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My health and energy improved using herbs mentioned in Veda

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Post time 24-10-2016 03:02 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Truth.8 at 28-11-2016 11:07 AM

Yes, that's and my health improved after taking  Ayurveda  herbs mentioned in Vedas.. is one of the world's oldest holistic (whole-body) healing systems.It was developed thousands of years ago in India. It is based on the beliefthat health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body,and spirit.

Now, if you read my other  thread on Kavadi topic, I never condemn Hinduism rather i wrote good faith (not religion)...

It is peoples does all sorts corruption and hindusim look stupid.

Back to my claimed on the Ayurveda  herbs.....yes it heal some of my   problem  such as having sinus and others.

Within 1 weeks I recovered from sinus and  it boosts my energy increased male testosterone…
I am going keep silent on this herbs . reason, it might be used for marketing purpose in form of  greed....but this herbs  getting name and beings market  in USA and some mat salleh  beings to realized  the true teachings of   hindusim  and practicing hindusim as part of their life....
Who  and why this herbs use? hindusm has many holy books: Bhagava gita-Vedas, Upanishads and list goes not easy to understand as it in ancient language knows as Sanskrit.

For Veda: Rishi ( kind Prophet) who mediate many years  obtained  knowledge from Supreme on many issue on  earth..... herbs &  plants for the benefits for humans.

Besides Rishi, there are sages which consist 18 Sittars...they too received message from Supreme to guide humans the way of life....

To cut it short, Hindusim is not a pagan religion. if Hinduismis wrong and pagan, why Supreme guided this peoples (Hindus)  with knowledge compare to islam???
In islam you never find   such  findings about herbs andplants......even you find it, is not going work using such example is "black seed( jintan  hitam)"claimed  by Muhammad it can heal 100 sickness but  it never heal my sinusproblem not others. Even the pill  /herbs selling in street or shop by Muslims it never work on me….not sure about others but it did not work on me…
I thank to the Rishi who provide the Veda which full of information for the    humans to live this world....The wonders of herbs from great..

Surprising the Malay supplier who produced herb called Arjuna  comes from Hindusim...Yes I use this herb too know as arjuna...kind tonic health purpose...this arjuna comes from India too not from arabs nor Malay...
Even the  Beetle leaves (sireh) was originated from India….this leaves too provide kind medicine value…

Here video on Rishi and veda:


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 Author| Post time 24-10-2016 03:16 PM | Show all posts
I believed one simple thing in my life:

Devotion towards to GOD
Understanding GOD nature  -Energy....GOD energy manifest to all HIS creations...
Living simple lifestyle....hence one can obtained HIS help in our life ...just like myself who given the herbs  knowledge to improved my life and health...

and finally "nobody superior to any one........we seek HIM and HE will give u freely in open mind...

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Post time 24-10-2016 03:48 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

For Veda: Rishi ( kind Prophet) who mediate many years  obtained  knowledge from Supreme on many issue in is herbs and plants for the benefits for humnas.

There are no prophets in Hinduism. Rishi - which can be considered as a title - are normal human beings who have devoted their lives toward Spiritualism. They are still normal human beings (who through Spiritualism, able to transcend normal human limitations such as slower aging, faster healing, ability to see far and know things happening else where etc). Nevertheless, they are normal human beings.

In Hinduism, Rishis goes to meditation in forests for a very long time - sometimes years. They rarely come to cities or towns (unless they have to) and sometimes, they could come and teach the general population about things and about God. They do not preach like prophets of Islam nor do they force others to follow their belief. However, one characteristics which does make them same as normal humans are the tendencies to anger (which seems to be the last trait to leave humanity).

Besides Rishi, there are sages which consist 18 Sittars...they too received message from Supreme to guide humans the way oflife....

On the contrary, the Sittars do not trouble themselves with human being or their daily life. The Sittars do not teach anything nor do they interact with other normal human beings openly. They spend majority of their time in exclusion and avoid contacts with other humans.

This is because Sittars are Enlightened beings - they have no physical bodies but can create a physical body for themselves  and they are apart of God just as trees and rocks are apart of the Earth. One should be considered trully blessed to have seen and blessed by a Sittar as such honor is equivalent to seeing God himself.

