55# makcikmengamok
Cari ni lembab macam kura-kura. Sambil I baca posts kat sini, I buat kerja kat window lain.
Anyway, back to your problem / question.
Have you done an allergy test? Kalau kat hospital gomen about RM100++ kot. That tests will determine what you are allergic to. Garlic works for you because it has anti-histamine properties.
Okay, I submit ni dulu. Nanti I sambung balik. |
About going to the doctor.
What is the reason you want to see a doctor? That you are feeling better? You don't need a doctor to tell you that you are healing / have healed.
Accept that you are on the right track and continue with whatever it is that you are doing to make yourself better.
Anaemic does affect the heart beat - according to my doctor. For these, take iron tablets. I take sangobion. Tak yah makan everyday. But make sure you take it during menses - or else you will feel faint and lethargic.
I suspect you have a case of inflammation. There's tons of info on this - the dos and don'ts. Primarily avoid animal food (meat, dairy etc). These things causes inflammation to flare up. Sakit! So, as you probably know already - up your intake of fruits and vegetables. Herbs are good as well.
Also, don't stress yourself. Remember this - 'He that angers you, conquers you.' Let the petty comments here slide off your back. They are not worth your time. Focus your energy on yourself & getting better. These people have not been tested by God yet. Let them be.
Hope you will continue to feel better. InsyAllah. |
About going to the doctor.
What is the reason you want to see a doctor? That you are feeling better? You don't need a doctor to tell you that you are healing / have healed.
Accept that you a ...
AnitaSabrina Post at 9-7-2009 17:30
betul2...dier affect heart kita...anemic..
but aku rasa..punca anemic aku...from my heart itself...
dier susah nak pump darah....sampai aku kebas2...darah tak sampai...
i get really tired...even if i take iron tablets...berkilo2 makan mende tu pun..maseh gak dier beat lemah...
so aku amik garlic and GSE...skrang ni...
aku nak buat test...further test on my heart..
i know there something wrong with my heart..
klu pakai steteskop tak pat find something with my heart...
aku harap2 tak kene doktor pemalas tak bertauliah lagi....yg tak nak check further in detail...
cos it's been years...aku salu phobia2 jumpa doktor...
it's draining me
minggu depan sister aku dtg..nak beranak..
aku really2 stress out..cos..aku takut..aku unable to take care of her child nanti... |
aku takut nanti aku pi kat doktor...
i couldn't control myself emotionally..
contoh doktor palui ni nanti cakap...ni stress jerk...perasaan jerk la apa..
then dier put it aside..
i'm really2 tired
aku lawan2..cakap ni dah lama..takkan tak nak check further lagi..
they just get angry..and then halau..
i'm tireddd
i don't want to suffer anymore...becos sakit ni.
dah claim aku nyer job..life...i'm tired...
lemah bahhh...exhausting..kene doktor si al...
just for once...i just want them to examine me seriously...and further..
org lain suffering becos of them...i'm really...tired...
kene maki2 org kat rumah...
i wanna have a life...cam org lain gak...
i'm suppose to be at my peak..
si al benar doktor... |
doktor...si al babi benar |
i'm tiredddd....
si al doktor...mentang2 berpelajaran tinggi...
sampai org pun dier buley tolak2 halau2 cam tu jerk..
sorry...aku demam sikit past 2 day...tu lah aku demam and emo sikit.. |
aku cuma nak kene diagnose...jerk..klu dorg tak nak rawat..
supaya torture kat rumah dikurangkan... |
Anxiety attack? Since your sister is coming back to deliver her baby? Are you expected to take care of this baby too?
Why not try to get a job elsewhere away from your family? So you don't have to face their wrath.
Perhaps in Semenanjung - ada more hospitals. Boleh shop around for medical opinion. |
As for your heart - request for ECG test. |
Post Last Edit by makcikmengamok at 10-7-2009 06:29
Anxiety attack? Since your sister is coming back to deliver her baby? Are you expected to take care of this baby too?
Why not try to get a job elsewhere away from your family? So you don't have ...
AnitaSabrina Post at 9-7-2009 20:31
i'm not sure...if it's anxiety attack or not..
hari tu...aku check BP aku...quite high...
bila aku stress contoh tadih...aku baru posting cerita pasal kakak aku nak dtg...
aku nyer heart cam...as if kene genggam buatkan aku sesak nak nafas..
or klu aku makan lamb ka....telor ka....apa2 yg berlemak..
aku start la...pegang dada2 aku...sebab rasa senak..
aku tau aku nyer heart ada problem...sebab aku ader far too long...pro long circulation problem..
klu aku makan cukup darah pun...makan iron bagai...
klu takda supplement yg buatkan heart aku pump kuat...memang tak guna gak aku makan supplement iron..
yes....sister aku dtg balik sini nak deliver baby..
and yes...i'm expected to care for this baby too..
klu aku ader kerja....or skrang ni...aku nak attend kursus...
klu contoh aku ada free time...maybe sambong buat kerja...sebab aku ni lembab..constantly tired..
aku undiagnose lagi tu...tu lah senang2 jah boss buang aku kerja cakap aku malas la apa...
and then becos of that aku sampai paksa bawa pi rumah kadang2 kerja2 tu...
dorg akan paksakan aku jaga baby tu regardless...aku letih ker tak...
i'm not sure i can survive on my own kat semenanjong..
klu aku ader proper diagnosis...and proper medicine..
aku rasa ni dah mesti ke tahap surgery...bukan telan ubat lagi... |
makcik...kau x cek spital lagi eh... |
makcik...kau x cek spital lagi eh...
mizsela Post at 9-7-2009 21:09
belom...i'm scared...sebab aku nyer heart can't take it anymore..
sebab kat hospital aku...hospital govn paling terok...
klu aku stress jerk...kuat sangat...aku susah nak nafas...
nanti aku pi check2 doktor...dorg cakap perasaan jerk...
pemalas doktor kat situ...ko request ECG ka apa pun..
dorg tak nak bagi...dihalau terus
aku nak try dulu...klu apa yg aku saspek ni betul ker tak..
sebab aku dah byk2 doktor jumpa..
in my experience kbykkan malas..especially doktor kerajaan... |
kesiannya aku baca citer ko ni makcik. mmg palui la doktor2 kalau itu yg derang buat kat ko. Badan kita, kita yang rasa kan!! Aku besa gak gi klinik gomen, dpt dr. hampeh!!menci... |
Ini adalah gambar makhluk yang tidak ada agama pada tutur katanya. Makhluk ini seperti yang kita ketahui, punya banyak penyakit seperti mana rupanya. |
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