Alkakeru Post at 2-6-2010 11:11
Sebelum kamu menasihatikan orang, tolong pergi menasihatkan orang yg buka thread ini supaya berikan sumber dr mana dia dpt informasi mengenai lembu yg suci itu.
PS : Orang benci akan aku ke tak, bukan masalah ku. Aku tak datang ke sini utk cari jodoh. :re: |
Post Last Edit by Alkakeru at 2-6-2010 14:11
Sebelum kamu menasihatikan orang, tolong pergi menasihatkan orang yg buka thread ini supaya beri ...
Sephiroth Post at 2-6-2010 13:12
Orang yang buka thread ini just nak memantapkan lagi pengatahuan mereka kerana mereka hairan kenapa ramai pengganut hindu dan buddha tidak makan daging lembu dan juga banyak patung2 lembu dekat kuil.. itu sahaja, bukannya nak cari pasal.
Jadi, mereka tidak mahu memandang serong terhadap agama kamu, that is why mereka tanya apa yang mereka tidak tahu ok.. Sebagai orang yang baik, kamu harus jawab dengan baik.. Saya tahu kamu stress dengan warga2 group ini, tapi apa yang termampu hanya sabar shj ok..
Seph.. kamu nie suka buat2 tahu pasal ISLAM padahal apa yang kamu tahu tidak sampai 0.00001% pun dan tanggapan kamu hampir semua negatif tentang ISLAM (pardon my language). Jika kamu tidak tahu, tidak salah bertanya.. "Orang tidak akan marah"..Lagi suka nak jawab ada la.. Sebagai contoh, cuba lihat orang muslim disini banyak bertanya tentang agama hindu agar mereka tidak memberi pandangan yang salah tentang agama kamu.. Jika kamu jawab soalan dari org muslim dengan baik, maka kamu akan dihormati oleh warga2 disini.. Ingat, kalau kamu tak tahu apa2 tentang islam yang sebenar, jangan post apa2. Begitu juga muslim2 disini.. jika kamu tidak tahu isi2 agama hindu yang sebenar, jangan post apa2 kecuali pertanyaan sahaja. Bukan untuk bergaduh.. sape yang suka bergaduh kan? Kecuali cerita2 tamil yang pasti ada pergaduhan.. (itu hanya filem).
Ingat, kepada muslim2 disini, kita tidak boleh ejek agama orang lain.. Just boleh bertanya sahaja.. kalo nak mengejek, sila batalkan niat anda.. Tulislah dengan akal, jangan tulis dengan nafsu amarah. Pengganut2 agama hindu juga perlu hormati agama islam, menda ini sensitif. Bahaya jika pihak2 atasan baca thread2 yang menyentuh isu sensitif.
Ok itu sahaja. Maaf andai terkasar bahasa... :cf: |
salam sejahtera
ishhhhhhhhhh ada gaduh2 ke?
saya pun ada persoalan sama gak ni, nak tanya betul ke tidak?
ada kuil hindu kat kajang ni, orang kata dia buat dinding dengan tahi @ najis lembu. alasan dia sebab apa ya?
kerana lembu suci je , dan ada yg kata najis lembu ni bila kering dia kuat dan keras macam batu? ya ke?
kami hanya bertanya2 sesama sendiri , betul ke?
maaf , hanya nak tanya: betul ke guna najis lembu buat dinding / pagar kuil?
Reply 23# sitihawa
From my opinion, the urine of a cow is treat as a sacred water till it is being used in abishegham and ritual practise...about the building thing..i have never heard this before...sorry...Cow's urine is sacred and pure because it only eat grasses...thats the reason... |
Holy Cow Hinduism's Sacred Animal
It’s becoming a routine ritual on the crowded, colorful streets of Delhi, India: A small team of men surrounds a wandering cow, attempting to coax it on to a waiting truck for a trip to a suburban reserve. But the cow catchers need to be careful: To India’s millions of Hindus, the cow is a holy animal that cannot be harmed.
The tender treatment is just one example of our complicated relationship with cows — a historic partnership detailed by NATURE’s Holy Cow. From a source of meat and milk to a provider of labor and religious inspiration, cows often play a central role in modern life.
