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Author: Sephiroth

Christianity is dying in Europe

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2014 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Adakah Christianity diperlukan di masa depan?

Satu persoalan yg harus diutamakan. Semakin lama, semakin banyak bukti bahawa Christianity bukannya agama Tuhan tetapi agama ciptaan manusia mula muncul, mengegarkan institusi keagamaan Christianity.

Walaupun Christianity berusia 2,000 tahun (kononnya lah), tetapi sehingga kini tak ada bukti bahawa wujudnya seorang religious icon spt Jesus di Middle East. Ada juga yg mengatakan bahawa ini kerana Middle East dipenuhi oleh mereka2 yg tidak berpelajaran tinggi jadi mereka tak mungkin dapat mengekalkan sumber sejarah spt apa yg kita harapkan kini, akan tetapi sumber2 sejarah spt Dead Sea Scrolls yg wujud pada masa itu pun tidak menceritakan akan Jesus. Tak ada bukti Jesus dilahirkan, dibesarkan ataupun pernah dihukum mati dimana2. Ini menbawa kpd kemungkinan besar bahawa Jesus itu adalah fictional character semata2.

Agama Christianity mungkin boleh terselamat dari kepupusan sekiranya ia menpunyai sebuah "track record" yg baik dikalangan terpelajar dan penduduk umum. Akan tetapi, Christianity merupakan agama yg paling teruk dlm bab menyedapkan hati rakyat.

Golongan terpelajar spt Galileo dan lain2 banyak yg dianiayai dan dibunuh secara kejam kerana idea mereka tidak sepadan dgn ideal Church (yg menpertahankan Kitab Bible pada masa itu). Paksaan Church mengharamkan Sains dan Teknology menbawa kpd masalah2 yg teruk di kemudian hari spt Black Death yg hampir memusnahkan seluruh Europa lebih kurang 700 tahun yg lalu. Oleh itu, tak banyak golongan terpelajar serta rakyat umum yg berpejaran kini yg akan menyokong Christianity.

Kalau Christianity mampu menbawa sesuatu konsep moral dan etika yg sempurna pun, ianya masih boleh diterima. Tetapi semua yg dibawa oleh Christianity kelihatan spt dicipta oleh Iblis Syaitan dan bukannya Tuhan yg Maha Esa (refer to my post #12). Jadi persoalan di sini adalah -utk apa Christianity diperlukan di atas muka bumi ini? Kerana sebahagian kecil masyarakat yg lemah dari segi physical dan mental utk mengatasi kelemahan diri mereka sendiri dari terus melakukan dosa? Last edited by Sephiroth on 13-9-2014 06:07 PM


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Post time 19-9-2014 05:29 AM | Show all posts
Sebabnya manusia bertambah cerdik. Mereka dah tau agama tu hanya ciptaan manusia sahaja.

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2014 08:42 AM | Show all posts
LUNCH posted on 19-9-2014 05:29 AM
Sebabnya manusia bertambah cerdik. Mereka dah tau agama tu hanya ciptaan manusia sahaja.

Pada satu masa lampau, agama itu merupakan "Undang2 sosial" yg mengikat manusia kpd cara hidup yg sihat dan berguna kpd masyarakat seluruhan. Ianya menyeru ke arah kebersihan diri dan kawasan sekeliling, cara2 berinteraksi dan sosial serta cara seseorang itu mendekati diri dgn Tuhan. Agama ada gunanya - selagi manusia ingat bahawa urusan manusia dgn Tuhan adalah bersifat individual, yg bermakna samada seseorang itu percayakan Tuhan atau tidak bergantung kpd kehendak individual.

Hanya pada beberapa ribu tahun kebelakangan ini, manusia sudah mula berubah. Mereka sudah tak takut dgn Hukum Tuhan kerana tak ada kebinasaan yg melanda mereka. Mereka tak perduli akan hukum sosial kerana mereka fikir dgn menpercayai sesebuah agama yg kononnya menyelaraikan "dosa mereka" maka mereka boleh melakukan apa shj mereka suka - minum dan makan benda2 yg kotor, berpoya2 serta menbunuh. Kehidupan mereka sudah menjadi bagai seekor haiwan yg merbahaya.

Adakah ini salah Tuhan? Ini salah manusia juga - mereka ada otak tetapi tak nak fikir samada mereka sedang hidup dgn pedoman yg betul ataupun salah. Mereka mengikuti sesebuah agama tanpa iman dan sanggup mati kerana kata2 seseorang yg menjanjikan Syurga. Tuhan mana yg turun kpd kamu dan kata dia akan bagi kamu syurga kalau kamu bunuh diri sendiri dan orang lain? Itu tuhan kah? Bukan ... Itu adalah Iblis dan Syaitan.

