Similarity between Islam and Corrupted Authoritarian Countries.
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cmf_BeachBoys posted on 16-9-2013 10:56 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dah la kau,free thinker....ko x layak bercakap soal agama atau kepercayaan.
Dal lah kau, pengikut Syaitan, kau tak layak bercakap pasal kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia !![](static/image/smiley/grapeman/09.gif)
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 04:44 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Dal lah kau, pengikut Syaitan, kau tak layak bercakap pasal kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia !{:3_8 ...
hak manusia tu apa?
nicuya posted on 23-9-2013 02:11 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hak manusia tu apa?
Hak asasi manusia itu banyak, salah satu element of penting adalah kebebasan beragama, malangnya Islam tiada !
wkk5159 posted on 23-9-2013 03:13 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Hak asasi manusia itu banyak, salah satu element of penting adalah kebebasan beragama, malangnya I ...
oh silap...saya tanya apa maksud hak/haq...i need your point of view..dari sudut lain agama/x beragama
....Freedom of religion is considered by many people and nations to be a fundamental human right. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion
But in Islam, The Qur'an:
Qur'an (4:89) - "They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper."
Qur'an (9:11-12) - "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief - Lo! they have no binding oaths - in order that they may desist."
Other verses that seem to support the many Hadith demanding death for apostates are Qur'an verses2:217, 9:73-74,88:21,5:54, and 9:66.
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 04:44 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Dal lah kau, pengikut Syaitan, kau tak layak bercakap pasal kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia !{:3_8 ...
board ni untuk orang yang ada pegangan dan kepercayaan.bukannya free thinker macam kau...free thinker macam kau ni xlebih dari pengikut syaitan...
wkk5159 posted on 23-9-2013 04:32 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
....Freedom of religion is considered by many people and nations to be a fundamental human right. ht ...
kan aku dah kata,free thinker mcm kau ni xlebih dari pengikut syaitan
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 26-9-2013 09:55 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
board ni untuk orang yang ada pegangan dan kepercayaan.bukannya free thinker macam kau...free thin ...
Tahu mengapa kamu ni berfikiran sempit, ekstremist dan fanatic ???
Kau bagaikan robot yang diprogram oleh Muhammad, tiada roh dan jiwa !
Kan "free thinking" tu satu pegangan dan kepercayaan juga ??? Kau boleh berfikir tak ?? Nampaknya tidak...selagi minda kamu masih diracuni oleh kepercayaan yang berbahaya dan tdak berguna itu.
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