The most sought-after speaker and intuitive MasterNumerologist Gracy Yap will be conducting her very first workshop in Malaysiatitled Forecast 2013 with Golden Numbers inconjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year.
Theworkshop will be held in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman’s (UTAR) Petaling JayaCampus PD 011 (PD Block) on 23 February 2013 at 2.00 pm.
Participants of the workshop can look forward to findout their hidden gifts, talents and life purpose with Master Gracy throughtheir birth date and name as well as to know ahead of time the many windows ofopportunity in money, business or career advancements, luck cycles, love,romance and fulfilment of dreams that will appear in their lives throughout theyear 2013.
Registration fee for the workshop is priced at RM39.90 which includes a complimentary copy of her book Secrets of Golden Numbers. On top of that, shoppers will also havethe opportunity to grab onto the RM 10 promotion coupon in selected POPULARoutlets or a print-out coupon from POPULAR’s Official Facebook page to registerfor this event at a special price of RM 29.90 nett each ticket.
For more information about the event, please contact03-9179 6135 or log on to event is organised by POPULAR and co-organised by UTAR and Centre ofExtensive Education (CEE).