Few people, however, revere the cow like the world’s 900 million adherents of Hinduism. Since the faith first evolved near Asia’s Indus River more than 3,000 years ago, respect for animal life has been a central theme in Hindu life. While many scholars say early Hindus ate beef, most ultimately came to see the cow as a sacred animal to be esteemed, not eaten. “If someone were to ask me what the most important outward manifestation of Hinduism was, I would suggest that it was the idea of cow protection,” Mahatma Gandhi, India’s legendary nonviolent leader, once wrote.
Although Hindus follow no single set of rules, reverence for cows can be found throughout the religion’s major texts. Some trace the cow’s sacred status back to Lord Krishna, one of the faith’s most important figures. He is said to have appeared 5,000 years ago as a cowherd, and is often described as bala-gopala, “the child who protects the cows.” Another of Krishna’s holy names, Govinda, means “one who brings satisfaction to the cows.” Other scriptures identify the cow as the “mother” of all civilization, its milk nurturing the population.
Today, in heavily Hindu nations like India and Nepal, milk continues to hold a central place in religious rituals. And in honor of their exalted status, cows often roam free. Indeed, in some places, it is considered good luck to give one a snack, a bit of bread, or fruit before breakfast. On the other hand, a citizen can be sent to jail for killing or injuring a cow.
The divine bull, Nandhi, guards Hindu temples.
But as cities have grown more crowded, cow-friendly policies have posed problems. Delhi’s 13 million residents, for instance, share the streets with an estimated 40,000 cows — leading to some complaints. One is that the grazing cows spread trash as they rip open garbage bags in search of tasty morsels. Another is that they dangerously snarl traffic.
“What is the greatest traffic hazard in Delhi today? Cows,” Bibek Debroy, a columnist for India’s Financial Express, wrote in a pointed 2003 essay. “As our national animal, the tiger may be close to extinction. But the cow is very much around and many soon become our new national animal.”
To solve the problem, Debroy offered one tongue-in-cheek solution. “Let them have reflectors and, if not license plates, at least identity cards. Only genuine Delhi cows should be eligible for social security and other benefits.”
City officials, meanwhile, have adopted a different approach: the cow catchers. Under pressure to reduce cow populations, Delhi has hired nearly 100 of the urban cowboys, who are charged with catching and shipping cows outside the city limits, sometimes to special reserves where the animals are cared for.
But the work isn’t easy. And it can be downright dangerous. The cows often sport sharp horns, and life on the street has made them savvy and sometimes ornery. Some can recognize the sound of the transport trucks and perform a kind of bovine ballet to avoid the catchers. Still, city leaders say they won’t give up until the vast majority of the cows have been moved. Skeptics note that some of the animals return to their home turfs within days of being moved.
Meanwhile, some of India’s Hindu politicians are relying on cows to bolster their support. They have proposed new cow-protection ordinances, and vowed to ban butchers from Indian stores. Critics say such proposals go too far, and would violate India’s commitment to religious tolerance — and the nation’s constitution. But if cows could vote, they’d surely be in favor.
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/e ... sacred-animal/1811/ |
Source : http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/things/cow.htm
Indian society started from Agricultural society. Even with large empires in India, the Indians have strong agricultural background in their society and rely heavily on Mother Earth for their needs (instead of going industrial like Christians did in 1400s). So, from that context, the Cow have play deep role in the Indian society.
Since Ancient times, Cows (especially milk-giving cows) are honored because of their contribution. The cows provide milk (especially for children) which produce product like ghee (which used to light lamps in the temple, fuel for houses as well as for cooking), dung for fuel (and used in cremation) and their leather hide provide materials for various leather products. Bulls are often used as transports as well as agricultural tools in the field.
So, Cows are considered an important aspect of Indian society from Ancient times to nowadays. -Sephiroth |
We really don't pray to cows. We respect, and when we greatly respect out of love, we call it worship. Worshiping means paying particular attention, care and concern.
We worship cows, we worship people, we worship our mother because we simply respect them all. We sincerely love them. We don't want to hurt them.
India, being an agriculture society in its early days, found the cow useful not only for milk but also for plowing the land and for transportation. The cow was very important to the Aryans, so they gave more importance to cows than the other creatures. Like you are more important to your parents than other people so they serve you more. So to respect cow is just like we respect automobile today. We care for the cars because it is a necessity. So instead of word "care", we might use the word "prayer" or "worship."