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2016 04:37 PM | Show all posts
There are no prophets in Hinduism. Rishi - which can be considered as a title - are normal human beings who have devoted their lives toward Spiritualism. They are still normal human beings (who through Spiritualism, able to transcend normal human limitations such as slower aging, faster healing, ability to see far and know things happening else where etc). Nevertheless, they are normal human beings.
I am using prophets to educate muslims and christians. they would not understand Rishi.

In Hinduism, Rishis goes to meditation in forests for a very long time - sometimes years. They rarely come to cities or towns (unless they have to) and sometimes, they could come and teach the general population about things and about God. They do not preach like prophets of Islam nor do they force others to follow their belief. However, one characteristics which does make them same as normal humans are the tendencies to anger (which seems to be the last trait to leave humanity).

yes I awared of that...they meditate in jungle -cave becuase such place provide nature and silent...yes i am aware of their anger too...well GOD too get anger and hve destroyed many souls..

On the contrary, the Sittars do not trouble themselves with human being or their daily life. The Sittars do not teach anything nor do they interact with other normal human beings openly. They spend majority of their time in exclusion and avoid contacts with other humans.
what is sittar job? nothing?

This is because Sittars are Enlightened beings - they have no physical bodies but can create a physical body for themselves  and they are apart of God just as trees and rocks are apart of the Earth. One should be considered trully blessed to have seen and blessed by a Sittar as such honor is equivalent to seeing God himself.

why sittar job?? i understand some hindus seen sittar in form light or kind oren light  ....can hindus pray to sittar?


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Post time 25-10-2016 09:40 AM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

...well GOD too get anger and hve destroyed many souls..

God (Bhagavan in Hinduism) do not destroy any Souls. What He destroys is Ignorance, Arrogance and Ego which clouds one's Mind and Soul. Remember, in Hinduism, the Soul is part and parcel of God, just as every droplet of rain once belongs to the Ocean and must find its way back to the Ocean.

Destroying a Soul (by God) is equivalent to destroying part of oneself just cos he or she couldn't control it.

what is sittar job? nothing?

Actually no one knows much about Sittars or the role they play. They live in their own Realms and rarely comes to Earth. They are Ascended Beings after all. And even so they take forms of old men, they are very soft in nature (almost childish like).

In the past, Sittars played a vital role in sharing information (like the Ayurveda you had used) and considered to be Masters of ALL worldly knowledge. It is possible that they had interacted with normal human beings freely, giving knowledge like medicine to them in the distance past but it seems to me that Bhavagan (God) have restricted their access to this World after Kaliyuga set in over 9,000 years ago (after Sri Krishna left the World).

It is possible that the Sittars will make their presence known in the future once Kaliyuga have ended (supposed to end in 2012).

why sittar job?? i understand some hindus seen sittar in form light or kind oren light  ....can hindus pray to sittar?

Do you pray to another human being? No right? Same here. Remember, Sitars are above Rishis and they are Ascended Beings. Ascended means they have (willingly) discarded their physical form (we do this at end of every birth but we do it unwillingly and with great stress to our Minds) and become Energy (which is why you have stated that some had seen them as light or oren light).

Now I think about it, maybe those UFOs which humans kept seeing all over the place since 1960s are these "beings" returning to Earth and  making their presence known. Because of our violent and atheists nature (we means general population), we could not see them for what they are and kept referring them as UFOs. This is my opinion anyway.

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2016 10:43 AM | Show all posts
God (Bhagavan in Hinduism) do not destroy any Souls. What Hedestroys is Ignorance, Arrogance and Ego which clouds one's Mind and Soul.Remember, in Hinduism, the Soul is part and parcel of God, just as everydroplet of rain once belongs to the Ocean and must find its way back to theOcean.

Destroying a Soul (by God) is equivalent to destroying part of oneself just coshe or she couldn't control it.

If soul part of God? Yes I agreed with your view as theBible also mentioned in different way explanation “Let us make man in ourimage, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26)
Now, if you says souls part the Supreme and cannot bedestroy, are they going live forever once     received spiritual enlightenment  /or moksha??? How about the bad soul ? reborn as animals/filthy astray animals?? the one received moksha /or no re born, are they going be God or dewa and dewi???

