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Kebangkitan Atheism yg mencabar ideologi Ketuhanan
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tanpa sains, manusia akan terus sangka bumi ini adalah leper dan matahari berputar mengelilingi bumi
sains juga telah membuktikan matahari pernah terbit dari barat ke timur tanpa berlakunya kiamat
Geologists have said this event has happened a number of times in Earth's history - with the last one 780,000 years ago during the stone age.
Alan Thompson, head of geomagnetism at the British Geological Survey, said during previous flips: "no worldwide shifting of continents or other planet-wide disasters occurred, as geoscientists can testify to from fossil and other records." ... -North-become-south
Edited by Atheis at 27-5-2016 10:35 PM
pakar kitab kuno 1400 tahun menyatakan bahawa bumi ini tidak berputar
mereka adalah PAKAR DALAM KITAB MEREKA......
siapakah anda utk menafikan apa yg telah mereka katakan?
bukankah kitab kuno ini juga diciplak daripada kitab2 lain?
gunakanlah otak anda
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Acong, mari balik ke CI lah. Sana rumahmu!!![](static/image/smiley/default/curse.gif) |
pelbagai cubaan bunuh oleh puak2 ekstremis agama demi menyembunyikan penyelewangan agama mereka
Violence, assassinations and attempts to harm[edit]
With police protection, Rushdie escaped direct physical harm, but others associated with his book have suffered violent attacks. Hitoshi Igarashi, his Japanese translator, was stabbed to death on 11 July 1991. Ettore Capriolo, the Italian translator, was seriously injured in a stabbing in Milan on 3 July 1991.[15] William Nygaard, the publisher in Norway, was shot three times in an attempted assassination in Oslo in October 1993, but survived. Aziz Nesin, the Turkish translator, was the intended target in the events that led to the Sivas massacre on 2 July 1993 in Sivas, Turkey, which resulted in the deaths of thirty seven people.[16]
In September 2012, Rushdie expressed doubt that The Satanic Verses would be published today because of a climate of "fear and nervousness".[17]
In March 2016 , PEN America reported that the bounty for the Rushdie fatwa was raised by $600,000 (£430,000). Top Iranian media contributed this sum, adding to the existing $2.8m already offered.[18] In response to this, the Swedish Academy which awards the Nobel prize for literature has denounced the death sentence and called it 'a serious violation of free speech'. The Swedish Academy had been silent about this issue for over 27 years, due to the immense political controversy the literature caused.[19]
i have questioned you several times about your article on IQ? and bla bla...but , you have not answered them at all.
so, camne tu?
atheism shall rise from the darkness of theism ![](static/image/smiley/onion/hero.gif)
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mohon maaf puan..... aku tidak dapat nak reply engkau kerana aku tak nak engkau terhina ke sana ke sini ![](static/image/smiley/grapeman/10.gif)
memandangkan kitab koran adalah diciplak drpd kitab injil, tidak hairanlah penganut agama bertegas bahawa bumi ini adalah leper dan tidak berputar....
kebenaran apakah yg puak theism ingin nafi kan? ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
Amboi weekend2 pun berdakwah ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
kerja aku tidak selesai selagi puak2 theism terus menyebarkan kepalsuan agama mereka ![](static/image/smiley/onion/hero.gif)
Yawn..this is one boring party ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Edited by mbhcsf at 28-5-2016 12:15 AM
i think u must check back your statement.
baitul hikmah, segala galanya adalah bertentangan sekali situasinya dengan tamadun Islam. tak ada pun ilmuwan islam dihukum berdasarkan penemuannya.
cuma dalam falsafah apabila bab kekadiman alam tu - bab yg highly abtract tu yg ada perbezaan antara al ghazali dan etc etc.
kejatuhan islam mula muncul ketika lahirnya bibit muktazilah, qadariah, jabariah
malas nak komen..... bagi chance silent readers ko rasa kagum ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
yeap.... it's boring to know the truth -- there is no god, heaven and hell ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
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tadi paste kan satu mesej suruh question balik apa yg dibaca kan?
ko pi laa lepak kat CI..... ramai silent readers kagum dgn ko ke sana ke mari kat situ ![](static/image/smiley/onion/2cong.gif)
penemuan terbaru dlm bidang sains oleh golongan theist ![](static/image/smiley/grapeman/10.gif)
Gay sex causes earthquakes and 'disgusts' Allah, says Muslim cleric in Ghana
Mallam Abass Mahmud says Allah gets annoyed when men engage in sexual encounters with other men
Sadie Levy Gale 10 hours ago
Heightened hostility has been reported among Zongo communities in Accra, Ghana’s capital, towards homosexual relationships. PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP/Getty
A Muslim cleric in Ghana has said sex between gay couples "disgusts Allah" and is responsible for earthquakes.
Mallam Abass Mahmud said in an interview: “Allah gets annoyed when males engage in sexual encounter and such disgusting encounter causes earthquake.”
He also said Allah destroyed the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah ‘as the result of homesexuality’.
His comments follow reports of heightened hostility among Zongo communities in Kumasi and the capital Accra towards homosexual relationships.
A local news station reported that a number of gay men have fled their homes because they were ‘afraid to disclose their sexual preferences for fear of attacks’.
According to the Daily Mail, Mahmud added: “Should we allow such a shame to continue in our communities against holy teachings? Certainly no, and we are very happy to chase away such idiots from our Zongo communities.”
The British Government’s travel advice for Ghana warns: “Although there is a small gay community, there is no ‘scene’ and most Ghanaians don’t accept that such activity exists’.
News Ghana reported that Muslim youths in the communities are known to have created special task forces to fight what they describe as the importation of “white man’s culture”.
Homosexuality is illegal in 34 of Africa’s 56 states, according to the International Gay and Lesbian Association. ... ghana-a7051336.html
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