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Moderator: ipes2, adila39
Dimanakah saya boleh dpt membeli supplemen utk diabetis? Newbie Thread digest
maxtremecool    |   17-7-2014 04:46 PM    |   View:4423   |   Reply:18    |   Likes: 0
nz.jr 29-12-2021 04:54 PM
Info yang anda perlu tahu ~ Rahim jatuh sebab angkat berat? Kenapa peranakan jatuh? Eh mitos lah ? attach_img agree
adila39    |   26-12-2021 11:11 PM    |   View:2086   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 29-12-2021 06:42 AM
80% Bahagian Perut Akan Dibuang..” Ini Info Pembedahan Pintasan Perut Boleh Kura attach_img recommend agree  ...23
YgBenar    |   9-2-2021 11:54 PM    |   View:8038   |   Reply:58    |   Likes: 3
dedek12 27-12-2021 03:11 PM
Duduk terlalu lama boleh ‘membunuh’ secara senyap agree
Raline    |   1-12-2021 08:51 PM    |   View:1311   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
Tinot7 22-12-2021 06:29 PM
Info - Selepas Banjir, penyakit yang common berlaku attach_img agree
adila39    |   20-12-2021 10:44 AM    |   View:1079   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
adila39 22-12-2021 10:10 AM
Anxiety Disorder + Nyctophilia Newbie Thread attach_img recommend agree  ...23
keane.somewhere    |   6-10-2021 10:21 PM    |   View:5823   |   Reply:48    |   Likes: 1
keane.somewhere 20-12-2021 11:38 AM
(INFO)- HIV Untuk Ibu mengandung agree
adila39    |   16-12-2021 03:09 PM    |   View:934   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
adila39 18-12-2021 09:51 PM
Raline    |   17-12-2021 12:09 PM    |   View:1724   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
songket_merah 18-12-2021 09:48 PM
What is Narcolepsy and how it is been cured? Newbie Thread agree
mike147    |   15-12-2021 08:14 PM    |   View:1274   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 15-12-2021 11:18 PM
[HIDUP YANG BERMAKNA]: PHOTO 51 attach_img agree
ipes2    |   1-12-2021 05:42 AM    |   View:1988   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 14-12-2021 07:32 AM
ketagih makan beras digest  ...23
anjja2020    |   5-12-2008 11:46 AM    |   View:42633   |   Reply:48    |   Likes: 0
adila39 8-12-2021 08:19 PM
INFO PENTING - 8 things you need to know before getting your Booster shot recommend agree
adila39    |   26-11-2021 01:48 PM    |   View:2185   |   Reply:14    |   Likes: 1
adila39 7-12-2021 10:34 PM
Rawatan kanser guna herba, tumbuhan agree
Raline    |   26-11-2021 10:20 PM    |   View:964   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
nz.jr 7-12-2021 03:50 PM
Omicron: Jangan cepat panik, teruskan SOP semasa agree
Raline    |   7-12-2021 09:34 AM    |   View:1020   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
mizruncing 7-12-2021 03:04 PM
11,596 orang jumpa kaunselor tenangkan emosi agree
Raline    |   11-11-2021 11:15 AM    |   View:1123   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 3-12-2021 04:34 PM
Jangan nekad bunuh diri, ada talian hayat agree
Raline    |   15-11-2021 11:31 PM    |   View:1819   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 3-12-2021 04:33 PM
Piramid makanan untuk pesakit Long COVID agree
Raline    |   24-11-2021 01:24 AM    |   View:883   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 3-12-2021 04:32 PM
Mengidap Leukimia? Buah Merah, Santapan Pencegah Leukimia Ataupun Kanker Darah Yang Ampuh attach_img
anwarseberang    |   29-11-2021 12:53 PM    |   View:1663   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 3-12-2021 04:32 PM
[ILMU MUDAH]: ANTON SYNDROME (Pesakit tidak tahu yang dia itu buta) attach_img recommend agree  ...23
ipes2    |   6-6-2021 10:49 PM    |   View:6892   |   Reply:50    |   Likes: 2
ipes2 2-12-2021 01:57 AM
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Danger of dental amalgam agree
SONofODIN    |   21-6-2007 08:44 PM    |   View:4125   |   Reply:19    |   Likes: 0
fatabi 1-12-2021 09:31 PM
Awasi kuman dalam mulut agree
Raline    |   29-11-2021 10:54 PM    |   View:1185   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 30-11-2021 06:33 AM
Lelaki ramai mati mengejut agree
Raline    |   14-11-2021 11:49 AM    |   View:1663   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 26-11-2021 08:33 PM
11 cara berkesan dan selamat untuk menurunkan berat badan di rumah
NikitaOutlet    |   17-11-2021 04:07 PM    |   View:2026   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
NikitaOutlet 17-11-2021 04:07 PM
SLIPPED DISC/PROLAPSED DISC: i akan cuba bagi info sebaik mungkin to help you attachment digest  ...234
ipes2    |   15-10-2014 04:14 PM    |   View:20007   |   Reply:78    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 17-11-2021 05:27 AM