Hence the cow is considered a manifestation of God. It represents all the helpless animals that cannot talk. By respecting them it means we should not take advantage or harm them, but be lovable to all creatures.
Worshiping does not mean that they have become God, but that God has manifested in them. To worship a cow means to worship all the helpless ones including the sick, poor, and old. The life of a worldly person will show that he is always worshiping where he finds himself as a benefactor; it is a selfish attitude. He will worship all that he has -- a house, a car, or money. To make more money some will want to study more; they will become doctors to make more money rather than to serve mankind.
There is nothing wrong in respecting or worshiping all creatures, including cows. We should really be worshiping the entire universe as the Gita teaches us. To worship means to respect, to love, and to dignify everything -- including ourselves. -Sephiroth |
SEMUA kehidupan yg bernyawa itu adalah MULIA dlm agama Hinduism. Tak ada yg lebih mulia atau kurang mulia (kecuali Dewa Dewi dan Tuhan).
Lembu lebih mulai dari manusia?
Kalau hendak menjawab soalan anda, sila fahamkan bahawa mengikut agama Hindu, ianya terbukti dari segi sains juga bahawa haiwan seperti Lembu hanya mempunyai 5 akal dan manusia 6 akal. Tetapi, manusi sanggup berbuat apa-apa untuk memenuhi kehendaknya seperti menipu duit orang, bunuh orang dan pada zaman sekarang makan daging manusia yang lain. (Mulia ke???) Tidak! Maka, dari segi ini, lembu jauh lebih mulia kerana ianya merupakan haiwan herbivor dimana tidak memakan daging mana-mana binatang ciptaan yang lain dan jauh lebih kenal erti kasih sayang kerana dapat menjaga anaknya sendiri, manakala manusia sanggup membunuh dan membuang anak kandungnya merata-rata tanpa segan silu dan tiada belas kasihan dan berlaku kejam! Terpulang pada anda mana satu anda nak jadikan mulia. Ini salah satu punca kenapa, kami mengaggap lembu itu suci dari segi agama Hindu sejak beribu-ribu tahun lagi. Lagi satu, lembu juga dijaga sebagai simbol keibuan dan persoalan yang saya dapat ialah, 'kalau kamu tidak memakan lembu, kenapa minum susu lembu'? Jawapannya ialah: Kalau anda minum susu ibu, adakah anda akan bunuh ibu anda dan makan daging ibu anda sendiri? Sanggup ke? Inilah jawapannya.
Penganut hindu tak makan daging lembut atau semua jenis daging binatang?
Apa bezanya antara daging "lembut" atau "keras"? Kedua2nya datang dr sumber haiwan di mana kamu kena bunuh sesuatu haiwan dan memakan daging tersebut.
Bukannya tak makan tetapi disarankan agak tidak makan daging. Di India, dikatakan banyak antara mereka yg hidup di situ mengamalkan kehidupan vegetarianism. Di Malaysia, memang ada masyarakat yg mengamalkan kehidupan vegetarianism. Saya sendiri kenal beberapa orang sedemikian.
Adakah makan daging binatang bukan satu tegahan dalam hindu, cuma tetapi tidak digalakkan... Saya dapati ada sahabat saya yg beragama hindu mengamalkan vegetarianism, tapi terdapat banyak lagi yang tidak mengamalkannya.
Bagi mereka2 yg mengamalkan cara hidup spiritual yg tinggi (spt golongan Brahmin, Sami Buddha dan sami2 lain yg mengabadikan diri kpd Tuhan), adalah satu tegahan (dosa) utk memakan daging haiwan. Bagi golongan biasa, ianya menjadi saranan supaya mereka tidak memakan daging haiwan. Dosa itu tetap ada.
apakah yang dimakusdkan sebagai lembu mempunyai 5 akal ? bagaimana boleh dikatakan lembu itu mempunyai akal ?
Sephiroth: Izinkan aku menjawab di pihak Khirmuru. Mungkin dia sibuk hal lain.
Dlm konteks Hinduism, "Akal" bermaksud "Consciousness" ataupun "Minda". Orang Hindu menganggap bahawa semua makluk di atas dunia ini menpunyai "akal" yg terbatas - limited consciousness.
