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Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ isn't God
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Malas je nak tgk..
Abang saya nak abang buat thread satu lagi cam ni kat religious board.. |
Reply #1 obelisk's post
terima kasih for sharing .. |
Reply #2 indah_iman's post
ada seorang pensyarah dari UIA dia blh argue tentang bible dan isi kandungan bible..masa dgr ceramah tu saya tulislah ayat2 dlm bible yg blh digunakan utk menangkis bible itu sendiri..beliau pernah berdebat dgn paderi dari terengganu...akhirnya paderi tu mengalah dan beri alasan..i am too tired to cont..bagus dgn ceramahnya...dlm hidupnya sering berdakwah dan sering juga diduga...ada aja orang cuba tarik dia masuk christian..tapi sebenarnya dugaan itu lah peluang baginya utk berhujah dgn si polan yg cuba menarik beliau ke agama kristian tu..
bukan takat orang melayu murtad yg pernah cuba tarik dia..pernah dlm lrt last trip tengah mlm tu pun ada one guy kalau ikut kulit macam negro tu tapi dia cuba nak tarik penceramah ni dgn bagi salam dulu..bila pensyarah ni start berhujah dgn dia..lastly dia pun tarik diri kata...actually i dont know much about christian..tapi awal2 tadi beria berhujah...
soalan yg dilontarkan oleh pensyarah ni senang aja...
do u really beleive god has a son? |
Reply #5 sunsuria's post
Son is not really a son... you cannot compare it with 'A husband had sex with a wife and then later produce a son' situation. Jesus Christ is the Father and the Holy Ghost... The Father is Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost.. The Holy Ghost is the Father and Jesus Christ... They are from one source but represented in three different forms in three different situations... Jesus Christ was given birth by Mary when The Father sent the Holy Ghost to fill a part of Him (Jesus Christ) in the womb of Mary.
This is how God transformed PART of Him into a human. Here, as you can see... God was the writer of the story... God also was the actor to make the story happened. The reason why Jesus was called as son of God because he came from God... the Father... and was given birth by Mary..
That was why, apart of calling Jesus as Son of God... the Jews also called Him Son of Man.
[ Last edited by mawarputeh at 19-6-2009 13:26 ] |
Balas #6 mawarputeh\ catat
we seriously don't wanna continue the discussion here..
suffice to say that the explanations in wikipedia regarding "trinity" doesn't actually go side by side with your explanations of "Jesus = The Father" thing...
let's continue the discussion in RSF, shall we? |
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