Dan akhir sekali - satu peringatan. Kalau Tuhan mahu mengatasi masalah2 yg ditimbulkan oleh manusia, senang je bagi Dia. Ada banyak "reset button" di dunia ini. Ingat lagi tak Tsunami 2004? Itu hanya trailer sahaja. Bukan susah kalau Tuhan nak wujudkan keadaan yg sama SELURUH DUNIA dlm masa yg singkat.

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2014 01:38 PM | Show all posts
Source :

Problem ---> Reaction ---> Solution

Create a problem and a propaganda to heighten the situation.
Wait for public Reaction on the matter.
Provide Solution for the problem in term of warfare.

The "solution" in turn will give rise to new problems and the cycle repeats itself. Purpose :- War Economy.

True victims :-

1. People in the regions where the war have began.
2. Soldiers who fight and die on both side.
3. Families who loses their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters on both side.
4. Foolish young men and women who thinks their sacrifice means something.

Who gains from this? :-

1. Those who make the bullets and the bandages.
2. Politicians who uses the issue to stay in power.
3. Religious zealots who claims to fight for some god who doesn't give $hit about.
4. Stupid drug addicts who daydreams that they are going to get 72 prostitutes when they die.

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Post time 5-11-2014 11:53 AM | Show all posts
A particular retrograde Hindu supremacist Sephiroth who is notoriously famous for his imbecilic racist and religion bigotry remark here in this forum will be shitting in his pants when he finds the fact that Christianity is actually undergoing revival in Europe according to reputable source; ... _christian_comeback

Excerpt from this site;
"The result has been a rediscovery of the continents Christian roots, even among those who have long disregarded it, and a renewed sense of European cultural Christianity. Jrgen Habermas, a veteran leftist German philosopher stunned his admirers not long ago by proclaiming, Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization. To this day, we have no other options [than Christianity]. We continue to nourish ourselves from this source. Everything else is postmodern chatter. Europe may be confronting the dilemmas of a truly multifaith society, but with Christianity poised for a comeback, it is hardly on the verge of becoming an Islamic colony. "



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 Author| Post time 5-11-2014 04:17 PM | Show all posts
by wkk5159

Do you actually READ before you post anything? The website you give admitting (indirectly) that Christianity is growing weaker.

Compared with the rest of the world, religious adherence in Europe is painfully weak. And it is easy to find evidence of the decay. Any traveler to the continent has seen Christianitys abandoned and secularized churches, many now transformed into little more than museums. But this does not mean that European Christianity is nearing extinction. Rather, among the ruins of faith, European Christianity is adapting to a world in which its convinced adherents represent a small but vigorous minority.

Don't expect me to read the article for you and then translate it one by one like teaching some retard. I have put a single paragraph here and bolded where it clearly state that Christianity in Europe are being abandoned and its followers are quickly become minority.

Jrgen Habermas, a veteran leftist German philosopher stunned his admirers not long ago by proclaiming, Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization.

Really? Christianity is foundation for liberty, consciousness, human right and democracy? That fellow (Habermas) and you are deluded and stupid. GO AND READ THE HISTORY BOOKS>

The Church (and Christianity) survived the first 500 years (called the Dark Ages) through suppression and oppression of freedom and liberty, and the next 500 years later through monarchy which continued to oppressed the People and warmongering. The Christian monks and merchants brought Opium to China and half the Asian countries and poisoned the region. Christianity is the source which give birth to Communism which in turn killed millions of people. And to this day, Christianity is a source of many evil actions committed by Men to please a dead and rotting corpse on a cross.

It is about bloody time we break the cross and bury that dead.

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Post time 6-11-2014 11:44 AM | Show all posts
The only religion which is associated with darkness and ignorance is your beloved Hindu and nothing else, just look at the pathetic majority in India, mostly in destitute and appaling condition, so much for a faith you are so proud of....

Dalit like you qualify to judge what Europeans generally think of Christianity ? I quoted Jrgen Habermas, a veteran leftist German philosopher. He stunned his admirers not long ago by proclaiming, Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization. To this day, he said, we have no other options [than Christianity]. We continue to nourish ourselves from this source. Everything else is postmodern chatter.

So, you dalit Sephiroth in the eyes of progressive Europeans, Germans, you are just a postmodern chatter !   


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 Author| Post time 6-11-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
by wkk5159

To this day, he said, we have no other options [than Christianity].

I am quite sure in eyes of a fanatic like you, that Hitler wannabee is a great christian as well, just like Adolf Hitler was.

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