Satu Akal - Hanya menpunyai kemampuan utk hidup - Single-cell organism
Dua Akal - Menpunyai keupayaan yg terbatas - biasanya utk pembiakan dan penjanaan tenaga - Mircobe / Bakteria / Virus
Tiga Akal - menpunyai semua ciri2 di atas, mampu mengenal 2 dimensi - kehidupan air (spt ikan dsbnya)
Empat Akal - menpunyai semua ciri2 di atas, mengenal 3 dimensi - kehidupan spt burung, reptile dsbnya.
Lima Akal - menpunyai semua ciri2 di atas dan satu adaptasi yg penting - emosi - haiwan spt makluk2 yg memakan tumbuhan, spt lembu, kerbau, unta, orang hutan) dan atheist.
Terima kasih kerana telah memberikan respon yang sangat informatif, dan enam akal pula, manusia yang mempunyai ksemua kriteria diatas dan mempunyai keupayaan untuk berfikir iaitu membezakan baik dan buruknya sesuatu tindakan kita.
Yeah - Betul. Enam Akal adalah makluk yg intelektual dan menpunyai keupayaan utk berspiritualisi.
Gautama Buddha pernah kata bahawa seseorang yg dilahirkan sbg manusia harus menganggap dirinya beruntung kerana susah utk menjadi manusia (berakal). Kerana manusia shj mampu mengubah diri mereka menjadi lebih tinggi darjat di dlm alam semesta ini. Dgn mengunakan akal, manusia mampu naik menjadi spt Dewa Dewi, ataupun dgn mengunakan nafsu, dia akan jatuh menjadi Syaitan. Arah kita bergantung kpd kita - agama boleh dijadikan panduan tetapi IANYA BUKAN SATU KEPASTIAN yg kita akan "evolve" ke hadepan atau jatuh ke belakang.
jika begitu mengapa manusia tidak di anggap lebih mulia dari lembu hanya kerana lembu mempunyai 5 akal manusia 6 akal malah menyatakan manusia lebih banyak melakukan kesilapan atau kejahatan maka ianya sekadar menjadi alasan lembu lebih mulia dari manusia ?
soalan : Apakah hanya lembu sahaja yang mempunyai 5 akal ? mengapa orang hindu tidak memilih binatang lain seperti kambing atau unta ?
soalan : jika manusia mempunyai 5 akal sama seperti lembu agar manusia lebih mulia atau sama taraf kemuliaan nya dengan lembu maka apa akan jadi denganduniai ini ? mampukah semua makhluk yang tidak ada akal ke enam mentadbir dunia ?
Perbezaan antara manusia dan lembu adalah BAGAIMANAKAH manusia mengunakan akalnya. Kalau manusia hanya tahu makan, minum, berak, tidur dan adakan hubungan seks utk kepuasan nafsunya, APA BEZANYA ANTARA DIA DAN HAIWAN?
Dlm Hinduism, setengah kaum yg mengelarkan dirinya manusia adalah lebih rendah martabat kalau dibandingkan dgn Lembu. Tak ada gunanya makluk2 sedemikian ini wujud di atas muka bumi kerana mereka adalah perosak dunia, parasite serta suatu penghinaan kpd umat manusia yg lain.
Jangan kau mengatakan diri kau itu mulia (dr seekor lembu) semata2 kerana kamu di lahirkan sbg manusia. HANYA bila kamu hidup dgn keadaan yg lebih mulia dr seekor haiwan (5 akal), baru lah kamu layak digelar manusia.
India tak ada unta, dan kambing tidak menolong manusia di sawah, menjadi haiwan tunggangan serta menberikan susu kpd kanak2 (dgn kuantiti yg banyak dr susu kambing). Dlm erti kata lain, kaum India memilih lembu kerana jasanya kpd masyarakat dan umat manusia.
