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Author: R2D2

Wanita berkerjaya 'first class' kritik sesama Melayu tapi cakap BI

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Post time 13-4-2016 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Kat ofis aku memang 100% guna English sebab macam2 bangsa ada, Japanese, Spanish, Brits, Venezuelan, French, Canadian, Iranian, Korean, Indonesian, Armenian, Kyrgystan, Italian tapi kalau masing2 nak guna bahasa ibunda sendiri, macam manalah agaknya. So, language is no more than a communication tool. We use one common language that connects one another.

Kdg2 kitorang pergi ke regional meeting kat situ jumpa lah colleague dari macam2 country office - kadang2 jalan2 beramai lepas habis meeting. Ada sekali tu kat Phuket, kitorg ambik bus hotel ramai2 nak pergi Patong, bayangkan dalam satu bas ada macam2 bangsa, bila dah berjumpa kawan sekampung masing2, macam2 bahasa dengar.

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Post time 13-4-2016 04:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 13-4-2016 07:46 AM
I rasa.. Sebab duit berkepok2 laaaa dia mampu jdi surirumah...

Golongan sengkek macam golongan  ...

Kannnn tepat sekali tu nakkk oii, sebab tu dier jaki dengan suri rumah, poyo sangat perangai first class nan hado, makcik phuiikn ajer manusia gituw

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Post time 13-4-2016 04:15 PM | Show all posts
Makcik 1st class ni jenis melayu yg panas dengar melayu lain cakap english.. bagi ai, takpe broken tu, lama2 improve jugak la..

Wahai melayuku, jangan malu cakap english.. org jepun & korea pun broken jugak.. tapi still boleh maju.

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Post time 13-4-2016 04:22 PM | Show all posts
~boolean replied at 13-4-2016 01:25 PM
aku lepak dengan geng2 lawyer dan arkitek aku kami guna bahasa rojak je...
janiji faham, janji sele ...

Ai suka buat accent sebab apa.. It's Fun & Amuse Yourself.

Kalu ada yg tak suka.. it's their problem.
Sapa suruh tanam hasad dengki dlm diri tu..


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Post time 13-4-2016 04:23 PM | Show all posts
sapelah yg tentukan kelas2 keje ni ek .... atas dasar ape .... yg ahkak tau yg penting keje tu halal ....  

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Post time 13-4-2016 05:40 PM | Show all posts
applemy replied at 13-4-2016 04:15 PM
Makcik 1st class ni jenis melayu yg panas dengar melayu lain cakap english.. bagi ai, takpe broken t ...

Bil aku Org luar,
Masa praktikal banyak jumpa Mat salleh,
Diaorg pun guna bahasa pasar je,geng diving pun,
Cina singapore pun jiran2 aku cakap english TP diaorg xpernah eksen,
Siap nasihatkan Jgn malu,cakap je..kena berani,
TP dgn melayu bila kita Broken english,tersalah grammar je
Satu dosa besar buat dia,terus kondem.

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Post time 13-4-2016 05:48 PM | Show all posts
respect pada wanita yg pilih utk jadi suri rumah. sbb suri rumah bkn senang. susah kot. pastu sgt memenatkan. tgk kawan2 i yg tak keje, tabah betol diorang melalui hari2 dok berhempas pulas kt umah.

tahniah pada semua suri rumah atas kekuatan dan ketabahan anda

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Post time 13-4-2016 08:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
applemy replied at 13-4-2016 04:22 PM
Ai suka buat accent sebab apa.. It's Fun & Amuse Yourself.

Dengki dan menyampah tu dua perkara berbeza ya kak...

Apa jadah nak dengki dengan accent orang
Menyampah tu iyalah kerana ketara sangat accent dibuat2 walhal dengar pun sudah tahu kuatnya lidah belacan tapi masih pura2 sepertinya tinggal luar negara bertahun2...

Lainlah kalau accentnya semulajadi..
Yang betul dan fake ketara sangat bezanya..

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Post time 13-4-2016 10:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by oak.balustrade at 13-4-2016 10:04 PM
babydoll replied at 13-4-2016 05:48 PM
respect pada wanita yg pilih utk jadi suri rumah. sbb suri rumah bkn senang. susah kot. pastu sgt me ...

Thanks for the compliment, u. I baru benti keje for merely 4 mths. Mula2 down jugak, eh eh income belas ribu takde langsung la dapat monthly. I benti sebab husband suruh fokus kat anak and i takleh travel a lot due to PID problem. tapi i masih buat freelance job lah sebab masih sayang skill and experience i. I masih gain a least RM3K/month. tak campur duit kocek yang husband tambah sebab i stuju benti keje. Oklah kan.

