TRANSGENDER: discreet questions sahaja please...
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nice topic for discussion.. always wanted to know the scientific reason behind TG
beside than CAH, what are other causes of hermaphroditism?
genetic ke.. pemakanan ke?
khunsa pun considered TG jugak ke?
or TG mainly psychological?
cheers.. |
sorry lambat jawab berholidays di mesia nih.
seronok alhamdulillah
i like your approach.
i pon buat camtu.
i do my bits supaya depa tak stroke ke MI ke.
bab bab agama kristian kata apa tentang depa i tak sentuh.
wah u ada pharmacy nyerqualification. that is good
red mist, ada kat atas atas tu i explain sikit rasanya that TG is not khunsa or due to CAH
lain semua ni.
red mist tgk la yg tu dulu.
i tgh sonok berholidays di mesia nih.
girang rasanya
Edited by MrPharmacist at 27-4-2015 11:30 PM
nak tahu banyak pasal maknyah, aku suggest ko baca pasal GID (gender identity disorder), which is very psychological.
as for hermaphroditism, itu baru khunsa. sebab ada both ovarian and testicular elements kat diri dia.
just nak kongsi, sepanjang aku belajar dulu dan pengalaman as a clinical pharmacist, tak penah lagi dengar bukti saintifik yg kukuh (evidence grade A and meta analysis study) yang support bahawa pemakanan menjadi penyebab orang jadi maknyah (MaleToFemale MTF), kecuali bila makan ubat (hormone therapy).
research pasal soya yg kononnya boleh jadikan seseorang jadi TG amatlah misleading dan merapu. soya cuma ada phytoestrogen tp ia tak ubah physiological function dan ciri-ciri sekunder seseorang.
tq.. good info..will try to find the reading..
btw what is ur opinion on the info about high synthetic estrogen in chicken that cause hormonal imbalance . boleh dpt man boobs etc tu?
sbb byk sgt dengar yg in poultry industries use estrogen to hasten the chicken growth.. kasi cepat besar.. cepat untung
kkm monitor tak?
in poutry industries, the use of growth hormone or synthetic estrogen n progesterone are illegal. but even if the livestocks are injected as such, those who eat it could rarely develop gynecomastia (male breast enlargement).
this is because, in order for the hormone to take effects thus causing the hormone imbalance, it should be within or even above the therapeutic range. not only that, the level should be persistent (pharmacokinetics of synthetic hormones). so, kalau makan ayam yang dah disuntik, bukan gynecomastia yang perlu dibimbang, tapi kesan sampingan lain mcm kanser, etc.
red_mist posted on 1-5-2015 01:16 PM
tq.. good info..will try to find the reading..
btw what is ur opinion on the info about high synt ...
good explanation from MP; there is some concerns pasal chemicals that can change the hormonal imbalance yg datang from the environment; the cumulative effects tu mmg ade..initially trace.. with time this accumulate.
of a different tangent, hormones can be gotten from other species yg can afect us; there was a famous case yg u can google abt the burger meats in the US yg guna neck tissues from bovine sources; .. and there was a rise in acute hyperthyroidism among the local people jap..sebab dapat thyroid hormones from those burgers.
thank u foryour hols wish. ye mmg seronok; i just wished my hols was longer ha ha |
memang tepat sekali MP.
saya baru sampai balik ke rumah.
rindu sgt kat mesia.
i wish i had more time, alas, very few people maximise its uses
bila baca pasal all the food yg may cause cancer risaunya la..
carcinogens in our daily food.. scary stuff
Thanks for the great info
reading about what people do / put in the food industry makes me wan to grow my own food/ rear ur own chickens/beef etc je..
red_mist posted on 6-5-2015 02:07 PM
reading about what people do / put in the food industry makes me wan to grow my own food/ rear ur ...
memang! beef industry kat sesetengah negara tu entah sapa yg memantaunyer, kan? takleh caya langsung. nak untung je |
Doc and guys,
Apa effect dia kalau seorang yang original dia lelaki makan pil hormon, something like Diane, yasmin and etc...
Saya ada asssistant dari golongan not really a transgender, means dia tak drag tapi lelaki lembut and dia selalu consume pil hormon and selalu jugak beli ubat yang saya takthu apa kegunaan dia, mungkin untuk putih kan kulit or something. Btw, he's 30+ this year. |
diane, yasmin, yasminelle, dianette, cilest etc tu sebenarnya oral contraceptive pills (OCP); bukan hormone replacement therapy (HRT) eg premarin. ade la sikit oestrogen tapi, sikit la. diane tu ade 0.035mg oestradiol (E2, oestrogen); banding dgn eg Premarin yg ade 1.25mg,ie 36 kali ganda. dari segi agama, sy memanglah tak menyokong, tetapi itu urusan dia dgn Tuhannya. Dari segi perubatan, dia ambik ubat yg tidak tepat. Hati hati dgn hormones, jika nak amik hormones, kena ada doctor yg jaga; nanti dapat DVT, PE, dan bermacam lagi hal jika tak di pantau. Juga, dia tak block production of his testosterone, jadi, bulu uka, kasar kulit etc tak byk la berubah.
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