Survivor 23 : South Pacific [SOPHIE IS THE SOLE SURVIVOR!!]
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tulah gjoy... mcm ramai je yg x tengok kan... ni mesti kes coach factor..
this week episode sgt la boring dgn falsafah integrity... honesty.. coach bla bla bla...
lepas tu brandon pulak god will.. bla bla bla...
rick pulak sgt la x brfungsi...
nasib baik ada redemption island yg mendebarkan gak la jugak... kira redemption island version us ni kira fair la dia punya challenge.. sapa2 pun boleh menang... sebab aku penah tgk redemption island israel... tough gak la duel dia..
tapi aku suka albert..biarpun mcm typikal survivor yg backstab last minit... tapi aku suka sebab thats how you play the game...
alah coach dulu2 pun mcm tuh.. nasib je ko dh main 3 kali.. so kau dah tau apa yg do and donts dlm survivor ni...
tapi survivor ni since seaon heroes vs vilains mcm kureng dah.. mcm season hvsv tu yg kira penutup...season tu yg paling best la... please la next season jgn la bawak balik previous cast masuk balik dan menang.... bagi la chance kat muka2 baru... sbb aku tgk kalau coach dan ozzy xde.. mcm jim, albert, dawn ada potensi jadi star dlm season ni... |
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root for newbies untuk menang...yakni albert dan sophie.. kalau brandon masuk balik pun x koser nak dia menang.... so please win sophie or albert...
p/s: survivor phillipines buat couple survivor kan?? mcm2 idea survivor phillipines ni...season 1,2,3 diorg buat redemption... siap ada black pearl ape tah... mcm curse la.. season 4 diorng buat celebrity edition... season latest pun celebrity edition tapi couple..mcm best je..
kalau version israel pun mcm2... veto power la... double vote la... harap2 us ambik idea2 ngarut diorg ni.. bg refresh balik survivor yg kian sendu itu... |
Reply 101# lampor
bosan giler dengan Brandon yang tak habis2 dengan thank god, god will etc...etc...ntah apa2 dia tu sekejap je berubah drpd benci Albert, tiba2 terus nak bagi immunity necklace kat Albert...untung Albert x kena vote out..
Redemption Islands memang nampak fair coz tak terlalu bergantung pada fizikal...sesiapa2 je boleh menang kalau dia cukup fokus but why Ozzy??? Dah la fizikal kuat, challenge2 puzzle pun dia terer gakk..why him??why him???
Season baru nanti katanya takde returning player dan redemption Islands...Men VS Women, diaorang akan duduk kat beach yang sama....i like the idea Men VS Women macam Survivor Amazon dulu..mesti geng2 pompuan yang selalu menang pasal laki over confident.. |
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Reply 102# lampor
Sophie for the win!!yeah!!
aku tak tengok Survivor version lain tapi frankly, aku tak berapa suka Redemption Islands...prefer the old survivor yang penuh dengan pelbagai kejutan...tribe swap, fake merge etc...challenge pun dah makin tak berapa mencabar, asyik recycle yang lama2... |
Ozzy..Ozzy..Ozzy...so disappointed as he was that close to win in the last immunity challenge. DAMN IT!!!!!!!....if he were d final 3, he would have won as his former tribe members would have put his name on d card for d million dollar prize...sigh.
Stupid ALBERT for voting out RICK instead of Sophie...Huhuhu....SOphie tu dahla pandai nak ambik hati juri n pandai solve puzzle 2x nih...
anyway, congrats to d sole survivor 23: Sophie
I'm okay with Sophie, as long it wasn't Coach, nor Rick! Sophie just the right one after Ozzy, so I'm quite happy for this season frankly |
I'm okay with Sophie, as long it wasn't Coach, nor Rick! Sophie just the right one after Ozzy, so I' ...
Jakemassimo Post at 21-12-2011 05:03
and nor Albert too.. |
korang..mane korang tengok reunion ek..?? aku tak jumpe link for reunion..nak tgk gak pe benda si cochran mengarot..yutiub ade ker..?? sumer cam fake jek kat yutiub.. |
aku pn nk tengok yg finale part...
aku stop sampe kat cochran di redemption island je |
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