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Moderator: ipes2, adila39
Pilihan mana Covid-19 rapid test kit yang bagus? attach_img agree
nutnet    |   23-9-2021 02:05 PM    |   View:2216   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
nutnet 25-9-2021 06:44 AM
keypochino    |   21-7-2021 05:03 PM    |   View:136269   |   Reply:1983    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 24-9-2021 11:39 AM
Makan lemak tenusu, kurang risiko sakit jantung agree
Raline    |   22-9-2021 09:25 PM    |   View:1821   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
Raline 23-9-2021 09:12 PM
[INFO~ Anda tahu apa itu NCD? ] agree
adila39    |   11-9-2021 11:23 AM    |   View:2103   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 0
adila39 23-9-2021 06:50 PM
Disinfectant Spray Gun Bahaya Pada Kesihatan attach_img recommend agree  ...2345
Kakalongmu    |   11-9-2021 03:02 PM    |   View:9606   |   Reply:84    |   Likes: 2
acikhan 15-9-2021 11:32 AM
Tabiat berus gigi selepas makan berbahaya agree
Raline    |   14-9-2021 11:19 PM    |   View:1818   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
sharlenetexas 14-9-2021 11:31 PM
Apakah langkah yang baik untuk mengurangkan kadar kolesterol (Cholesterol) yang attach_img recommend agree  ...23
evataso    |   20-3-2021 08:41 AM    |   View:9104   |   Reply:57    |   Likes: 4
mejaputih 14-9-2021 01:51 PM
7,000 langkah sehari bantu panjangkan usia agree
Raline    |   5-9-2021 11:27 PM    |   View:2145   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
mejaputih 14-9-2021 01:46 PM
Rancang kehamilan untuk umur 25 tahun? agree
Raline    |   10-9-2021 11:09 PM    |   View:1282   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Raline 10-9-2021 11:09 PM
ketiak slalu peluh...
hiv_boyz    |   3-5-2008 02:19 PM    |   View:6244   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
xanax1mgonline 8-9-2021 07:44 PM
[Info ~Apa itu intubate & fungsi ventilator ] agree
adila39    |   30-8-2021 12:47 AM    |   View:2750   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
adila39 8-9-2021 09:52 AM
(Info Terkini - Self Rapid Test Antigen ) attach_img recommend agree  ...2
adila39    |   19-7-2021 12:37 AM    |   View:5995   |   Reply:38    |   Likes: 2
rospinki 4-9-2021 07:44 AM
4 Makanan Ini Baik Untuk Kesihatan Otak Anda recommend agree
Raline    |   31-8-2021 07:33 AM    |   View:1941   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 1
ease 1-9-2021 01:51 PM
[INFO PENTING] Apa Itu HAPPY HYPOXIA? attach_img recommend agree  ...2
adila39    |   27-6-2021 12:08 PM    |   View:6019   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 2
ipes2 31-8-2021 01:51 PM
Sejarah Vaksin Sinovac recommend agree
CitySity    |   10-6-2021 10:40 AM    |   View:2498   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 2
edayildiz 31-8-2021 12:36 PM
Senangnya otak nak rosak, recommend agree
Raline    |   31-8-2021 07:31 AM    |   View:2682   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 1
edayildiz 31-8-2021 12:34 PM
Panduan penting sebelum beli oximeter attach_img agree
Burong_Hantuk    |   18-8-2021 08:34 AM    |   View:2079   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 0
Radzor 31-8-2021 04:31 AM
Gangguan tidur boleh membawa masalah mental? agree
Raline    |   26-8-2021 06:28 PM    |   View:1495   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
adila39 29-8-2021 10:34 AM
[Edisi Kongsi Pengalaman] ~ Does Covid 19 vaccines affect your menstruation and attach_img recommend agree  ...234
adila39    |   7-8-2021 04:59 PM    |   View:7131   |   Reply:69    |   Likes: 1
adila39 29-8-2021 10:34 AM
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(SEJARAH DOKTOR MELAYU): Siapakah Dr Latifah Bee & the Ghows (1911 - 2005) attach_img recommend agree  ...23
seribulan    |   17-3-2020 09:28 AM    |   View:11470   |   Reply:48    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 29-8-2021 09:05 AM
Susu ibu mengandungi antibodi melawan Covid-19 agree
Raline    |   26-8-2021 11:21 AM    |   View:1277   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 29-8-2021 08:52 AM
Mental 'tak sejahtera' agree
Raline    |   11-8-2021 01:09 PM    |   View:1281   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 29-8-2021 08:51 AM
Kekal hidrat musim panas agree
Raline    |   11-8-2021 12:36 PM    |   View:1325   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 29-8-2021 08:50 AM
Awas gejala hidung tersumbat, selesema, musim2 covid-19 ni agree
Raline    |   28-8-2021 10:40 PM    |   View:1114   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 29-8-2021 01:04 AM
Quiz: Are You Depressed? attach_img recommend agree  ...234
Acikayumii    |   3-12-2018 11:07 PM    |   View:17840   |   Reply:79    |   Likes: 1
NurHanim 28-8-2021 02:02 PM
