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Komputer & Teknikal Td:1 |Th:8720|Rank:71 

Moderator: aziz79
Move:LINUX run dalam window
kayuapi    |   22-1-2007 05:00 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:Monitor refresh rate
pokjali    |   18-1-2007 06:00 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:Camner nak buang virus brontok
affazam    |   17-1-2007 06:16 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:AntiVir xleh update..
BlackGold    |   28-5-2007 02:15 PM    |   View:5   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:masalah apa ni
burungnuri    |   14-1-2007 03:04 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:bside stremyx, which company u o subcribe? is that u pay 4d sped u want?
trex    |   12-1-2007 06:50 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
burungnuri    |   10-1-2007 01:54 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
miss_kitab    |   10-1-2007 04:30 PM    |   View:1355   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:berapa lama load windows
burungnuri    |   8-1-2007 04:49 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:windows system32 prob
burungnuri    |   6-1-2007 09:17 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:file recover
burungnuri    |   7-1-2007 03:54 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:pc aku ade dua window... cam ne nak buang window satu lagi?
syah_avx05    |   5-1-2007 08:40 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:internet problem
burungnuri    |   5-1-2007 08:18 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:Apa itu Windows Longhorn
Mehacomp_91    |   25-12-2006 03:37 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
utm_student    |   16-12-2006 01:04 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:Macam mana utk bypass ISP - using proxy server?
Riha02    |   8-12-2006 03:24 PM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:avira antivir
cloud_hardcore    |   18-10-2006 08:52 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:Masalah Shutdown
noamee    |   14-8-2008 11:30 AM    |   View:35   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
Move:IPv6 on Windows XP
venez    |   29-2-2008 12:50 PM    |   View:19   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
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Move:Kalau ada masalah, rujuk thread ni dulu digest
Sarah_Radzi    |   29-3-2004 02:13 AM    |   View:-   |   Reply:-    |   Likes: 0
Anonymous 1-1-1970 08:00 AM
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