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Spiritual and Inspirational Messages

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Post time 21-10-2011 06:18 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
These are wonderful messages I found online.  I will post more.   

God said:

If I am love, what can you be but love? And My love at that? You are the quality of it, the giver of it, and the receiver of it, for in the giving you receive, and in the receiving, you give, and it is one motion, this loving. Love doesn't do. It doesn't triumph or concede. It is itself, like Popeye the Sailorman.

We can say that love doesn't move at all. It fills. It is there, here. I...t follows, and it precedes, and love is breathed. Or We can say it is a stillness of vacuum filled with itself.

There is no protection from the surge of love. That is like saying protection from fresh air. Love is the modicum of you, and your life has been spent denying your very own truth. Love is not something made up. It is the real.

Love is not to be sought from others but rather delved into.

Love radiates. It emanates. It breathes back and forth, yet there is no back and forth. It encompasses.

When you acknowledge yourself love, then you can sink into this non-act of loveship and ride on the billows of yourself.

You can consider yourself a ship of love, and the ship of love that is you rides on waves of love in an ocean fathomed of love, and the Heavens above reflect themselves in the ocean, so it is not possible to know which side is up. There is no up, no down. Which is the reflector, and which is the reflected?

One is an image, and the other is the imager, but they blend into One.

As Heaven lights the world, so I light you.

Earth is the counterpart of Heaven, and you are the counterpoint of Me. You are My reflection on earth. You are My reflection.

It is interesting because reflection in your language means a picture-image, and it also means a thought. You reflect My thought. You are My thought, and you reflect it.

Yet you are half-afraid to look up at Heaven for fear that My light will blind you or shrivel you up or that you will have to discontinue your haven on earth in exchange for the Heaven of Heaven. The blind man is afraid to have sight. You have second thoughts. Have second sight instead.

The game you play is with yourself. It is with no other. All these mirror-images that come to you in your day are all yourself reflected. You think you see them, but they are only the glass you look into. And you frighten yourself, not even at what you see, but at what you might see. For you most often see what you might see rather than what there is to see.

Perhaps you have only a keyhole in your eyes through which you can see only the outline of a keyhole. Your habit of vision feels right to you. It is your standard, and you think standards are good.

Embrace new standards. Embrace Mine. They are boundless. My standards have no top. They reach Heaven. They are infinite. Therefore, My standards are no standards at all, because standards stop, and I do not stop.

I suggest you not stop either. Desire more. Desire higher. Break the bank. The sky's the limit? Not at all. There is no limit. Infinity has no limit.

So you, the limitless, have limited yourself. You have confined yourself to a keyhole when, all the while, you can open the nonexistent door and see all of yourself.

I invite you. What more could you ask for than My invitation? It has your name on it. And your name is love.

*** I am your God. Say, "You are my God."

For I am your personal God at your service. My name is service. I serve you. I am the Fulfiller of your desires. You cannot fill your desires of yourself. You can only shoulder someone away from theirs or get there first. But I can give everyone their fulfillment, and I long to. I long to fulfill you. I line My pockets with the silk of you.

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 Author| Post time 21-10-2011 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Healing is of the heart. Heal your heart, and you are healed. Your heart wants to be listened to. It becomes heavy when it is not, and you feel heavy-hearted.

Your heart is not meant to ache. It is not meant to lie fallow either. Your heart is for something. It is to be believed. Your heart is a voyager upon the Seven Seas.

Your heart is like a wonderful ship upon the waters. The waves move it, and it moves in the waves, but it does not topple. It is not submerged in the waves, yet the waves wash over it. The ship does not resist the waves. If the ship ran against the waves with the intent to mow them down, it could be battered, but it moves easily, side by side with the waves, as it were. It neither vanquishes nor is vanquished. It fights no battles. It merely follows its own course upon the High Seas.

It doesn't bobble, nor does it sink.

It doesn't rule the sea nor is it ruled by it.

The sea is life, and you are the wonderful sailing ship who moves through it.

You make furrows in the water, and you leave the water to itself. You are unfurrowed. You merely move through the waves.

You exist with the waves, but you are independent of them. They buoy you, but they are not what holds you up.

You swim in the sea of life. You blow bubbles. You do not even know all that swims along with you. You are pulled by the tide, and yet you follow the course you have set out upon.

You are a ship that sails with a destination in mind. In mind, the destination is the same as in sight. Your destination is the horizon before you. It is the skyline you follow, and the skyline keeps rising as you do rise, you, rolling along on the surging waves.

