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ada sape2 tau x ape benda ni sbnrnye nii...
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Saya nk tnye...ade sape2 kt cni yg penah dpt email mcm yg sy paste kt bwh ni x????ape tujuan org yg bg email ni nk ek..adakah ianya satu perangkap utk dptkan no. acc bank kite semata-mata je..ade sape2 leh tlg jwb mcm dh byk kali jgk la dpt email mcm setakat ni alhamdulillah la xpenah lg terpedaya..sbb kdg pk xkn la org nk bg duit sng2 gitu je...hmm xde maknenye kn..kalo nk bg duit sebynk ni mesti ade agenda tersembunyi ni...
ni emailnye...:
BlackBerry® Mobile Company
149 Plumstead Road
SE18 7DY.
Dear Esteemed Winner,
We are pleased to inform you of the BlackBerry® Mobile Promotional Draws Result. All Mobile Number and Email entered for this promotional draws were randomly inputted from all mobile telecommunication network resource database in conjunction with the World Wide Email Web Network using the Synchronized Random Selection System (SRSS), which subsequently won you the pay out sum of $140,000.00 United State Dollars for this year 2012 lottery promotion.
The payout of your cash prize to you will be subject to the final validations and satisfactory report that you are the authentic owner of the winning Mobile Number and email that received this Message.
In line with the statutory procedure governing the claims of won prizes, you are required to produce the particulars to our Affiliate Claim Agent Officer who's contact details is below.
1. Full Name:
2. Contact Address:
3. Gender (Male/Female):
4. Occupation:
5. Phone Numbers:
6. Private Email:
7. Nationality:
Affiliate Claim Agent Contact Officer:
Mr. Henry Paulson
[email protected] and [email protected]
Thank you for being part of our commemorative Annual Anniversary Draws.
Yours Truly,
Mrs. Jane Johnson.
On-line Mobile Co-Ordinator. |
Reply 1# dqdq0609
blackberry users are not cool... |
scammer la tuh..
pliz ignore hokay..dah belambak dah |
jgn percaya lah.. ni scam je. belambak aku dpt emel mcm ni.. |
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