Do you pray to another human being? No right? Same here. Remember, Sitars areabove Rishis and they are Ascended Beings. Ascended means they have (willingly)discarded their physical form (we do this at end of every birth but we do itunwillingly and with great stress to our Minds) and become Energy (which is whyyou have stated that some had seen them as light or oren light).

I see Hindusdisplay 18 sittars  photos and praying/orhonoring to them…i personally feel not wrong as their only honoring them.  What sayyou???

Now I think about it, maybe those UFOs which humans kept seeing all over theplace since 1960s are these "beings" returning to Earthand  making their presence known. Because of our violent and atheistsnature (we means general population), we could not see them for what they areand kept referring them as UFOs. This is my opinion anyway.

Talking about UFO, I also believed those UFO have connection with Hinduism whichknows as Vimanas which written in puranas… what say you?

MayI know why you address me snake.8??? why  8???                                                     

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2016 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 27-10-2016 04:39 PM

I would like share my sinus problem  been bothering me since 3-4 yrs. This problem will come and go but the virus still live in my body….lately,  about 4-5 months, it get worst… doctor prescribe flu pills , antibiotic and suggest surgery  …only work temporary…worst I could  not sleep…wake up at 4 am because of the  blockage on my nose  … need to spray nostril  for temporary so I able to breath normal …I was advise my doctor such spray should not be use more than 3 days….but it get worst from time to  time…than I told the doctor need  flu vaccine …doesn’t work….
All those herbs selling in shop claiming "pill resdung" sinus relieved', candles burning in forehead to removed the virus -vitamin c etc none work for me...

Then I found this Ayurveda herb mentioned in Veda….I took this herbs first day, it boost up my energy level- very positive – after few days, my sinus getting lesser…yesterday I slept well like sleeping beauty   ..not disturbance nor wake up in middle of morning…not only this herbs boost my energy, it also provide   positive in me - Healthy Immune System…plus building up my body ..probably it has natural Testosterone….probably anti aging as well. This herbs is totally amazing and wonders….

To readers here,  the information on this herbs name  will be not share…this due to mis using for commercial purpose in form of greed….if  the whites know this herbs, it will disaster …because they surly will  commercialised/or
exploit  with high price….GREED...

If the  whites /or anyone able to find out this herbs, I     would highly recommend them to thank the Maha Rishi and the Veda  for obtaining such knowledge from Supreme for man kinds…..Maha Rishi fasted- mediate years after years to acquired knowledge from Divine…hence one should thank the Maha Rishis giving us this wonders of herbs thru Veda..

Again my humble thanks to Maha Rishi.. here is my simple offering to  Rishi  to thanks them:


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Post time 25-10-2016 11:42 AM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

Now, if you says souls part the Supreme and cannot bedestroy, are they going live forever once     received spiritual enlightenment  /or moksha??? How about the bad soul ? reborn as animals/filthy astray animals?? the one received moksha /or no re born, are they going be God or dewa and dewi???

First thing you should understand is that there is NO Life nor Death. That "condition" is something which you believe to be true due to your physical existence. You means normal human beings (and all conscious sentient beings) and not you in particular.

You are a conscious being - which means you can think and understand yourself as an individual. When you are born into a physical body, you create this delusion that the body is you. The (good) sensations you feel binds you to pleasure and the (bad) sensation you feel creates fear and delusions. Both these emotions (among many more) binds you to an illusion that if your body dies, you will die along with it.

So you become fearful - just as a fish who lives in a fishing bowl all his life and had forgotten that he could swim become fearful of the sea.  

To a Soul, there is no Life nor Death.  There is no Good or Bad souls either. The ones you consider as "bad" are merely those who are binded with delusion, ignorance, arrogance and ego.

All the Souls which obtain Moksha will return to God (Bhavagan) and becomes part of Him. Those which didn't receive Moksha will become mere energy that drift endlessly. When time comes and the Universe falls back into God once again, those who have Moksha will become Seeds for the new Universe - which will recreate its structure, sets its rules and rebuild its foundations. The energy which are souls which did not received Moksha will return back to this new Universe and be reborn again. And the cycle repeats itself.