You climb the mast, and you see further. And further becomes closer, and then you see beyond that. And that which you see curves in upon itself, and you look within and find treasure, not sunken treasure, but viable moving treasure mildly covered with seaweed and little shells.

Your churn the ocean. The ocean moves you, and you move it.

The healing waters of your heart bob along. Your heart cleanses itself. It is self-cleaning. It is self-circulating. Your heart knows no bounds. It has no limits. The heart is love made physical. The heart is the house of love.

Your heart is more than a sea urchin. Your heart is the sea itself, and yet it is also the boat that rides upon it. But it is not a barge, nor is it a raft. It is a light sailing vessel that is at home anywhere. Everywhere.

The Human heart has no locks. It has valves that open. And what do they open to but the love that resides within. The heart is awash in its own love. And that love circulates through you.

Do not squeeze the natural love in your heart. Let it loose. That is the wound, to contract the heart. Your heart must be uncontracted. It must make room for all the other hearts in the world, for all hearts are yours. They beat in tune with yours. There is no secular heart. All hearts share Me in common, and so they share themselves.

Your heart is not for yourself alone. It is not for the healing of yourself alone. Your heart is far greater than the regulator of you. It pulses the universe, for, within the marina of your heart, the universe is harbored.

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2011 10:08 PM | Show all posts
God said:

Prayer is more than words. It is an exchange of thought. Yours for Mine. Consider prayer as less a plea and more of an offering. I do not mean that when you feel a great need that you should not express it to Me, for of course I want you to. I want you to express all to Me, but not only your needs. I am not merely a 911 Rescuer that you call when you have need.

It is natural and normal for you to come to Me. It is a given. It is no special out-of-the-way event. Talk to Me every day. Include Me in your life. It is not necessary to make Me a special one-day event or to save Me for only something important or important enough.

You are important to Me. Your well-being is important to Me.

Do not save Me up. Do not wait until there is a big occasion you must turn over to Me because you don't know what else to do. Turn yourself over to Me every day.

Start to think of Me as One Whom you tell your happiness to. Look for happy events and thoughts to tell Me about. Please don't save Me for just the drear.

And I do not mean a formal thank-You instead of a plaint either. You don't have to pour out thanks to Me for being God. What else can I be? I am God, and I am your God. I am here for you.

You don't lavish thanks on a bus driver. It is his job to give you a ride.

Do not limit your time with Me. Do not limit your approach to Me. Say what is in your heart.

I do not ask you to mumble words. Mumble them if you like, but that is not a necessity. And that is not to say that mumbling My Name is without value, for there is great value in saying My name. The sounding of My name raises you to a higher vibration. But there is more to it than that.

Although words pass between Us, more than words pass between Us. More than thoughts. In truth, there is only one thing that can pass between Us, whatever its form.

What are We made of, you and I? What We are made of is what can pass between Us. And you know that is love. We exchange love. Love is Our medium. I know no other. And you are learning to love. And I am a good One to start with, don't you think? You are re-learning to love. You are remembering love. Re-start with Me.

You are safe with Me. With Whom can you share if not with Me?

Prayer is sharing yourself with Me. Sharing yourself with Me does not make you a lowly penitent. It makes you a child of God. Prayer simply acknowledges Our relationship, a relationship that already is. You are not asking Me to be your faithful God. I already am. You are not asking Me to hear you. I already do. You are not asking Me to bestow special favor upon you, for I already pour blessings upon you.

When you talk to Me in prayer, when you lend your heart to Mine, you get clearer. In prayer, you are looking to get clearer. That is your true plea to Me. Truly, you are not looking for only gifts.

What you give to Me is yourself, your beautiful self. You extend yourself to Me. Unload your heart, and I will fill it.

I need no token from you for your prayers. But if you wish to pay Me, let your life after prayer betoken Me. Let your heart renewed be token to Me. Let your thoughts be token to Me.

We exchange Truth, you and I. That is what We do.

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2011 10:12 PM | Show all posts
God said:

Let Me put words into your mouth. Let Me speak through you. And that is what I do do. I open your mouth. I move your arms and your legs. I open your heart, for I am the Mover of the Universe, and I move you.

You are caught in a maelstrom of My love.

You cannot get out of it. Don't try.

Ask that you hear My thoughts and speak My words.

Ask that you be so filled with My love that every utterance from your mouth is from Me.

Ask that you be so filled with My love that every act from your heart is from Me.

That every painting you make is from Me.

