Malaysians, then sell it to the rest of the world in the form of cinema?
Films like Kabali only reinforce the victim-playing attitude which very sadly is rampant amongst Tamil Malaysians. The only good thing about the film was my favourite Rajnikanth, but that still did not soothe my irritation at the misrepresentation.
Whatever the suggestions other Malaysians want to give for Kabali 2 is honestly none of my concern, but I would like to draw the attention of Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to get himself more involved in the content of future Tamil films that are shot in Malaysia, to ensure that the dignity Malaysia still has in the international platform is not ripped out.
Apart from Kabali....banyak lagi pilem2 Hindi and Tamil yang shoot kat mesia...mcm pilem tamil yg aku pasan wpun x shoot movie kat sini tapi lagu dia tetiba ada kat mesia...hehehe... slalunya mesti ada dataran merdeka tu....tugu negara pun penah ada... yang aku ingat pilem2 hindi/tamil nih:
Don 2
Fanaa (hat ni aku ingat sgt sbb Aamir Khan jadi terrorist, pehtu siap transit kat KLIA nak ke mana tah... mcm ye ye je mesia nih port transit pengganas )
filem2 tamil mmg banyak weh... aku tatau nama.... |
Ni mmg xkan ditayangkan ker?
Edited by syadail at 25-10-2017 05:37 PM
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