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Need help with C Programming
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Post Last Edit by jack_stingray at 19-10-2011 17:00
Hello everyone,
I am new to C programming, does anyone have idea how to do this? The actual question is much longer than this, i edited the question to make it shorter just to understand the concept. Hope somebody could show me the proper way to develop the answer for this question:
The following Table 1 that manipulates a two-dimensional array stores the work hours for three employees. Each row stores the employee’s three-day work hours with four columns. Write, run and test a C program that reads the hours, calculates total hours and salary and displays all fields, employee’s total hours and salary.
Note: Day1 and Day 2 salary rate: RM4.50 per hour
Day3 salary rate: RM8.00 per hour
Ptimer Day1 Day2 Day3
Max 4 3 2
John 2 2 2
Jane 3 4 4
Sample Output:
Ptimer Day1 Day2 Day3 Total Hour Salary
Max 4 3 2 9 $47.50
John ... ... ... ... ...
Jane ... ... ... ... ...
hurm.. maaf la. aku rasa better ko tulis persoalan tu dlm bahasa BM (rojak pun xpe)
lgpun ni kan board utk bahasa melayu .. pastu persoalan C dgn array 2D ni dah setel lum ? |
Post Last Edit by otai_g at 28-10-2011 23:50
will see back.
the question is very straight forward...
but still need to do next yeah... |
Reply 1# jack_stingray
yeah here we go 
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- void main() {
- int hour[3][3], thour[3];
- double salary[3];
- for (int a=0;a<3;a++) {
- for (int b=0;b<3;b++) {
- cout<<"Enter hour for worker "<<a+1<<" day "<<b+1<<" : ";
- cin>>hour[a][b];
- }
- }
- cout<<"\nPtimer\tDay1\tDay2\tDay3\tTotal Hour\tSalary"<<endl;
- for (int c=0;c<3;c++) {
- thour[c]=hour[c][0]+hour[c][1]+hour[c][2];
- salary[c]=( (hour[c][0]+hour[c][1]) * 4.5 + hour[c][2]*8 );
- cout<<c+1<<"\t"<<hour[c][0]<<"\t"<<hour[c][1]<<"\t"<<hour[c][2]<<"\t"<<thour[c]<<"\t\t"<<salary[c]<<endl;
- }
- }
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Reply 2# pengodam
who says this is malay forum? |
Reply pengodam
who says this is malay forum?
hlyh1230 Post at 15-7-2012 03:20 
bro, who u are try to up old thread with nonsense issue? |
hlyh1230 posted on 15-7-2012 03:20 AM 
Reply 2# pengodam
the banner above says it pretty clear for me.
Last edited by bzzts on 6-8-2012 07:06 AM \n\n |
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