That every song you sing is from Me.

That every rose you plant is from Me.

That every visitor you greet is from Me.

That every visitor you greet is Me.

And that every time you look into the mirror, you see Me.

Is there anything in your life you wish to change?

Then change it into Me.

Internalize it into Me.

Give it to Me to change.

Release everything to Me.

You are not the changer.

I am the Changer.

I am the Unchanged Changer.

Walk My path, as indeed Jesus did walk My path.

Step on every pebble of My love.

Jesus did not walk a path to crucifixion.

He walked a path to Heaven.

He was in Heaven when he walked it.

Walk the path with Me, and you will know joy.

You will know Oneness.

You will know love bequeathed to love.

Love does not battle.

Love embraces.

Love gives.

Love gives over.

With love, there is no controlling.

Controlling is small-visioned whereas love is vast rolling hills.

Love is the train track that keeps going.

You are not a stranger to love.

You are a ticket-holder of it.

Where did you put the ticket?

Look for it in your heart. It is embossed there.

Your eyes are the telescope.

Your eyes see for your heart.

Your heart moves your eyes.

Your heart opens your eyes.

Make every choice of yours a blessing from Me.

Bless the dishes you wash.

Bless the hand that washes the dishes.

Bless the dishwater.

Bless the water that flows from the faucet.

Bless the Water Department.

Bless the plank your foot steps on.

Bless the noise it makes.

Bless your foot that touches the earth.

Bless the earth it touches.

Make your life a blessing.

Bless Me.

Bless you.

And you are blessed, for you are My blessing to all.

I never cursed the earth.

Don't believe it.

I can only bless.

I bless the earth and the inhabitants of the earth.

I bless you.

Feel My blessings like sunlight on your back.

Feel My blessings like the light from the stars that enters your heart.

Feel My blessings as a sweet breeze.

Feel My blessings.

Feel My blessedness.

Enjoin Me in your life.

Your life is not little and separate from Mine.

Your life is My existence.

Consider that I give you paint with which to paint your life. I give you the canvas on which to paint it. I give you the vision that gives dimension to your painting of life. Paint portraits. Paint gardens. Paint houses. I give you the energy to paint any picture you like. I give you your life, but you paint it. Paint love on canvas, for that is the material of your life you paint.

All the colors are there for you to choose. What colors do you choose? Choose them. It does not have to be random.

Choosing the colors you want to wield is your intention.


Choose how to bless the other painters in life.

Choose how to bless.

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2011 11:23 PM | Show all posts
The real meaning of Amazing Grace

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite – telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups… And then you began eyeing each other’s cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

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Post time 1-11-2011 02:26 PM | Show all posts
God says: please come back home. Dinner served and would like to speak to you, face to face.

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2011 10:25 PM | Show all posts
That would be really wonderful to have dinner with God and hear Him speak.  Seeing Him having a sweet smile and have a relaxing conversation about how much He really loves you.  

Here's more stuffs to share.

God says:
On Earth, it is not that this one is right and that one is wrong. Of course, that's what you think. More often that the other is wrong and you are right. You are both right from individuated point of view. And you are both mistaken. You are not asked to be right. You are not asked to prove your rightness or anyone else's wrongness. You are asked to be gentle with your brothers and sisters. You are meant to be generous with the family of man on Earth. And all are your family.

So long as you take offense, so long as you read attack into another's words, it is unlikely that you can be generous and gentle. You take a military stance. You feel you are protecting your life's space. I once spoke of your being a lady or gentleman in all your interactions. It is not good manners to take offense at what is said around you. I am not asking you to fake good manners. I am asking you to come from a higher place than you may presently come from.

In all actions and reactions, people are revealing themselves. They are not revealing you. When others reveal hostility, they are directing it to themselves. Ultimately, this is how it is. They are trying to get rid of the hostility they carry by putting it on you. By the same token, when you see their swords of anger as directed at you, even as they evidently are pointed at you, then you also are revealing yourself and your own lack of self-love. Words do hurt you. When someone's words hurt you, have you not taken their hot potato as yours? They cannot really pass it on to you. Only as you accept it and take it as your own, can they.

If someone sees you as a bad guy, and you take it to heart, you have some doubts about yourself that another has rubbed you the wrong way, and now you are inflamed at the other. You are the one to take offense into your heart. Who said you had to?

You are right in this: No one has the right to hurt you, on whatever level you are hurt on. And you have no right to take offense, even when offense is meant. Someone who was hurt identified you as the cause of his hurt. And you have done just the same, identified another as the cause of your hurt.

