Zakir naik -liar -kaki auta plus extra bonus ; KAKI KENCING
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Edited by changepassword at 26-7-2016 06:19 AM
Ghossssss! Samdol lu manyak minom ayerrr kencing onta padang paserrr ke? lu grammar kelaut la. Banyak lagi kalau wa mau kondem lu punya grammar. slow slow noh. ojong ojong nanti lu sendiri paham lu adalah samdolslow.
{ Dr Zakir Naik did debate Dr William Campbell of 'answering islam' in which Dr Campbell was humiliated.
However I find you to be a hypocrite. When muslims make comments about Christianity / Bible , you insist to refer to the scholars. However you are ok with your polemics against Islam with your reference to to 'answering islam' and 'faith freedom'. None of these entities are scholars let alone understand arabic , the original language of the Quran.
Why is this so? Isn't this hypocrisy from your part. Who are the muslims scholars that you refer to?
At the very least we muslims refer to world reknown bible scholars like Prof Bart Ehrman , Prof Geza Vermes , Prof Dale Tuggy (which you probably never heard of}
Dr Zakir Naik did debate WITH Dr William Campbell ON 'answering islam' in which Dr Campbell was humiliated.
However I find you to be a hypocrite. When muslims make comments about Christianity / Bible , you insist ON ... REFERRING to the scholars. However you are ok with your polemics against Islam with your reference to to 'answering islam' and 'faith freedom'. None of these entities are scholars let alone understand arabic , the original language of the Quran.
Why is this so? Isn't this hypocrisy ON ... your part. Who are the MUSLIM scholars that you refer to?
At the very least we muslims refer to world RENOWNED bible scholars like Prof Bart Ehrman , Prof Geza Vermes , Prof Dale Tuggy (which you probably never heard of).
Edited by sam1528 at 26-7-2016 09:44 AM
changepassword replied at 26-7-2016 05:48 AM
Ghossssss! Samdol lu manyak minom ayerrr kencing onta padang paserrr ke? lu grammar kelaut la. Banyak lagi kalau wa mau kondem lu punya grammar. slow slow noh. ojong ojong nanti lu sendiri paham lu adalah samdolslow.
Ha ha , si changepassword (aka janda gila talak) yg tak ada pelajaran & tak paham english dok berangan nak betulkan grammar aku
This is really funny. Ko ni meroyan bagai janda gila talak kot kot dah mereng ke , mabuk ketum ke atau memang bodoh?
Ok lah .... cuba pebetulkan aje lah. See folks , changepassword (aka janda gila talak) is a prime example of why education is important. Kalo tak ada pelajaran .... jadi macam si changepassword (aka janda gila talak) lah.
Let see how good you are. Tengok aje berepa kali kena tanya sebelum ko berani jawab atau mentetel lari
For the 1st time
Edited by sam1528 at 26-7-2016 12:17 PM
LOL , observe folks .... janda gila talak meroyan
changepassword yg tak ada pelajaran dok pikir dia pandai ... last2 macam beruk kena belacan
** Ha ha , ko ingat ko post kat sini , si truth.8 nak join ko lawan aku? Podah lah .... one thing I notice , kalo ko dah kena tampar kiri kanan , ko akan cuba cari geng. Ko takut bersendiri ke? Appears like it. Pengecut ko ni ye ...
For the 2nd time
Ok lah .... cuba pebetulkan aje lah.
See folks , changepassword (aka janda gila talak) is a prime example of why education is important. Kalo tak ada pelajaran .... jadi macam si changepassword (aka janda gila talak) lah.
Let see how good you are. Tengok aje berapa kali kena tanya sebelum ko berani jawab atau mentetel lari
Khennnn, grammar kelaut ade haty nak kate wa english tarak pandai. Muke tarak tau malo ponya janda.
Naseb baek wa mukan lu ponya cekgu, kalo idok wa campok lu klass saket mental . lu manyak minom ayerrrr konching onta ka? Sampe lu kena konching cekgu lu englissssss baguh?
changepassword replied at 27-7-2016 06:45 AM
Khennnn, grammar kelaut ade haty nak kate wa english tarak pandai. Muke tarak tau malo ponya janda.
Naseb baek wa mukan lu ponya cekgu, kalo idok wa campok lu klass saket mental . lu manyak minom ayerrrr konching onta ka? Sampe lu kena konching cekgu lu englissssss baguh?
Ha ha , like I stated kalo tak ada pelajaran ni lah jadi. See folks , si changepassword is a prime example org yg tak ada pelajaran tapi berangan nak debat. Last2 meroyan bagai janda gila talak.
Acah2 aje .... bila mintak bukti ..... mentetel lari
For the 3rd time
Ok lah .... cuba pebetulkan aje lah.
