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Author: unekspekted_V

Untold History : Unsolved Case - Siapa Bunuh JWW Bitch???

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Post time 30-4-2011 01:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 20# unekspekted_XII

so, kiranya dorang pong dijanjikan imuniti jugak la?
let say, ada imuniti.. tp cuma valid utk certain region.. tp x tmasuk s'pore..
sbb tu pas menyerah, dbawa ke sana lgsg dbicarakan?

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Post time 30-4-2011 01:32 AM | Show all posts
Reply 21# halimi78

maybe jugok. law can be tricky

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Post time 30-4-2011 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 22# unekspekted_XII

aku assume mcm tu based on cite raja ismail tu...
xkan sesaja x bg kuar dr johor sampai dia meninggal..
mesti ada bkait dgn had imuniti tu..
kot kalo ada pape yg doc yg leh sahkan.. imuniti tu terhad..

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Post time 30-4-2011 01:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 23# halimi78

the best thing is.. sultan abu bakar jadik intermediary case ni..

dia yg pujuk dorang menyerah... dengan janji kosong british.. bile dorang menyerah.. and raja ismail dibuang negeri ke johor.. British Singapore nak merajakann sultan abu bakar johor pulak kt Perak.. tapi ditentang oleh resident governor british di India, for fear that.. sultan abu bakar kembalikan centralized power of old malacca sultanate..

winstedt cakap dato' maharajalela, siputum dan dato' sagor dipenjarakan di air molek.. tapi source lain ckp.. dibicarakan di perak dan dihukum di taiping

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Post time 30-4-2011 02:01 AM | Show all posts
Reply 24# unekspekted_XII

Datuk Maharajalela dan pengikutnya menyerah diri kepada British pada 30 Julai 1876 selepas dijanji akan dibicara secara adil di mahkamah.

Pandak Indut didapati bersalah dan dihukum gantung sampai mati pada 20 Mei 1876. Pada 20 Januari 1877, Datuk Maharajalela, Datuk Sagor dan Pandak Indut dihukum gantung sampai mati. Pengikut lain iaitu Kulup Ali, Si Tuah, Panjang Bur dan Ngah Jabor dihukum penjara seumur hidup.

Sultan Abdullah dan pembesar Perak lain seperti Menteri Ngah Ibrahim, Laksamana Wan Muhammad dan Syahbandar Uda Mahamor dibuang ke Pulau Sychelles sementara bekas sultan terdahulu iaitu Raja Ismail, Datuk Wan dan Panglima Perang Semaun dibuang ke Skudai, Johor. Raja Yusof iaitu seorang lagi kerabat diraja, dilantik Sultan Perak yang baru. Sultan Abdullah kemudian dibenar kembali ke Kuala Kangsar pada 1922 dan mangkat di sana.

tu aku amik dr tred lama pasal Birch...

dr petikan nih.. kira janji British hanya utk perbicaraan adil.. tp x termasuk imuniti kan?

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Post time 30-4-2011 02:04 AM | Show all posts
surat British demand explanation drp Raja Abdullah...
Colonial Secretary’s Office, Singapore.

16 September, 1876


I am directed by his excellency the Governor to inform you that the evidence taken before the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the circumstances connected with the murder of Mr. Birch, late Her Britannic Majesty’s Resident, Perak, shows that for some time before the deed was committed you were conspiring with certain chiefs of Perak and other persons to effect that murder, and to drive Mr. Birch’s staff out of Perak, and that the murder of the British resident, and other outrageous therewith connected, were actually committed under your authority and with your assistance; further, that after the said murder was committed, you assisted and protected some of the perpetrators thereof.

