Bagi korang yang suka pada aktiviti yang extreme, aku suggest utk korang usha tempat ni..
Bertempat di Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower La Vegas , pengunjung yang suka adrenalin rush ni boleh try permainan2 ni..
The best Las Vegas thrill ride has 3 ‘G’s of pure Insanity.
Insanity the Ride is a truly mind-bending experience! A massive mechanical arm extending out 64 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower at a height of over 900 feet, this Vegas ride will spin you and several other passengers in the open air at speeds of up to three 'G's. You'll be propelled up to an angle of 70 degrees, which will tilt your body into one position — straight down! If you're brave enough to keep your eyes open you'll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of historic downtown Las Vegas
The wind’ll go whoosh. You’ll go $#!@%. Or yippee. Or yeah. Or yikes. Chances are your blood curdling screams will be heard in the sky high above the Las Vegas Strip. Stratosphere’s new SkyJump Las Vegas thrill ride will be the jump of your life — no matter what you might be yelling. For your inner adrenaline junkie wanting the ultimate Las Vegas free fall, sky dive or base jump, SkyJump is the attraction to choose. It provides the highest controlled free fall in the world, all from the Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower.
Before the jump, riders are prepped and suited up in Stratosphere’s custom jump suits and given a safety lesson. After a short elevator trip to the top of the Stratosphere Tower, the jumper is connected to a high-speed “descender” and led to the edge of the platform. Just take that last step and plummet through the sky 855 feet, or the equivalent of 108 floors.
SkyJump Las Vegas is one of the premier tourist attractions in the world and the newest ultimate Vegas thrill ride experience
p/s - Aku rasa mau seminggu aku tido atas tanah kalau kena cemgini.. Kena solero shot kat genting tu pun jalan dah x betul..
aku tak berani dgn permainan2 ni semua....kepala otak aku selalu fikir yg buruk2 je.....
mcm video Insanity tu, buatnya mesin tu tiba2 malfunction tiba2 berhenti atau tiba2 berputar laju tak ke haru.
begitu jugak dgn Sky Jump tu, buatnya tiba2 talinya terputus, walaupun segala aspek keselamatan dah di jaga dgn betul...tapi malang selalunya tak berbau.
dan video yg last, buatnyat tiba2 mesin tu terus menjunam tanpa dapat berhenti......isk! ngeri aku nak bayangkan.