See folks , changepassword (aka janda gila talak) is a prime example of why education is important. Kalo tak ada pelajaran .... jadi macam si changepassword (aka janda gila talak) lah.
Let see how good you are. Tengok aje berapa kali kena tanya sebelum ko berani jawab atau mentetel lari
Edited by zamkumis at 9-8-2016 12:54 PM
Kehebatan Zakir naik meyebabkan terbarai semua sami hindu, sami buddha dan sami kristian. Tak boleh nak kata apa...sebab Zakir naik membuktikan dari kitab mereka sendiri, memang terbarai....
Tak ada sami2 yang datang sebab memang takkan boleh menang bila debat, zakir naik berjaya memecahkan Guinness World Record
sebagai pendebat yang tidak dapat dikalahkan walau sekali.
Dia-lah yang mengutus rasul-Nya dengan membawa petunjuk dan agama yang hak agar dimenangkan-Nya terhadap semua agama. dan cukuplah Allah sebagai saksi (QS. al-Fath [48]: 28).
zakir naik bukan hebat...dia sendiri bodoh dlm agama lain dan mengelirukan muslims dlm isu agama lain
Tapi, dunia menjadi saksi kehebatan Zakir Naik, Amerika dan UK dah ban Zakir... tak boleh nak lawan. Aku pun kasihan dengan orang bukan muslim yang hidup tertipu dengan kehidupan. Datangnya zakir naik adalah satu rahmat yang besar untuk seluruh dunia agar berfikir semula...
Tapi, dunia menjadi saksi kehebatan Zakir Naik, Amerika dan UK dah ban Zakir... tak boleh nak lawan. Aku pun kasihan dengan orang bukan muslim yang hidup tertipu dengan kehidupan. Datangnya zakir naik adalah satu rahmat yang besar untuk seluruh dunia agar berfikir semula...
orang bodoh dan mindah tertutup aja percaya dgn zakir naik...
dia kuat berbohong dari kebenaran...itu yg saya nampak...pembohongan dia cukup licik dgn bertopengkan agama
Truth.8 replied at 12-8-2016 01:22 PM
orang bodoh dan mindah tertutup aja percaya dgn zakir naik...
dia kuat berbohong dari keben ...
Ikut kaulah truth... nak kata apa |
David Dass: The issue is not about government's power and discretion to grant permanent residence to anyone. The issue is whether the power was exercised rightly.
Someone argued that freedom of expression meant that no one should be restrained from expressing his opinion on anything, including the religious beliefs of anyone. That would be true as a general proposition but it is certainly not true in the Malaysian situation.
People do not publicly make derogatory statements or critical statements of the religious beliefs of others. Publicly there is respect for one another’s beliefs.
Indian preacher Zakir Naik, a self-proclaimed expert on comparative religion, demonstrates his expertise by 'proving' the invalidity of other religions by quoting from their holy books.
This he does to the delight of followers who do not really have the knowledge to know whether what he is saying is true or false.
It does not matter that he has been shown time and again to have misinterpreted or misquoted the holy scriptures of others. Now the charges of money laundering and of inciting or inspiring others to terrorism.
The police force in his own country want to talk to him. Why do we want to protect him?
Read more: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/379976#ixzz4ewCWBrPW
David Dass: Some people in this country have got themselves in a bind. They have chosen as their 'guru' an Indian preacher called Zakir Naik.
This man speaks to cheering crowds of Muslims demonstrating his knowledge of 'comparative religion' and appears to be citing verses and extracts from various holy books and also quoting from various sources, all to bolster his arguments that Islam is the only true religion and all other religions false religions.
The fact that Muslims believe that Islam is the only true religion is not a problem as all adherents of all religions believe that to be true of each of their religions. But stating untrue opinions or interpretations and sources of other faiths is wrong.
Apologists from other religions have analysed many of his speeches and exposed the flaws in his logic and the inaccuracies or untruths in his sources.
There was a time when we knew exactly who and what we were. Now foreign influences shape our minds and thoughts. India, for whatever reason, allowed Zakir Naik free rein. Perhaps they were giving life to freedom of expression.
The cynic in me says that they needed people like Zakir Naik to galvanise the Hindu's feelings. And he did. The Hindu right wing are in ascendant. Zakir Naik, emboldened by the freedom he had to peddle his wares, travelled overseas.
To Muslim-only audiences, he says things which would alarm non-Muslims and to non-Muslim majority countries, he portrayed a more liberal and accommodating view.
This is the age of recording devices and YouTube. It was not long before his double speak was exposed.
His speeches encourage or inspire terrorism, say the Bangladeshis and the Indians. India says that he is engaged in money-laundering activities and India wants him back to answer questions. What should we do?
So far, we have said that he has committed no crime in the country and have given him PR (permanent resident) status.
Read more: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/380045#ixzz4f2CHg8GV
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