The following are some of the covert acts alleged against you viz: -

   1. That on or about the 22nd day of July 1875, you were present at Durian Sabatang, at a meeting of various chiefs of Perak convened by you, when it was resolved to murder Mr. Birch; and you approved of the resolution, and discussed at the said meeting different suggestions for carrying it out, and at the same meeting you delivered papers to several of the chiefs, authorising them to murder Mr. Birch.
   2. That shortly after the meeting mentioned in the preceding paragraph you sent one Nakodah Kekak to Penang, to purchase ten cases of muskets, and 20 piculs of gunpowder were purchased, and, by your directions distributed among certain chiefs of Perak, for the purpose of carrying out the resolution before mentioned, and for the further purpose of driving the staff of the British Resident out of Perak.
   3. That some time in the month of August 1875, you held meetings of Perak Chiefs and others, on three consecutive nights, in your house at Bata Rabbit[1], when ‘main-berhantu‘ was performed, and you and the said chiefs and others then discussed various plans for effecting the murder of the said Mr. Birch.
   4. That on or about the 5th day of October 1875, you were present at Pasir Panjang, you delivered to the Maharajah Lela a written paper under your Chop, authorising him to kill the said Mr. Birch.
   5. That on or about the 27th day of October 1875, you were present at Durian Sabatang at a meeting of the Chiefs and other people of Perak convened by you, at which meeting it was resolved that the said Mr. Birch should be killed at Pasir Salak, and at the same meeting you supplied arms and provisions to the Maharaja Lela, Datu Sagor, and Dyang Murrawah, for the purpose of enabling them to kill Mr. Birch.
   6. That the said Mr Birch was murdered at Pasir Salak on the 2nd day of November 1875, and that this was done with your knowledge and under your authority.
   7. That, after the murder of the said Mr. Birch, you were in friendly comunication with the Maharaja Lela, one of the murderers, and, on or about the 5th day of November 1875, sent Along Nor and Nan Hussain to inform him that, though you could not then assist him openly, you would do so with money and provisions.
   8. That on or about the 6th of November 1875, you sent, for the use of the Maharajah Lela, three boats containing 500 gantangs of rice, knowing at the same time that he had just previously taken an active part in the murder of Mr. Birch, and was then preparing to attack the Residency at Bandar Bahru.
   9. That on or about the 10th day of November 1875, you took from Batak Rabbit to Durian Sabatang a large number of arms and ammunitions, for the purpose of assisting the Maharajah Lela in resisting the British officers and in attacking the British Residency at Bandar Bahru.
  10. That, after the murder of the said Mr. Birch, you received and protected Datu Sagor, and on or about the 10th March 1876, advised him to hide himself in the jungle, well knowing that he had taken an active part in the murder of the said Mr. Birch.

The foregoing acts have been set out for the purpose of giving you an opportunity of denying and explaining them, and of explaining your conection with the various perons who perpetrated the murder of Mr. Birch and the outrages therewith connected.

I am directed to inform you that His Excellency the Governor expects you to furnish me with a full answer, an explanation in writing, before the 7th day of October next.

I have, &c

(signed) John Douglas

His Highness Sultan Abdullah Mahomed Shah
Sultan of Perak

kedit to tn punya blog sembangkuala

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Post time 30-4-2011 02:05 AM | Show all posts
jawapan Sultan Abdullah kpd British:

Singapore, 6 October 1876


We forward, for the information of His Excellency, the following answers to the charges preferred against us (in connection with the murder of Mr. Birch) in your letter of the 16th September 1876.