And before you think this is something I have thought of myself, I like to put forward TWO verses from Bhavagad Gita from where I have obtained these messages from :-

“This entire universe is pervaded by me, in that eternal form of mine which is not manifest to the senses. Although I am not within any creature, all creatures exist within me.” (Bhagavad Gita 9:4)

“These, when the round of ages is accomplished, I gather back to the seed of their becoming: these I send forth again at the hour of creation.” (Bhagavad Gita 9:7)

I see Hindusdisplay 18 sittars  photos and praying/orhonoring to them…i personally feel not wrong as their only honoring them.  What sayyou???

That is their choice. However, if the Sittars do not fullfil their prayers, will these men and women who pray to them will then consider them too as "fictional" as what atheists keep saying about God?  Honoring them is one thing, praying and expecting things is another.

Talking about UFO, I also believed those UFO have connection with Hinduism which knows as Vimanas which written in puranas… what say you?

The first known written text about UFO comes from the Court of Akbar (Mongul Emperor in 1600s) who send emissaries to look for a way to Shangrila (Shambhalla). They reported of seeing strange circular flying objects over the Mt. Altair and Himalayan mountains. So it is possible that some advance ancient Hindus still lives in seclusion up there.

Maybe in my next Life, I could go up there and find out for certain. Not sure whether I could make it this life time, unless "they" send me an invitation.

MayI know why you address me snake.8??? why  8???   

Eight is the number you choose (nothing to do with chinese believing 8 is bad luck if that is your fear). And Snake is your nature. But Snakes are also symbol of rebirth, which means you still have to kill (part of you) and be reborn anew before you could see the Light. Your stubbornness to remain unchanged is the reason for your suffering.

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2016 11:15 PM | Show all posts
To a Soul, there is no Life nor Death.  There isno Good or Bad souls either. The ones you consider as "bad" aremerely those who are binded with delusion, ignorance, arrogance and ego.

I c, how about evil soul /bad still attached in this earthand from time to time going to into humans body to create negative ordisturbance??? Are you saying this not soul? Soul is spirit right???? Or youtoo ignorance to understand the meaning soul which is spirit???

All the Souls which obtain Moksha will return to God (Bhavagan) and becomespart of Him. Those which didn't receive Moksha will become mere energy thatdrift endlessly. When time comes and the Universe falls back into God onceagain, those who have Moksha will become Seeds for the new Universe - whichwill recreate its structure, sets its rules and rebuild its foundations. Theenergy which are souls which did not received Moksha will return back to thisnew Universe and be reborn again. And the cycle repeats itself.
This your own view or base on Hindus scriptures??? What aboutbad souls? Born as animals???
That is their choice. However, if the Sittars do not fullfil their prayers,will these men and women who pray to them will then consider them too as "fictional"as what atheists keep saying about God?  Honoring them is one thing,praying and expecting things is another.

I am going to  honorand thanks Rishi and Veda….I believed  nothing wrong because my healthproblem on sinus health  improveddramatically. Very surprise and shocked such herbs can do wonders on my life …amazing…
The first known written text about UFO comes from the Court of Akbar (MongulEmperor in 1600s) who send emissaries to look for a way to Shangrila(Shambhalla). They reported of seeing strange circular flying objects over theMt. Altair and Himalayan mountains. So it is possible that some advance ancientHindus still lives in seclusion up there.

I think you lack of knowleged in puranas….or either you nothindus….It clearly mentioned about vimanas a kind flying object in hindus books…u coming with the story mongul lah –shangrila lah..what next? In your house??? Pleaseread the puranas and don’t make urself fool ok….
Maybe in my next Life, I could go up there and find out for certain. Not surewhether I could make it this life time, unless "they" send me aninvitation.

ur  next life being cow dung…..remember the topic abt  kavadiissue….u very stubborn and refuse to apologise to your mistake…so is cowdung    will be ur re-birth…

Eight is the number you choose (nothing to do with chinese believing 8 is badluck if that is your fear). And Snake is your nature. But Snakes are alsosymbol of rebirth, which means you still have to kill (part of you) and bereborn anew before you could see the Light. Your stubbornness to remainunchanged is the reason for your suffering.

