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Moderator: AceHand, lil_honey


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Hide sticky threads KaMaR MoDeRaToR BoRaK - [Read permissions 255]attach_img  ...23456..43
adabintang    |   3-10-2012 06:02 PM    |   View:1396   |   Reply:895    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 3-8-2023 01:01 AM This Category
Hide sticky threads KaunTer AduaN + PerTanyaan @ BoraK attach_img  ...23456..20
sourplum    |   19-6-2010 05:33 PM    |   View:155898   |   Reply:399    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 21-10-2023 02:53 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads TALK Here First | BORAK Sini Dulu
AceHand    |   9-5-2020 12:15 AM    |   View:7511   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
lil_honey 10-5-2020 11:23 PM
  Forum Thread   
[SURVEY] Aktiviti Korang Di Hari Minggu agree  ...23456
naen    |   29-10-2011 12:44 AM    |   View:21185   |   Reply:115    |   Likes: 0
yangsemb 27-7-2024 09:56 PM Polls
sailormars    |   28-2-2023 08:38 PM    |   View:4435   |   Reply:72    |   Likes: 0
Lemon_juice 27-7-2024 09:40 PM
Update Status Ala-Ala si Muka Buku (Pesbuk la tu..) V-3 attach_img recommend  ...23456..14
kucingkarate    |   18-2-2020 12:49 PM    |   View:39841   |   Reply:279    |   Likes: 1
yangsemb 27-7-2024 01:33 PM
JIZZZ... KLONG! KLONG! Antara Air Kopi Dan Air Teh... attach_img agree  ...2345
AceHand    |   16-2-2024 02:13 AM    |   View:25420   |   Reply:92    |   Likes: 0
yangsemb 27-7-2024 01:31 PM


Macam Mana Nak Naik Level? attachment recommend agree  ...23456..34
whitelily97    |   7-12-2017 12:25 AM    |   View:118389   |   Reply:665    |   Likes: 60
yangsemb 27-7-2024 01:30 PM
Borak sambil Kumpul Tacang attachment recommend  ...23456..29
misalalbae    |   26-7-2021 02:55 AM    |   View:50305   |   Reply:570    |   Likes: 12
yangsemb 27-7-2024 01:27 PM
Jom Kutip Kacang Santai2 Newbie Thread attachment recommend agree  ...23456..98
Somed    |   23-4-2021 03:33 PM    |   View:154847   |   Reply:1944    |   Likes: 9
yangsemb 27-7-2024 01:26 PM
Kuiz Gah Pekerjaan ahli forum Cari attach_img  ...23456
Mulotkoyak    |   2-7-2021 02:07 AM    |   View:25689   |   Reply:110    |   Likes: 0
mamanoni 27-7-2024 11:11 AM Polls
[Geng] Rumah Kaki Royan Part 182 recommend  ...23456..19
Missfadh    |   15-6-2024 03:35 PM    |   View:8683   |   Reply:373    |   Likes: 1
puccafan 26-7-2024 11:48 PM
YESTANE BUNIAN: Illuminati @ Freemason @ Satanic @ Dehumanization @ Depopulation @ Agendas @ Secrets attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..12
tumpanglalu74    |   29-6-2022 01:34 AM    |   View:34110   |   Reply:235    |   Likes: 147
AkuXpernahJauh 25-7-2024 08:14 PM
berdengkur mase tidur?? bising btol!!  ...23
cyunkhby    |   30-9-2013 01:42 PM    |   View:5294   |   Reply:40    |   Likes: 0
joannakimberly 23-7-2024 03:15 PM
Jenama Produk Buatan Malaysia  ...23456..8
HangPC2    |   9-8-2009 12:53 AM    |   View:92714   |   Reply:159    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 14-7-2024 01:42 AM
Sebab apa anda tak suka masuk amway attach_img
honam    |   20-11-2023 11:10 AM    |   View:3844   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 0
honam 13-7-2024 02:17 PM
Apa ciri2 status facebook korang?  ...23
gusikuberdarah    |   8-6-2014 04:46 PM    |   View:11715   |   Reply:60    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 12-7-2024 12:33 AM Polls
Baju kurung milik orang Malaysia – Nik Safiah
abgsedapmalam    |   14-1-2015 11:01 PM    |   View:2134   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 12-7-2024 12:30 AM
2014 yang amat ekstrem, 2015 ‘Tahun Hudud’?
abgsedapmalam    |   2-1-2015 08:21 PM    |   View:2995   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 11-7-2024 04:27 AM
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Best ke Proton X50 ni? recommend  ...23
honam    |   14-12-2020 04:00 PM    |   View:19215   |   Reply:54    |   Likes: 2
AceHand 11-7-2024 04:21 AM Polls
Bayar deposit RM50 untuk dapatkan full catalogue baju raya LR??? Newbie Thread attach_img recommend  ...23
aysia19    |   25-3-2021 02:16 AM    |   View:13858   |   Reply:59    |   Likes: 4
AceHand 11-7-2024 04:13 AM
You all bila lagi nak capai sale 1 juta?
honam    |   26-9-2023 05:11 PM    |   View:5488   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 11-7-2024 04:08 AM
Dia yang sabul???  ...2
SaraAnn    |   22-2-2008 03:54 PM    |   View:6955   |   Reply:20    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 11-7-2024 04:07 AM
Udah macam kena rasuk...
pengimbas    |   10-8-2014 03:33 AM    |   View:4581   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 11-7-2024 04:06 AM
JIZZZ... KLONG! KLONG! Selamat Tahun Baru Maal Hijrah 1446...
AceHand    |   7-7-2024 02:53 AM    |   View:27615   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:53 AM
abgsedapmalam    |   21-1-2015 09:03 PM    |   View:1871   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:50 AM
abgsedapmalam    |   21-1-2015 08:56 PM    |   View:1856   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:47 AM