   1. In the month of July 1875, we were residing at Quallah Kintah; on or about the 18th July we left Quallah Kinta for Kotah-Stea in order to meet Mr. Birch and Captain Kim Chung[sic] to make arrangements for the collection of the revenue, and to settle the annual sums to be paid to the different chiefs. On our way to Kotah-Stea it was necessary for us to pass Durian Sebatang; we anchored at that place outside in the anchorage for one or two hours; as the tide was running strongly up the river, we did not land there; we attended no meeting of chiefs there, nor did we receive any chiefs on board our boat.  Mr. Birch’s boat, the Quedah, on which we went to Kotah-Stea, was anchored there at the same time.  We weighed anchor about an hour before sunset, and Mr Birch’s steamer followed and passed us. We arrived at Kotah-Stea on or about the 20th July, and remained there four or five days, from Kotah-Stea we went to Batta Rabbit, where neigher at Durian Sabatang or elsewhere delivered any papers to any chiefs, our authorising them to murder Mr. Birch; nor did we ever hold or attend any meeting at which his murder was discussed or resolved upon.
   2. Since the date of the Treaty of Pancore we have never sent Nacodah Kekah (Ketek) or any one else to Penang to purchase muskets and ammunition, nor since that date have such been purchased with our knowledge or by our authority.
   3. We never held at Batta Rabbit or elsewhere any meeting of Perak chiefs and others during the month of August 1875, to discuss plans for the murder of Mr. Birch.  We had been informed during that month, o shortly before, that His Excellency the Governor intended visiting our country, and we consulted and prepared measures for his reception with our principal officers, the Datu Laksamana, the Datu Shahbandar, and the Raja Makotah. In the month of June 1875, one of our children was sick at Batta Rabbit, and on that occasion, according to our custom, Mein Berhantu took place.
   4. We never at any time delivered to Maharajah Lela a written paper under our Chop authorising him to murder Mr. Birch, nor have we ever written to him any paper respecting Mr. Birch.  Some papers with forged Chops of ours, have, as we believe His Excellency is aware, been found in Perak, three of which we delivered to Mr. Davidson; it came to our knowledge at some considerable time ago, one of our subjects, Hajee Mohammad Syed, procured a new chop to be made in Singapore, still in the possession of Hajee Mohammed Syed, for whose arrest a warrant was issued by Mr. Davidson; he, however, has managed to escape into the jungle.
   5. We never, in the month of October 1875, or at any other time, convened a meeting of the chiefs and other people at Durian Sabatang, or at any other place at which it was resolved to murder Mr. Birch.  Nor did we ever at any time supply arms and provisions to the Maharajah Lela, Datu Sagor, or Dyang Murraweh for the purpose of enabling them to kill Mr. Birch.
   6. Mr. Birch was murdered without our knowledge and without our authorisation.
   7. Shortly after Mr. Birch became our Resident at Perak, he had reason to be much annoyed with the Maharajah Lela.  And from that time we ceased to have any friendly communication with the Maharajah Lela; and we deny that we at any time sent Along-Nor, or Wan Hussain, to inform him that though we could not assist him openly, we would assist him with arms and provisions.
   8. We never sent any rice to Maharajah Lela, nor did we know that the Maharajah was preparing to attack the Residency.
   9. We never removed a large number or any number of arms or ammunition from Batta Rabbit to Durian Sabatang for the purpose of assisting the Maharajah Lela in resisting the British officers and in attacking the British Residency. We received at Batta Rabbit the news of Mr. Birch’s murder on the night of that day it occured, from Captain Welner at Bandar Bahru. Next day, about 3 p.m., we left Batta Rabbit with about 30 followers; we stayed that night at Durian Sabatang, where we left our family; we arrived at Bandar Bahru the following night, and after staying there about a day returned to Durian Sabatang; some days after that we sent to Batta Rabbit for five muskets belonging to us, given to us by Mr. Birch, which we made use of to arm our watchmen.
  10. On or about the month of March 1876, we were residing at Pulo Dya, we received information that the Datu Sagor was hiding in the neighbourhood, and we at once ordered the Shahbandar to take steps for his arrest; he was apprehended and detained by us on board the Shahbandar’s boat, and in his custody. On the following day we sent him up to Bandar Bahru in charge of the Shahbandar. We deny that we ever advised the Datu Sagor to hide in the jungle, or received and protected him.
  11. His Excellency will, we doubt not, fully the recognise the difficulty we have in doing little more than giving in the answers. We submit to him our emphatic denial of the truth of the charges preferred against us, inasmuch as His Excellency not having furnished us with the evidence taken before the Commission of Enquiry in Perak, we are in entire ignorance was well of the names of our accusers as of the evidence on which the charges against us are founded. We would further remark, that the whole of our conduct and acts since the Treaty of Pancore, and since the appointment of Mr. Birch as Resident, with our full concurrence and indeed at our request, is most conclusive proof against our having been in any way concerned in the murder of Mr. Birch, an event which, taken in consideration of the concurrences in Perak in 1874 and 1875, it would have been the height of folly, we may say of madness on our part, to endeavour to bring about.

(signed) Sultan Abdullah of Perak

J. Douglas. C.M.G.
Colonial Secretary,
Straits Settlements

kedit to sembangkuala

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Post time 30-4-2011 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 25# halimi78

buku teks ko dgn buku teks aku lain.

definite. dijanjikan immunity mcm raja ismail

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Post time 30-4-2011 02:13 AM | Show all posts
Reply 28# unekspekted_XII

sbb tu la aku nak tau sifat imuniti tu..
sbb mende tu xdak cite dlm mainstream text..

btw.. ini mengingatkan aku pasal kes natrah dulu..
dorang xleh press charge kalo bicara court kat sini..
sbb tu dorang bawak ke s'pore.. sbb undang2 yg apply kat sana..

mebi dlm imuniti ada state pape pasal limit kat mana leh pakai......?

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Post time 28-5-2020 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Gamba Ilang

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