I call myself Truth.8 because I am truth   and 8is symbol of snake …so it blend   truthand cunning           …but u donot understand the figure 8 but double my name with snake.8  meaning snake snake…

How do youknow      my stubbornness that I amsuffering?? I am      having good life –peacefuland of course the sinus which bother me for few years…is that             suffering u referring??
Please enlightenme


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 Author| Post time 26-10-2016 11:22 PM | Show all posts

Again my humble thanks to Maha Rishi and the Vedas.. here is my simple offering to  Rishi  and the Vedas:


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Post time 27-10-2016 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 27-10-2016 09:13 AM

by Snake.8

I c, how about evil soul /bad still attached in this earthand from time to time going to into humans body to create negative ordisturbance??? Are you saying this not soul? Soul is spirit right???? Or youtoo ignorance to understand the meaning soul which is spirit???

Atman or Jivan is the term for Soul while Manasu (Heart) is the term for the Spirit.
When someone undergoes problematic period in life, people will say to him "Don't let the heart become wayward" (Manase talavare uudade ... roughly translated).

The Aborigines in Malaysia (and many other parts in Asia) have this concept that anything that has a form will generate a Spirit - which includes a house, car, building etc. Spirits is not the Soul. It is born from the physical (living and non-living objects) and dies when that form "dies". That is why even animals have Spirits but not Souls.

But humans have both which is why we have consciousness and tendencies to do bad things (out of our physical weakness like lust, anger etc). Even the Muslims have a term for Spirits which are born with humans - they call it our twin (I think the term is Kunin or something, forgot).

This your own view or base on Hindus scriptures?

This is why I called you a Snake. I have stated where I have obtained the information from and even quote from Bhavagad Gita and you still managed to ask stupid question like a blind fool. Go back to my previous post and read the bolded sentence.

ur  next life being cow dung…..remember the topic abt  kavadiissue…

I will not be bothered with stupid comments. Thank you.

I call myself Truth.8 because I am truth   and 8is symbol of snake …

No, you call yourself Truth because you do not wish to accept the fact that you live a false life. Even the words you type is shown trembling just as your mind is trembling before the Light.  

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2016 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 27-10-2016 01:09 PM

Thank you so much for healing my sinus ....95% gone...with Divine Mercy I will fully recovered 100%.....THANK YOU AGAIN


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 Author| Post time 31-10-2016 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 31-10-2016 03:10 PM

This morning I discovered that water tape is  not good as contain clorine and other harmful sustance.....hence, I plug some plants leafs which consider to  kill harmeful bactria others....I put few drop those leafs in my water pot (made of clay) to consume   feels the sense of the    goodness of the water ...

This plants I  have is favorite of all incest and birds...birds once eaten all the leafs  and leaving the branch...and honey bees and other incests enjoy eating this leafs ...hence I consider  this plant leaf a special ....the smell of this plant leaf consider to be good to heal many form of  sickness by eating   in long terms ....
I used for drinking and as well placing  in my head or nose if I cant sleep… I got those info from the Veda…the book teaches about wonders of herbs and plants…

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2016 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 6-11-2016 10:46 AM

Thank you to Divine again....recovering little by little on my sinus....
Ṛgveda is the oldest religious book of the Aryans. It picturises the early lives of the Aryans. We get mention of various diseases in this Veda. Skin - both in health and diseases had caught attention of the Vedic sages. Skin was not merely an organ of attraction and look but its colour was important socially. Mentions of various diseases like leprosy, guinea worm, jaundice etc., are interesting. Mention of different disorders of the nails and hair are also there, though in a very primitive and mystic form. Management strategy was consisted of herbs, amulates, chanting of mantras, touching the body, uses of water and sunrays etc. This may be presumed that this Veda founded the base for the Āyurveda of the later period.

So how the goodness of this  remedies mentioned in Vedas can pagan God?????



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 Author| Post time 5-11-2016 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 6-11-2016 11:01 AM

What was known?

