Survivor 20 : Heroes vs Villains [SANDRA IS THE SOLE SURVIVOR!!]
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br sedar mmg ape spoiler yg i baca time survivor br stat mmg sebijik2 betul
x sangka lak
ca ...
randa Post at 17-5-2010 17:02
normally all stars season mmg leaked 100%, but this time siap ada spoiler yg tak masuk dlm final edit yg keluar kat episode. |
parv is best player of all time
kreditdebit Post at 19-5-2010 18:13
For me sandra is the best player of all time, nobody can claim they won twice in 2 seasons she/he participated. However Parvati is second best player of all time. |
all time? season ni mmg dia best player
all season, jawapan dia boston rob. thank you
wordlife Post at 20-5-2010 02:25
Nope.....Boston Rob dah la tak penah menang.....paling tinggi pun no.2 jerk kannn...
Pencapaian dia tak memberansangkan.
Antara the best
Sandra : 2 times winner. Strategi dia byk lebih kepada adaptation. Ikut majority. Weak in challenge. So, mmg selalu dioverlook.
Parvati : The best ever for me. 1 time winner 1 time finalist 1 time Jury. Good in challenges, flirt and funny, smart, best strategic player, very loyal to the alliance.
Amanda : 2 times finalist. 1 time in Jury. Dia nie emotional sket....also good in challenges...cuma very week in communication skill especially in the final.
Russell : Strategy yg lebih pada scary tactic....but very stupid in reading the jury...lack social skill. (Dont like him at all)
Cirie : 2 times almost miss the final. No. 4th and No. 3rd. THis time, sebab ada target in her back, kena buang awal. |
Post Last Edit by Changa at 20-5-2010 11:55
Nope.....Boston Rob dah la tak penah menang.....paling tinggi pun no.2 jerk kannn...
Penc ...
ColbyRaikkonen Post at 20-5-2010 11:27
cirie is a very good strategist.and yes sandra senang adapt according to situation dan dia pandai baca sikap org. |
cirie is a very good strategist.and yes sandra senang adapt according to situation dan dia panda ...
Changa Post at 20-5-2010 11:53
setuju sngt2x.. ouhohohohoho~ |
dah tahu ker saper yg menang ker?
si parvati kena vote out ker?
dan yg gie final si sandra dgn russel ker..?
dan yg menag ader lah si sandra,....!!! |
dah tahu ker saper yg menang ker?
si parvati kena vote out ker?
dan yg gie fina ...
logy Post at 20-5-2010 16:51
final 3...parv, sandra n russel
sandra mng |
amber nmpk lain...heheh...
russel x dpt vote langsung... |
tue kater..... kesian russel...... |
bila plak akn kuar yg bru? |
korang tgk/download kat mane episode finale? aku dpt tgk sampai.. episode 14 je. yg pengumuman nye tak kuar2 lg. |
Aku kebetulan tgk SUrvivor Micronesia 3 minggu lepas di ntv7...tak sabar punyer pasal, terus d/laod...I'd say, PARVATI is really2x cool. I like her....like most of u guys said, i totally agreed with that, she's the best.
Pas habis tgk, terus aku d/load Survivor Heros Vs Villains. Wah..mula2x lagi dah jadi target Kak Parvati...mcm COLBY ckp, aku suka tgk mcm mana dia survive since the 1st day yg smeua kat Villains Tribe nak vote her out. Oklah dpt no 2 but i prefer her than Sandra.
And, aku pun setuju, peluang Parvati menang LEBIH cerah kalau Russel ambik JERRY utk final 3.
Time last tribal council, the moment SANDRA sebut mcm mana dia cuba dtg kat HEROES utk bagi tahu supaya singkirkan Russel, huhuhuhu, aku dah agak yg all the Heroes wud cast a vote for her. Btw, so far Parvati tempat ke-2 sbg survivor mng individual immunity. Colby yg masih pegnag rekod.
All in all, hail to PARVATI....
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