[ILMU MUDAH]: Apa pendapat anda tentang Vaccine untuk Covid-19? attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..15
ipes2    |   4-3-2021 06:21 AM    |   View:41836   |   Reply:287    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 27-8-2021 11:07 AM
perlu ke saman Newbie Thread agree
BaldwinBarnaby    |   25-8-2021 12:21 PM    |   View:1347   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
adila39 25-8-2021 07:24 PM
Fahami punca sakit belakang bersama Pusat Perubatan Sunway agree
Raline    |   25-8-2021 08:48 AM    |   View:1010   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Raline 25-8-2021 08:48 AM
Solutions for back pain without surgery! agree
georgezella    |   5-11-2020 05:06 PM    |   View:3300   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
KirBe 25-8-2021 03:24 AM
KLINIK GIGI KERAJAAN recommend agree  ...2
aina_shaira    |   5-7-2021 08:09 PM    |   View:5244   |   Reply:25    |   Likes: 1
LILIculas 24-8-2021 08:56 PM
[INFO] Ivermectin..share with us what do you think attach_img recommend agree  ...2
adila39    |   8-6-2021 09:47 AM    |   View:6172   |   Reply:24    |   Likes: 1
adila39 23-8-2021 10:07 AM
Kerap ejakulasi kurangkan risiko kanser prostat agree
Raline    |   4-8-2021 08:09 PM    |   View:1590   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 23-8-2021 02:47 AM
Apa nie? attach_img recommend agree  ...23
minahgempal    |   18-8-2021 09:35 PM    |   View:4908   |   Reply:44    |   Likes: 1
minahgempal 19-8-2021 09:23 PM
Looking for sponsors - Nursing Home Newbie Thread agree
atukbaru    |   12-12-2016 02:29 PM    |   View:2961   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
caricoolkid 19-8-2021 05:08 PM
Petua atau Cara nak jaga kesuburan/ mengandung / TTC tips etc/ Dr Pakar Sakit P attach_img agree  ...2
Justsha    |   9-9-2020 12:59 PM    |   View:9667   |   Reply:30    |   Likes: 0
Justsha 19-8-2021 11:21 AM
Ibu Hamil Jangan Fikir 2 Kali Untuk Ambil Vaksin, Ini Risiko Anda Kena Tahu agree
Raline    |   19-8-2021 10:04 AM    |   View:1162   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
Rockafella 19-8-2021 10:52 AM
Tips! Turunkan 30% Risiko Sakit Jantung, Strok agree
Raline    |   17-8-2021 05:46 PM    |   View:1459   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
Scheherazade 19-8-2021 08:55 AM
Sindrom Patah Hati, Miliki Simptom Sama Dengan Serangan Jantung agree
Raline    |   12-8-2021 09:27 PM    |   View:1397   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 17-8-2021 10:40 AM
(EDISI INFO KESIHATAN SEMASA 2020/2021) attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..21
adila39    |   9-8-2020 11:15 AM    |   View:72170   |   Reply:409    |   Likes: 1
adila39 16-8-2021 10:18 AM
Pengguna pil Viagra mengadu alami masalah pendengaran agree
xpdckelate    |   15-8-2021 09:25 PM    |   View:1597   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
adila39 15-8-2021 10:05 PM
ipes2    |   21-6-2021 02:49 AM    |   View:4122   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 1
ipes2 15-8-2021 04:45 PM
[ILMU MUDAH]: BARIATRICS SURGERY, Gastric Bypass (roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass ie RY attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23
ipes2    |   16-12-2019 10:29 PM    |   View:15802   |   Reply:47    |   Likes: 4
ipes2 15-8-2021 04:22 PM
KKM Terima Laporan 2 Kes Keracunan Akibat Pengambilan Ivermectin Secara Kendiri attach_img recommend agree
Itzy    |   15-8-2021 01:37 PM    |   View:1792   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 15-8-2021 04:08 PM
3 Sebab Telur Mentah Membahayakan Kesihatan Kita agree
Raline    |   12-8-2021 09:25 PM    |   View:1312   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 15-8-2021 04:07 PM
Elak makan menu sama agree
Raline    |   11-8-2021 12:34 PM    |   View:1387   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
adila39 12-8-2021 09:18 AM
Mengurus amarah agree
Raline    |   11-8-2021 12:32 PM    |   View:1548   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
adila39 12-8-2021 09:17 AM
Memahami proses ivf agree
Raline    |   11-8-2021 12:37 PM    |   View:1311   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
edayildiz 12-8-2021 01:50 AM
'Ada yang geli, tak nak salam saya' - Penghidap hiperhidrosis, peluh banyak di t agree
CMFreporter    |   10-8-2021 01:26 PM    |   View:1655   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
makita 10-8-2021 02:47 PM
Penyakit Skizofrenia recommend agree
cef_gango    |   20-8-2013 01:34 PM    |   View:5773   |   Reply:14    |   Likes: 2
manjalara_01 9-8-2021 05:16 PM
[ILMU MUDAH]: NOTA2 BERKENAAN DENGAN TOTAL LOCKDOWN. Sila Forumers Tambah Idea & attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..11
ipes2    |   6-6-2021 11:21 PM    |   View:27855   |   Reply:205    |   Likes: 3
seribulan 8-8-2021 06:16 PM
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