I masih try hard +ve kan diri i sebab only husband faham i enjoy jadi home maker. Mcm puas sgt anak depan mata kita uruskan sendiri. Masak pun boleh try macam2 now sebab banyak masa nak try. In fact, my parents, in laws and siblings semua x agree i benti keje. Being a home maker is a bliss lah. I anggap org yg dok kecam2 hsewife ni mcm kasta paling rendah dlm society adalah jeles kat kami2 yang x keje. and its stress free of course. Im attached to top mgmt level amd mmg headache. Dgn penat travelling kdg i nanges dlm kete/flight sebab penattttt sgt. Now kepala i memang ringan sebab i dapat bela anak fulltime and at the same time i dapat rezeki kwn2 mintak buat freelance. Alhamdulillah..

Selalu yang kecam orang dok speaking ni memang jenis ahkak2 kepochi kat ofis. Jenis jeles & takleh tengok orang lebih bagus dari dia. I hv no problem dgn orang2 nak ckp omputih, i hantar subordinate2 i g english course to improve their english then i hantar pegi grooming class. Barulah nampak depa ni rasa confident tinggi skit and presentable kan nak hadap bosses/colig/anyone yang datang berbagai negara/race. So to the ahkak yang update fb tu, i kesian dengan u yang low minded tu..

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Post time 14-4-2016 10:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 13-4-2016 03:28 AM

Sikit2 nak petik suri rumah,asal nak tunjuk low class duk main petik suri rumah..

Setuju sama kamu sis..dlm forum ini juga ada yg suka hina suri rumah..dia mau hina aku tp dia ga sadar dia hina suri rumah yg lain juga...katanya aku membibikan diri masak, cuci baju buat kerja rumah utk somi..bukan kalo istri yg buat semua lagi dpat pahala lebih baik dari serahkan segala pada bibik urusan rumahtangga istri apa gitu..wanita yg suka hina suri rumah tangga ga layak kawin..laki buang duit ja kawin sama wanita itu..nnti cerai juga akhirnya..

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Post time 14-4-2016 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by CrowneGlory at 14-4-2016 11:36 AM

jgn pdg surirumah low class... ada yg amik time off from kerja psl nk besarkan anak... anak dh besar baru kerja balik...ddk rumah lg high class tau...maknanya suami mampu & kewangan kukuh... nak2 zmn sekrg ni ekonomi meleset...hanya yg mampu jer jd surirumah
manyak bodo punya pendapat

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Post time 14-4-2016 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 13-4-2016 03:28 AM

Sikit2 nak petik suri rumah,asal nak tunjuk low class duk main petik suri rumah..

Biasa yg rajin updet fesbuk nk rendahkan org lain ni x de sunbangan kt negara..forever alone kekdahnya.
X benanah telinga aku sbg surirumah dgr ckp budak hingusan ni.

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Post time 14-4-2016 12:26 PM | Show all posts
oak.balustrade replied at 13-4-2016 10:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment, u. I baru benti keje for merely 4 mths. Mula2 down jugak, eh eh incom ...

wow!! that's great! jgn la rasa down. u still make income from home,which is a huge blessing! ramai org yg bekerja klo blh nak 'work from home'. tp u mmg btol2 dapat.
i agreed yg u ckp org keje ni sebenarnye jeles dgn org x keje. i tgk kwn2 i yg dh ada family & dok rumah,ada masa mmg dari pagi sampai mlm asyik kalut dgn anak2,dgn hal dlm masa yg sama,buleh selit2 pegi lepak tepi swimming pool sambil lunch dgn kwn2 suri rumah yg lain. best kot!!  
senang citer, baik bekerja atau dok rumah,tetap ada masa susah & senang yg tersendiri. jd pada sapa2 yg dok pandang rendah kt org x keje tu, i rasa tak patut such thing as kasta.masing2 ada cabaran sendiri.

yg pasal english tu..haa..yg tu i tak paham.apekah jadahnye nk perli2 org mcm tu? bagus la diorang post apa2 kt fb ckp bahasa inggeris. blh bantu dia utk tingkatkan confidence level.i perhati,org yg slalu pandang cmni slalunye english dia yg berganda hauk. tapi takde nak improve diri sendiri. lagi teruk!


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Post time 15-4-2016 10:56 AM | Show all posts
~boolean replied at 13-4-2016 08:36 PM
Dengki dan menyampah tu dua perkara berbeza ya kak...

Apa jadah nak dengki dengan accent orang  ...

As ai said: FUN & AMUSING.

Kalo takde benda ni, then the person is BOOORING... gurau jerr

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2016 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Unspeakable: Why are some Malays threatened by English?

People say the darnedest things on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter these days.

We’ve seen ridiculous statements from top political figures, and hilarious “mak kau hijau” parodies that went seriously wrong. But recently, another statement went viral – this one about Malays and the usage of the English language. It was posted by a Facebook user named Fazuha Kaifa:

Not surprisingly, her statement received a backlash from English teachers and netizens across the country.

English teacher Azmi Zainal in particular was clearly unsatisfied with Fazuha’s comment, especially as she seemed to be criticizing educators.

Anyway, first and foremost, Fazuha –“London” is not a language, it’s a place in the United Kingdom.

