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Author: kiki009

Apakah soalan std utk pertandingan programming - C++

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2010 07:03 PM | Show all posts
aku pakai capital sbb tgh wat keje pakai capital la...huhuh

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Post time 11-8-2010 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by otai_g at 11-8-2010 21:46

nah ni cth soalan assignment c++ degree level.
bleh kot wat jd soalan pertandingan.

6. Given a series of x and y co-ordinates it is possible to plot a straight line through these points, the equations for which is the standard equation for a straight line :
y = mx +c
Given a number of pairs of x and y values, m can be calculated as :
m = nΣxi yi – (Σxi)( Σ yi) / nΣxi² - (Σ xi)²

and c can be calculated as :
c = Σ yi - mΣxi
         n       n
where n is the number of sets of x and y values, and xi and yi are individual pairs.
Write a program that,

a) Asks the user how many sets of x and y values are to be entered and then reads these sets of values from the keyboard . These values should be stored in an array of floats
A minimum of three and a maximum of ten sets of x and y values must be entered in order for the program to run. If a value for the number of pairs x and y selected is outside this range, an error message should be displayed.

b) using suitable functions, calculate the values of m and c from the values enterd and displays these on the screen

c) For each value of x entered, calculate a value for y obtained using the value of m and c. This value should then be displayed on the screen , together with the value of x used an the original value of y entered.

Use magic Report

Post time 12-8-2010 02:38 AM | Show all posts
nah ni cth soalan assignment c++ degree level.
bleh kot wat jd soalan pertandingan.
otai_g Post at 11-8-2010 21:44

Ni soalan tugasan pertama subjek C++ aku masa zaman u dulu...

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Post time 14-8-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2010 09:49 PM | Show all posts
nah ni cth soalan assignment c++ degree level.
bleh kot wat jd soalan pertandingan.
otai_g Post at 11-8-2010 21:44

    memang susah....

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Post time 15-8-2010 12:54 AM | Show all posts
nah ni jawapannya.
mcm x caya i done this questions.
tp zaman student dulu la...
rindu nak jd student balik
if time can turning back.....

program ni dah jd mcm progam paria
program ni blh dipendekkan lg kalo nak

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>

int total,a;
double x[9],y[9];
void kiraan();

void main()
        cout<<"How many sets of data points are to be entered : ";

        if (total < 3 || total > 10)
                cout<<"Error!minimum 3 and maximum 10"<<endl;

        for (a=0;a<total;a++)
                cout<<"lease enter x("<<a<<") : ";
                cout<<"lease enter y("<<a<<") : ";


temp1 = hasil tambah x darab y
temp2 = hasildarab hasil tambahx dgn hasiltambahy
temp3 = hasiltambah setiap x kuasa2
temp4 = hasiltambah x dikuasa2
void kiraan()
        int b;
        double temp1=0,temp2=0,htambahx=0,htambahy=0,temp3=0,temp4=0,ceky[9];
        double matas,mbawah,m;
        double c1,c2,c;

        for (b=0;b<total;b++)
            htambahx = htambahx + x;
                htambahy = htambahy + y;
                temp1 = temp1 + (x * y);
                temp3 = temp3 + pow(x,2);

        temp2 = htambahx * htambahy;
        temp4 = pow(htambahx,2);

        matas = (total * temp1) - temp2;
        mbawah = (total * temp3) - temp4;
        m = matas / mbawah;

        c1 = htambahy / total;
        c2 = (m * htambahx) / total;
        c = c1 - c2;

        cout<<"Calculated gradient (m) = "<<m<<endl;
        cout<<"Calculated intercept (c) = "<<c<<endl;

        for (a=0;a<total;a++)
                ceky[a] = (m * x[a]) + c;
                cout<<"\nx = "<<x[a]<<", y = "<<y[a]<<", Calculated y = "<<ceky[a];

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Post time 21-8-2010 10:55 PM | Show all posts
if (total < 3 || total > 10)
        cout<<"Error!minimum 3 and maximum 10"<<endl;
aik, panggil main() dlm if? wat happen to the initial main()? disposed? recurcived?
how about this?
while(total < 3 || total > 10){
        cout<<"How many sets of data points are to be entered : ";

Use magic Report

Post time 25-8-2010 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 27# sepulnuar

biasa la ni coding zaman bdk2 mentah dulu.
mmg byk lack sbb dlm pala pikir asal siap sudah...
u are welcome to upgrade this coding

Use magic Report


Post time 14-9-2010 07:09 PM | Show all posts
aku jumpa soalan ni kat internet.
bleh kot wat soalan pertandingan.

1) write a program to calculate class attendance.
2) how the program work:-
  * lecturer prepare a attendance file for each class.
  * Let say 14 week class, so each file should be
        classattendanceweek1.txt, classattendanceweek2.txt ...
  * The format content for classattendanceweek1.txt..classattendanceweek14.txt will be
        matrix, name
  * After the files above are ready, the program will open all the files and generate a summary
    class attendance output summaryattendance.txt
  * The format for summaryattendance.txt will be
           matrix, name , total attended, Total attended in percent

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