Testimonial BEKAM digest  ...2
bijakbudget    |   29-4-2010 04:21 PM    |   View:24658   |   Reply:39    |   Likes: 0
anony-mous 14-11-2021 01:14 AM
Impak rabun warna pada emosi agree
Raline    |   7-11-2021 09:15 PM    |   View:994   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
adila39 9-11-2021 02:40 PM
Produk pengganti gula. Yang mana paling bagus untuk kesihatan? recommend agree  ...2
Cumikucingku    |   19-9-2021 11:40 AM    |   View:5298   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 1
vanilacup 6-11-2021 08:53 PM
ipes2    |   27-10-2021 05:16 PM    |   View:2167   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 27-10-2021 06:28 PM
PERSONALITY QUIZ : We Can Tell If You Have OCD Based On Your Sleep attach_img agree  ...234
realist_13    |   3-5-2018 02:49 PM    |   View:15760   |   Reply:67    |   Likes: 0
meah_kelabu 27-10-2021 02:06 PM
Anak sakit ketika membuang air kecil agree
kzamam    |   25-10-2021 01:13 PM    |   View:1512   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 26-10-2021 03:04 PM
Interesting Quiz On Diet And Nutrition Newbie Thread attachment digest agree
Robloxgoblox11    |   6-10-2018 01:01 PM    |   View:3793   |   Reply:17    |   Likes: 0
nora_balqis 26-10-2021 08:53 AM
Penyakit atopik yang ditakuti agree
Raline    |   23-10-2021 08:58 PM    |   View:1412   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
musangbodoh 24-10-2021 12:51 PM
Penggunaan vape kurang berisiko berbanding rokok tembakau? agree
Raline    |   30-9-2021 07:51 PM    |   View:2246   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 20-10-2021 05:31 AM
Istilah kesihatan agree
deekhan    |   19-10-2021 07:12 PM    |   View:849   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
adila39 19-10-2021 11:40 PM
Write a doctor who story in 5 words... attachment recommend  ...23456..30
seribulan    |   19-12-2018 02:02 PM    |   View:46637   |   Reply:590    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 19-10-2021 07:58 PM
ipes2    |   12-10-2021 04:54 AM    |   View:4008   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 1
adila39 15-10-2021 12:34 PM
Jamu Mak Dara Gold digest  ...2
yayaninie    |   1-12-2011 09:32 AM    |   View:75677   |   Reply:31    |   Likes: 0
shaza78 14-10-2021 12:54 PM
[ILMU MUDAH]: Ivermectin, peer-review, preprints dan Covid-19 attach_img agree
ipes2    |   6-10-2021 02:12 AM    |   View:2972   |   Reply:11    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 8-10-2021 08:21 PM
urut ikhtiar hamil agree
jue10    |   6-5-2019 02:55 PM    |   View:3969   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
keane.somewhere 7-10-2021 09:33 AM
Hepatitis B agree  ...2
lalalisa    |   14-2-2021 10:48 PM    |   View:4336   |   Reply:24    |   Likes: 0
adila39 5-10-2021 11:25 AM
Tulang melengkung di usia remaja agree
Raline    |   4-10-2021 09:13 AM    |   View:1997   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
nakkomenjugak 4-10-2021 12:39 PM
[ILMU MUDAH]: SIDE EFFECTS UTK COVID 19 VACCINES AstraZeneca, Moderna & Pfiz attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..14
ipes2    |   22-2-2021 05:15 AM    |   View:34464   |   Reply:269    |   Likes: 2
seribulan 4-10-2021 10:28 AM
Fobia masih boleh dirawat agree
Raline    |   2-10-2021 09:38 AM    |   View:1907   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
edayildiz 3-10-2021 05:47 AM
Masalah Resdung(Cara Sembuhkan)
noithatgooccho    |   7-1-2021 01:02 PM    |   View:1976   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
harukovn 1-10-2021 09:15 PM
Henti 'buli' pesakit AD agree
Raline    |   29-9-2021 07:23 PM    |   View:1737   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 1-10-2021 02:51 PM
Penyakit jantung akan mudah dijangkiti Covid-19 attach_img agree
Raline    |   29-9-2021 06:50 PM    |   View:1637   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 1-10-2021 02:46 PM
Platform khas bantu wanita hidap PCOS agree
Raline    |   23-9-2021 09:08 PM    |   View:1788   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
lurve82 30-9-2021 01:40 PM
XENICAL ORLISTAT recommend agree
SayangAnakku    |   28-10-2011 04:49 PM    |   View:4928   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 2
ipes2 27-9-2021 12:13 AM
Alopecia (Kebotakan): Tanam Rambut Atasi Botak attach_img digest agree  ...2
WhiskeyScotch    |   31-3-2017 01:41 AM    |   View:12066   |   Reply:38    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 26-9-2021 11:56 PM
massages atau urut...hmmmm agree  ...2
musangbodoh    |   31-8-2021 11:01 AM    |   View:3413   |   Reply:20    |   Likes: 0
ease 26-9-2021 11:56 AM
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