It is not that you are to become thick-skinned. It is that you are not to be thin-skinned. You are not to buy, even for a moment, others' appraisals of you. You are meant to rise above where they would place you. Even when others mean to lay you low, you don't need to accept their lack of faith in themselves and make it your own.

Remember that I am your foundation. Others' perceptions are not. Have you made others' opinions your foundation? Have you made others your steering wheel? Are you not your own free-wheeling person free to accept what you wish to accept and free to not be swayed by what you don't want to be swayed by?

Accept what I tell you and not so much what others may say to you.

The time for hurt and hard feelings is over.

What foolishness it is for you to occupy your heart and mind with hurt and hard feelings. When an arrow has landed in your heart, intentionally or not, pull it out. It is your heart. And your heart is made for love and nothing but love. You can do it. You have to do it. Do it now. Pull out the bits and pieces that may be blocking your love right now.

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2011 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Eunice_P at 3-11-2011 08:45

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell.
He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about
nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.
As he was driving the last nail into the post,
he felt a tug on his overalls...

He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.
"Mister," the boy said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."

"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money".

The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents.
Is that enough to take a look?"

"Sure," said the farmer.

And with that he let out a whistle,
"Here, Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur.

The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse.

Slowly another little ball appeared, this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up..."I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.

The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."

With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe.

Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands."

The world is full of people who need someone who understands

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2011 06:54 PM | Show all posts
I'll be there for you
when you weep.
I'll dry your tears
and stroke your hand
as you sleep.
I'll be beside you
each time dawn
sets the world aglow,
and I'll warm you
when you stare in wonder
at the diamonds in the snow.
I'll caress you with each wind
and lift your spirit
as high as a bird in flight.
And I'll inspire you
like the sparkle
in the stars at night.
I'll be the sunlight's gold
dancing on the grain,
the serenity you feel
from the gentle spring rain.
I'll be there for you
when you cry,
and even in death,
we'll never say goodbye

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2011 08:47 AM | Show all posts
God says:
When you feel bruised by life, by the little things in life, perhaps you have been standing still. Move faster, and the little things won't hit you, or, if they do, you will be moving too fast to give them much thought. As it is, you ponder them too much.

If what I say now applies to you, listen. If this does not apply to you, then you can skim it.

Remember that the world consists of more than your personal life and your personal thoughts. It is your thoughts that fester the bite of a thorn. You know that the little things whose festering you have fostered are little things. The little things may consume you until something greater enters.

Perhaps this making a big thing out of a little thing is part of your yearning for drama.

But you say that whatever is bothering you is not a little thing to you. That is just the point. You made it big. Make it little. Let it pass by, or skip past it. It is the accumulation of little things that become big.

If you desire drama in your life, then get onto something grander. Forget drama. Pay attention to purpose. You do not need drama in your life. You need movement. The movement we speak of now is forward. Forward movement is called progress. You progress as you move forward. Let go of the little snares that hold you back. Do not backtrack. Leap ahead.

Because there have been brambles behind you doesn't mean that there are brambles ahead. You do not always need brambles. You do not always need a thicket in order to reach a clearing.

Enough of clearing the path. Enough of making it perfect ahead of you. Sweep the past into the past. You walk on fertile field now. You enter a new life now, entirely new. You do that by stepping out of your attachment to the old.

Take off your shoes if you have to and leave them there. It is in your mind that you step forward. You can keep everything the same — you can keep the outer the same but you can venture forth without the past entrapments clamping you.

Whatever bothered you yesterday does not have to bother you today. You are walking on new ground today, and you are strong of purpose. No longer do you wait for the ground to come to you. You set out on it. Your feet do not stay still. Your feet do not drag. Your feet are winged. No restrictions. Just moving forward.

When you walk through a field of wheat, the wheat bends to your movement. It does not bend to your thought.

When you want to make progress, you move forward. You do not stop at every turn. Every turn is not a crossing. Every crossing doesn't mean a stop. There is no traffic to stop you. There is no danger ahead. Only your thoughts of danger or non-success stop you.

Your success is not in what transpires. Your success is in moving forward.

Have you perhaps been waiting to be stopped? Or have you perhaps been waiting for signals to move you forward? Moving forward is its own signal.

There is not joy in staying where you are. There is joy in reaping but first you plant. There is great joy in the planting.

What seeds are you planting today? What forward motion do you make? Keeping going.

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