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surat paling MAHAL di doniya nan fana'!!

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Post time 6-12-2009 10:34 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Surat paling mahal RM10.8j

TANDA tangan Washington masih kelihatan pada halaman
surat ini yang dibeli pada acara lelongan di New York kelmarin.

SEPUCUK surat yang ditulis sendiri oleh presiden pertama Amerika Syarikat (AS), George Washington dilelong pada harga AS$.32 juta (RM10.8 juta), sekali gus mencipta rekod dunia baru.

Acara berlangsung di Christie kelmarin memecah rekod surat paling mahal sebelum ini yang juga ditulis oleh Washington, dan dilelong pada 2002 lalu dengan harga AS$834,000 (RM2.8 juta).

Surat itu ditulis Washington pada 1787 kepada seorang sepupunya yang meminta pengesahan berhubung draf perlembagaan baru bagi pengisytiharan kemerdekaan AS.

Namun agensi lelongan Christie tidak mendedahkan identiti pembida yang berjaya memperoleh warkah bersejarah itu. - AP

surat chenta yg edora tulis kat aku few years back tu  aku nak simpan gak ler... mana tau bley jadi surat TERmahal gak nanti dalam 2-3 ratus tahun akan datang hah!!!

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Post time 6-12-2009 10:44 AM | Show all posts
surat chenta yg edora tulis kat aku few years back tu  aku nak simpan gak ler... mana tau bley jadi surat TERmahal gak nanti dalam 2-3 ratus tahun akan datang hah!!!

kalau lar,,

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Post time 6-12-2009 12:16 PM | Show all posts
2# Ulea

ade lagi ker org tulis surat cinta dizaman IT & SMS ni

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Post time 6-12-2009 05:19 PM | Show all posts
selalunya surat yg famous mesti dari orng yang famous...kalo x, smpai kiamt pun x akan mahal2...

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Post time 6-12-2009 06:00 PM | Show all posts
siapa cakap takde lagi orang tulis surat cinta walaupon di zaman IT dan SMS?????

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Post time 7-12-2009 04:41 PM | Show all posts
1# amazed

kalo nak mahal... u should be somebody now.. so that 2-3 ratus tahun akan dtg, surat u leh laku berjota2 RM.... heheehehehhe...

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2009 05:29 PM | Show all posts
1# amazed

kalo nak mahal... u should be somebody now.. so that 2-3 ratus tahun akan dtg, surat u leh laku berjota2 RM.... heheehehehhe...
anne83 Post at 7-12-2009 16:41

lorrr anne.... mmg ler aku somebody sekarang nih.... saper agaknyer ekkk??  hanya Allah yg maha mengetahui!!

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Post time 8-12-2009 03:00 PM | Show all posts
7# amazed

ya kah... so aku kene tunggu sampai 2-3 rts thn la br leh tau u sape ek? huhuhu.... hagak2nye aku ade lg ker kat donia masa tuh?

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Post time 9-12-2009 10:54 AM | Show all posts
korg ni mcm2 la.....hehehehehe

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2009 01:39 PM | Show all posts
8# anne83

ya lorrr nampaknyer  anne kena bersabar ler  ekkk......

eniway... aku masih lagik suka tulis snail mail..... dulu ngan edora  kitorang pakai snail mail..... kira cam old fashion kekdahnyer   hah!!...

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Post time 11-12-2009 02:21 PM | Show all posts
8# anne83  

ya lorrr nampaknyer  anne kena bersabar ler  ekkk......

eniway... aku masih lagik suka tulis snail mail..... dulu ngan edora  kitorang pakai snail mail..... kira cam old fashion ...
amazed Post at 9-12-2009 13:39

lagi puas ati kan?boleh baca berkali2...kat mana pun..kehehehe..letak bawah bantal lagi ye...

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Post time 11-12-2009 02:24 PM | Show all posts
aku pun ade dulu2.. skang masih simpan.... elok lg.... sefail lg.. kembung sampai tak muek... tp sume surat2 kakak sayang aku.... maklumle... sekolah sume perempuan........ sorat2 pakwe, sume aku campak dlm tong sampah ajew.... hahahahahha...

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Post time 13-12-2009 02:33 AM | Show all posts
pergh!!! gempaknya la.. surat nih mahal giler..
kalo org menilai itu sesuatu yg berharga.. kompomla berharga..
cuba bg surat tuh kat anak buah aku.. abis dorg carik2 koyak2 main memasak sbb bebudak tuh x nilai surat tuh berharga..

so, sesamalah tau..apsal benda tuh berharga..

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Post time 14-12-2009 11:47 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-12-2009 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Dipetik dari Hollow Insider

As a research/writer I am sometimes amazed at the deceit, misinformation and plain ‘ol lies that are taught to us as being the truth in regards to history.

“George Washington was the first President of the United States.” A statement that is believed by anyone in the world who has studied American History. From the smallest first grader to those who have graduated from the most expensive and prestigious Ivy League Collages, we all know for a fact that George Washington was the first President of the United States. Unfortunately, this is not the truth. Actually, John Hanson was the first President of the United States.* I find it ironic that the man we are taught “could not tell a lie” is himself the subject of one of the many lies that make up what we believe to be the history of our country.

John Hanson was born on April 14, 1721 on the family plantation near Mulberry Grove, Md. As a young man, like most of America’s wealthy landowners’ offspring, he was sent off to England to get a gentleman’s education. Upon returning from England he ran the family business… the 1000-acre plantation. In 1757 he was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, an office he held undefeated for 24 years. In 1781 he was elected to the Continental Congress. And in that same year he became the first President of the United States. As stated in The People’s Almanac:

In 1781, while Washington was still fighting the last battles of the Revolution, the 13 Colonies joined together in a loose union under the Articles of Confederation. After the British surrender in Yorkstown, this new confederation needed a leader…. In November 1781, the Continental Congress elected John Hanson “President of The United States in Congress Assembled”. (p261)

George Washington was elected President on February 4th, 1789… eight years, and several presidents later. The Continental Congress was the United States’ first government. And John Hanson was our first President. In an ironic twist there is a letter from General George Washington to newly elected president John Hanson him congratulating on his “appointment to fill the most important Seat in the United States”. *

Of course the die-hard skeptic will think “That’s because Hanson was elected by Congress… but, Washington was the first to be elected by the people”. This is a non-reason and only opens up another can of worms.

There are several instances of Vice Presidents taking over for President’s, but the case that comes to mind is that of Gerald Ford. He wasn’t elected by anyone. Not as President nor Vice President. He was appointed by Richard Nixon to replace Vice President Spiro Agnew. It’s also interesting to note that after advancing to the presidency following Nixon’s resignation to stop impeachment against himself, Ford gave Nixon a full pardon blocking any criminal charges that might come along. If Hanson doesn’t deserve to head the short list of America’s presidents because he wasn’t elected by the people then it would mean Gerald Ford wasn’t the 38th President.

The fact of the matter is John Hanson, the real first president of the United States has been virtually ignored by historians and educators.


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