Secondly, what’s wrong with speaking English in our daily lives? English is just a language spoken by billions of people around the world. It is also the de facto language of commerce, learning, science, aviation, shipping, the Internet and one of the two official languages of the United Nations and the Olympics.

Your attitude, Fazuha, reflects a growing problem within our community, because you’re not the only one being hostile towards English (yes, HOSTILE).

The debate on English usage among Malays has been going on for quite some time now, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to settle down any time soon.

Controversy over the issue could also imperil the education and future of our children.

We’ve listed a few reasons why this is a problem that we should all take very seriously.

This type of hostility is retarding progress within the community, especially the youth.

This regressive mentality is so common, that it’s almost a way of life among Malays.

How will we grow as a nation, if we frown on our own people speaking an international language in the name of communicating with each other and the world? Progress comes from study, sharing, discussing, and taking action.

By pushing English away, you might squander years of advances within our community, just because you think speaking English might make your friends “terasa diketepikan dan tak menghormati mereka”.

Why are we ruining our young ones’ potential just because we want to “jaga hati” of the insecure? Bahasa Malaysia won’t just fade away because we want better English speakers in our community; it is already a compulsory subject you must pass if you want that precious SPM certificate.

Malays won’t be able to compete globally.

Sorry to say this, but we are unlikely to strike good deals with international investors using Bahasa Malaysia.

It’s the bitter truth that Malays have to accept, digest, and move on from. If this mindset of “tak boleh speaking London macam dah tak reti nak speaking Melayu” goes on, the amount of Malay professionals in the business world will rapidly decrease.

And when that happens (while most people opt to speak in English instead of Bahasa Malaysia) – we’re not the biggest economic powerhouse in the world, after all – how will future young Malays compete globally? Simple; they can’t, and they won’t.

(And without the intense work ethic of highly-competitive and disciplined (but very homogeneous) societies like Japan and South Korea, we’ll flounder).

English proficiency in schools.

If there are Fazuha Kaifas currently in school, don’t you think these people will act as judgmental bullies, making snarky comments towards every English speaker in school? Actions like theirs will bring the level of English proficiency in schools to an all-time low, because people will be afraid to speak the language (do not underestimate the power of peer pressure amongst the young).

This sort of mentality will definitely affect how people converse in schools, especially when bullying is still a growing trend in educational institutions.

English should be spoken and learned without fear or prejudice.

As stated above, English is just a language, the lingua franca of billions around the world.

We have to remember that Malaysia isn’t the center of the universe, or even the world.

We cannot act as if others understand our language simply because they step onto our beloved land, or prohibit our citizens from learning other languages so that they can grow as a person.

At the moment, English is a valuable tool to possess in this ever-so-competitive environment, and it is definitely a boon in your arsenal (and as a former British colony, we have a leg-up thanks to English’s history in our land).

So to Fazuha Kaifa, you’re wrong on this. If you don’t favour progress, then the world is not for you.


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Post time 15-4-2016 11:23 AM | Show all posts
English like any other language is just a language . Ianya bukan ukuran IQ seseorang.
Kalau macam tu jenuh la oiii.. semua native eng speaking person bijak ker?

tapi kalau kita tau more than just our own bahasa ibunda kira bagus la . and kalau nak pandai cepat kena la prektis cakap byk2. tak cakap tu yg buat org kita bahasa eng hauk. Tulis resume je gempak english nya ( yer lah leh guan spell check thesauraus semua , siap grammer check bagai) tapi bila cakap hancur kelaut .

tapi kalau tak nak prektis cakap selalu bila nak pandai????  same rules apply in all other language juga.  So bianq pi la depa nak cakap bahasa apa pun .

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Post time 15-4-2016 11:26 AM | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 15-4-2016 11:01 AM
Unspeakable: Why are some Malays threatened by English?

People say the darnedest things on Facebo ...

+ 1 000 000 setuju.

Melayu kita setakat terlajak laris & qu puteh aje la nampaknya.. hiks

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Post time 15-4-2016 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Ai mengharap sangat kawasan penempatan kat Msia diseimbangkan dgn ada kaum lain.. kalo sesama melayu je camni la jadinya: Korok & tak berkembang.

Mcm kat Klang Valley ni, ai tak leh hadam area majoriti melayu mcm bangi & shah alam.. kenapa Tuhan cipta pelbagai kaum? Its obvious isn't it..


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Post time 17-4-2016 01:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
saladin780 replied at 13-4-2016 09:11 AM
Semua la nk buat curahan rasa hati kat fb.. Sangap like la tu.. Bongok

Biasalah tu bro
Zaman skang ramai cikki2 dan ciknek2 batak LIKE kt fb
kurang kasih sayang barangkali

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Post time 18-4-2016 09:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku setuju je malay ngn malay speaking english ni..apa masalah nya?
Aku malay ngn malay pon kadang2 speaking japanese..
Lantak la..janji aku n org yg aku ckp tu paham..

Bila bangsa lain sesama diorg ckp omputeh, ramai plk melayu yg kagum..ceh

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