Lamor2 adalah asid hyaluronik yang juga dikenalisebagai akupunktur kosmetik daripada kolagen di pasaran, yang memberi kesanyang lebih efektif dan cepat .
Setiap wanita Malaysia mementingkan kecantikan mempunyai produk penjagaan danyang semakin menarik perhatian orang ramai adalah Lamor2 asid hyaluronik yangmemainkan peranan dalam pemangkasan rambut, sebagai Phytosome yangberkesan,mengisi lekuk di muka, menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut.
LAMOR 2 is South Korea product, made of all naturalingredients, no side effect and halal. Suitable to be taken for both male andfemale from age 7 and above except pregnant and breast feeding mother.
Lamor 2 is hyaluronic acid (玻尿酸) andalso a combination of caviar collagen, vitamin C, silk amino acids, calciumcarbonate powder as well as three berries (blackberry powder, cranberry powderand elderberry fruit powder). Therefore the effect will be faster and betterthan normal collagen sell in the market.
Lamor 2 main benefits are anti aging, skinwhitening, reduce dark circle, lighten black spot of the skin, repair/reducepimples and other scars on face/body, increase skin elasticity, improve skinmoisturizing, firming, natural shaping.
Every morning before breakfast mix with 180mlwater and drink it. It is in powder type, taste like ribena and blueberry. Forbest result is drink daily for 1 month, after that change to 2 days 1 time PRICE INTERESTED PLSCALL/SMS 0165936277 FOR MORE DETAILS THANKS Lamor2 is a Collagen drink that can achieve significant results within 7 to 14 dayswithout the any injection about equal absorb 500 times as much water It contains aHyaluronic acid can be taken internally as a nutritional supplement for jointhealth or topically as a skin moisturizer. In topical applications, hyaluronicacid supports smooth, elastic skin, and it is used in many cosmetics such asmake-up and moisturizing creams Lamor 2’s formulawith Hyaluronic acid taken orally is also known as beautifying withoutinjection. Lamor2 collagen isa class above compared with those in the market as it shows better and fasterresults. Without injection,you can enjoy hyaluronic acid with the following functions: • Efficientwrinkles • Natural shaping • facialdepressions filled • Improve skintight nephew elastic • maintain the skinsupple and shiny • sedative andovercome pressure • improve physicalfitness and promote immunity • ability to fight cancer • antidiabeticcapacity • cytokineproduction capacity • promote hairgrowth INTRODUCTION Hyaluronic acid -can be described as the world's most popular and healthy skin care ingredients,hyaluronic acid is the most powerful product against wrinkle. A lot of artiststreated hyaluronic acid as skin care secret. There are variety hyaluronic acidproduct, the most common is the injection of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronicacid in take. Lamor 2 S formula isthe latest technology from South Korea, ingredients consists highconcentrations of hyaluronic acid and also a combination of caviar collagen,vitamin C, silk amino acids, calcium carbonate powder as well as three berries(blackberry powder, cranberry powder and elderberry fruit powder), nutritionoduct, the most common is the injection of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acidin take. Lamor 2 can replacecollagen, placenta, and Clostridium botulinum and other products of asingle trend. The hyaluronic acid is not required injection and it can beabsorbed by the body by drinking, it is absolute very safe. -POSTAGE SERVICES IS AVAILABLE WITHIN MALAYSIA.