Soalan anda, mampukah semua hidupan yang berakal 5 mentadbir dunia, sila fikirkan sendiri, kalau lembu yang anda korbankan itu bertanya (kenapa bunuh saya?, kenapa anda tak korban manusia yang lain? dan sebagainya) macam mana anda jawab lembu tersebut? Ia hanya tahu menangis demi meluahkan perasaanya manakala manusia dapat menyatakan perasaanya agar dapat difahami oleh orang lain dengan bertimbang rasa dari segi penggunaan bahasa yang sopan (manners) dan sebagainya. Bolehkah anda menyuruh lembu supaya menjadi ketua rumah dan bekerja untuk menyara keluarga? Bolehkah anda menyuruh lembu supaya berkahwin hanya 1 atau 4? Tidak mungkin kerana haiwan tidak tahu konsep pemikiran yang manusia ada...sebab manusi mempunyai akal fikiran yang keenam, mereka tidak ada...
Saya rasa lembu tak akan tanya kenapa kamu (manusia) korbankan dia dan bukan manusia lain. Kerana lembu pun boleh lihat banyak makluk seakan manusia, kononnya manusia dan berakal 6 sanggup korbankan diri sendiri dan orang lain semata2 kerana mimpi indah dia (mengenai syurga).
Saya rasa lembu akan menanyakan kamu - "kamu ini masih waras ke?"
kalau lembu suci kerana beri susu....macam mana pula dengan sayur sayuran yg memberi zat dan mcm2 galian utk manusia hidup?
ada kah ia suci? |
The cow and bull are the prime targets of the meat industry. However, cows and bulls are very important to human civilization. Until the recent invention of the tractor, the bull was used for helping to cultivate fields for producing food, and the cow has always supplied milk. A moderate supply of milk in our diet provides the proper nutrients for developing a good brain for understanding spiritual topics. Some sadhus in India do not eat, but take only milk. From milk one can make many other foods that are used in thousands of recipes that we all appreciate, such as cheese or curd, yogurt, kefir, butter, ghee, and so on. (However, this is not to approve of the cruel and questionable practices of the dairy industry as found in western countries.) This means that, according to the Vedas, the cow is one of our mothers and the bull is like a father for the benefit they have done for society. To do outright harm to such creatures is considered extremely serious.
I have heard Western people criticize India for not slaughtering its cows, and talk about how there would be no more starving children if they would just eat the cows. That is not the cure. I have traveled all over India and have seen hungry people there as well as in American cities, which is more able to hide such problems. Homeless and hungry people are found in every country. For another thing, cows are one of India’s greatest resources. They produce food, fuel and power. Bullocks do as much as two-thirds of the work on the average farm. They help plow the fields, hall produce, and turn the presses. For India to convert to machinery to do these tasks, especially in villages, would cost as much as 20 to 30 billion dollars. For a country like India, that is out of the question and a waste of time and money.
The cows also supply up to 800 tons of manure each year for fuel. Cow dung gives a slow even heat, good for cooking. Using coal for cooking would cost 1.5 billion dollars a year. And besides, believe it or not, cow dung kills bacteria and is antiseptic. And keeping cows is cheap since they eat things like wheat stubble, husks, and rice straw, which people cannot use.
So why raise cattle for meat consumption when it takes seven times more acreage for a pound of beef than a pound of milk? Only four to sixteen pounds of flesh food is produced for every hundred pounds of food eaten by cattle. Ten to twenty tons of nutritive vegetable food can be produced from the same amount of land that can produce only one ton of beef. In one year, you can get much more protein from a cow in the form of milk, cheese, etc., than in the several years it takes for a cow to mature enough to produce meat. To produce one pound of wheat takes 25 gallons of water, whereas one pound of beef requires 2500 gallons. And water is not always a plentiful resource in countries like India. Obviously, using agricultural resources for meat production is nothing but wasteful.
Furthermore, if we are so concerned about the starving people in the world and the environment we live in, then let us consider the fact that 60 million more people in the world could be fed if Americans reduced their meat consumption by only 10%. Plus, thousands of acres of rainforest are lost every day in various countries, and it is said that 50% of that is directly linked to raising cattle for meat production. And though 76% of Americans consider themselves concerned about the environment, only 2.8% are vegetarians (at the time of this writing). Many Americans may say they love animals, but they still eat them on a regular basis. Obviously, they need to raise their consciousness about this. In any case, there are many books on the market that present this type of environmental information much more thoroughly.
For those of you who would like to learn more about what a vegetarian diet can do for you and how to cook vegetarian meals easily, there are plenty of books available to help you get started. Or check here on my website for additional information and resources to get started. |
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