kakicomel88    |   15-1-2014 11:25 AM    |   View:3239   |   Reply:11    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:44 AM
Satu Petak Parking Kereta Di Hong Kong Bernilai RM509,190.. Patut Kerr?? attach_img
jepisbekri    |   31-8-2013 12:21 PM    |   View:2770   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:44 AM
saya budak baru,dah kena tegur ngan moderator.hihi  ...23
mealah    |   14-5-2013 08:43 PM    |   View:8140   |   Reply:57    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:43 AM
nak tanya pendapat..  ...23
shomel    |   9-1-2012 09:56 PM    |   View:6226   |   Reply:42    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:40 AM
azam tahun 2015  ...2
isabel@DARSITA    |   17-12-2014 12:38 PM    |   View:4492   |   Reply:36    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:39 AM
Pernah lari dari rumah ?  ...2
Leafumi    |   5-1-2015 12:37 AM    |   View:5332   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:39 AM Polls
Pendapat & Editorial: Bah Merah 1927 , Bah Kuning 2014
abgsedapmalam    |   17-1-2015 10:11 PM    |   View:5573   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:38 AM
Razak pernah ajak sosialis sertai BN, kata Kassim Ahmad
abgsedapmalam    |   16-1-2015 11:48 PM    |   View:1588   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:35 AM
apa pendapat anda lelaki suka selfie?? adakah gay boy atau biasa?  ...23456
mariahna    |   29-1-2014 02:57 PM    |   View:16851   |   Reply:107    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:33 AM
Teks khutbah Jumaat adalah percubaan wujudkan kebencian agama
abgsedapmalam    |   15-1-2015 12:18 AM    |   View:1948   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:31 AM
Di mana negara Arab ketika kita dilanda musibah?
abgsedapmalam    |   14-1-2015 11:39 PM    |   View:1446   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:29 AM
KPN akan berlaku adil, tapi untuk sesetengah pihak sahaja
abgsedapmalam    |   13-1-2015 11:38 PM    |   View:1611   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:25 AM
Happy Birthday Warga Borak - Capricorn agree  ...234
naen    |   23-12-2011 10:16 PM    |   View:9451   |   Reply:77    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:22 AM
Dari Temerloh ke Thailand jejak pejuang kiri
abgsedapmalam    |   12-1-2015 12:28 PM    |   View:1640   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:21 AM
Kisah Benar : Kisah Isteri Yang Merasa Derhaka Kepada Suami (Wanita Perlu Baca)
abgsedapmalam    |   11-1-2015 09:00 PM    |   View:3607   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:19 AM
Siapa bunuh Charlie Hebdo?
abgsedapmalam    |   10-1-2015 11:50 PM    |   View:2219   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:18 AM
Surah banjir
abgsedapmalam    |   10-1-2015 11:35 PM    |   View:1687   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:17 AM
Mabul Island pakej  ...2
Kasih_Emylia    |   13-5-2014 11:18 PM    |   View:4362   |   Reply:23    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:16 AM
8 Pengajaran Dari Seorang Gay yg Berpindah dari Malaysia ke New York untuk ...
abgsedapmalam    |   8-1-2015 07:23 PM    |   View:6101   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:15 AM
Perhatian: QUAKER Chewy Granola Bars diragui status HALAL. attach_img
iskadar2004    |   6-10-2012 07:39 PM    |   View:9086   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:14 AM
2015:Bagaimana menjimatkan cuti tahunan untuk pergi bercuti sekerap mungkin ?
abgsedapmalam    |   8-1-2015 02:35 PM    |   View:1814   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:13 AM
abgsedapmalam    |   8-1-2015 01:42 PM    |   View:2128   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:12 AM
Camne nk ke Central Plaza, Jln Sultan Ismail
mabelesrossa    |   11-7-2013 08:35 PM    |   View:2760   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 7-7-2024 02:12 AM
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