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Will U afraid of Dexter ?
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If U find out that ur husband is a serial killer but he's really good to those good people like Dexter will U afraid of him and call the police ?
what's the difference between Dexter DVD and Dexter DVD set |
Dexter citer yg menarik nk beli ke?sy ada sampai season 3 |
2# mohdazmanz
ye ke..season 3 ada complete tak? quality bagus tak... |
1# aots4561
takde beza kot...maybe typo jek...
kalau husband ai si Dexter... hmm..kalau tak tahu aktiviti dia, tak kenal Dexter the Monster...tak takut.. sbb dia caring and loving..
tp kalau dah tahu and kenal Dexter the Monster, walaupun dia tu baik macam mana pun..mmg sahih ai akan angkut anak-anak, kain baju, almari meja semua larik balik rumah mak pak... takut seh..sbb orang cam Dexter ni emotional/psychology tak stabil..kang dia naik syeh habih dikerat-kerat plak ai anak beranak  |
yelah dia ni sakit jiwa sebenarnyer |
siri nie break tak sambung tahun depan ker....?
midseason kekdahnya...! |
bila kat tv nk tayang balik nie..huhu |
boleh tgk season5 kat
harrison, anak dexter 1st word is die die....
like father like son |
Dexter?? I suka uuuuu... |
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