Post Last Edit by Buddhitakso at 11-1-2012 11:03
Emptiness is a necessary pre-requisite for any object to exist; without it, the object would be impossible. Upon in-depth analysis, we could discover that emptiness corresponds to two distinct scenarios: 1. It corresponds to the inherent existence (due to unchanging nature) that all conventional phenomena lack. 2. It corresponds to dependent arising (a conditional phenomenon) i.e. subject to the same lack of inherent existence as every other object or phenomenon. This is referred to as the emptiness of emptiness. The above is a rather strange paradox but still logical because emptiness is a universal or infinite phenomenon. Therefore, it is evident that object could arise out of emptiness due to the 2nd scenario clarified as above and it is the ambience for the origination of existence.
In other words, the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena. While emptiness of phenomenon is static, dependent nature of phenomenon is dynamic - but why dynamic instead of static? It is because there is rise or fall event. Why is there rise or fall event? It is because there is balance or imbalance event. Why is there balance or imbalance event? It is because there is becoming event. Why is there becoming event? It is because there is ignorance in the dependent nature of phenomenon. As a conclusion, emptiness is comparable to scientific term of a singularity and also the inherent quality of existence. Emptiness is considered the ultimate truth because it inherently exists exactly as it is perceived when it is perceived directly by an enlightened mind. And discovering the ultimate truth is the key to overcoming the ignorant state of mind. |