1. Vedas are ancient religious texts of the Aryans. Rgveda is assumed to be the oldest of all Vedas.

2. Vedas deal with many aspects of life including the problems of health and disease conditions.

The oldest religious documents of the Aryans, the Vedas and the Āvestā, are not only a collection of religious texts but also represent the various aspects of the ancient Aryan life. The exact period of origin of the Vedas could not be ascertained. Famous Vedic scholars like Maxmullar, Kaegi and others, although not very certain, placed the beginning of the Vedic literature during the 13th century B.C., or even earlier.[1,2,3,4] Ṛgveda is considered the oldest of all Vedas.[5,6]
Thus, according to the teachings of Theosophy, the Jews are part of the Aryan race.

truth.8  : once my friend says I am aryans....because loook of arabs-pakistan....
maybe i hve jew blood too..

more about aryan  :

The word “Veda” literally stands for “Knowledge,” and is derived from the Sam. skr.t “Vid,” philologically related to Greek “(F) oἶδα,” Gothic “wait,” German “weiss,” Latin “vid,” English “wit,” etc.[7] The vast literature of the Vedas were systematically compiled and divided into four parts: the Ṛk, the Sāma, the Yajur and the Atharva. The Ṛgveda Saṃhitā is divided into 10 mandalas or books containing ṛks; each ṛk is again divided into verses of two stanzas. There are 1028 sūkṭas and 10552 ṛks in this Veda.[3,4]

Of the four Vedas, the medical topics have been dealt primarily in the Atharvaveda, and the subject has been thoroughly discussed by various authorities.[8,9] The Ṛgveda in contrast contains a lesser extent of medicine, and it requires further study and critical appreciation. This present article has endeavored to search, compile and discuss skin, its various diseases and related subjects. Before we proceed further, we should keep in mind that the medical terminology and/or meaning of the disease(s) (e.g., leprosy) may not be the same as we mean it today. For proper pronunciation of the Vedic hymns, diacritical marks have been used and a table of transliteration has been appended

Medicine (Health Science) in the Vedas

The study of the Vedic medicine has attracted scholars from all over the globe. Although a religious text, the Vedic literature gives an idea regarding the diseases, the philosophy and way of management in the ancient world, although in a primitive and mystic manner. This gigantic literature “represented the very best in speculative thinking apart from containing numerous references on drugs, diseases and stars.”[10] It is clearly evident that there were healers for the diseases during the Vedic era:

    “śaṭaṃ ṭe rājan bhiṣajah sahasraṃ urvī gabhirā sumaṭiṣṭe asṭu.”

link  :

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Post time 7-11-2016 01:16 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

1. Vedas are ancient religious texts of the Aryans.

Aryans? What is Aryan? There is No Aryans in India or anywhere else (except maybe in minds of foolish ones like the Nazis).

Aryan is a foolish concept developed by the West to account for the sophiscated and complex knowledge India possessed at the time (1800s - 1900s).

The Europeans who came there (like Max Mueller) was astonished by the fact that India's knowledge was far superior to anything else (including what they have in Europe) and maybe the most advance country on the Planet. Because of their own background where they have been in dark ages for 500 years and only recently started to discover Science and Technology, they assumed that there were some other (more advanced) society which brought the knowledge and the local Indians just accept it and followed it without a proper understanding.

And because of two other myths that Europeans believed (as facts) at that time, namely :-

1. The World was 6,000 yrs old and just recovered from global flood a few thousand years ago, and,

2. Dark skinned people are inferior people (due to their experience in Africa) and therefore, it is not possible for Indian people (who majority of them were dark-skinned)  to produce such advance knowledge.

They came to called the founding race as Aryan (or Noble) Race and believed they lived and produced their cities somewhere in the North (Mohandaro -Harappa) and that the Muslims there were the direct descendant of these ancient noble race.

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2016 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 7-11-2016 01:54 PM

than why many hindus in  india look like arabs- mat salleh..
even my hindus friends says that I am aryan mixture because of my look

you can google to get those  photos..or do u want me to google it for you??

also in some of india, many indian which dark skined look like african ...even the shelther similar to congo and africa....

i als believed GOD communicate with the dark skined first...that is my feelings


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 Author| Post time 7-11-2016 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 7-11-2016 02:00 PM

My level positive moods increasing after   taking this herbs....i believed this surly  a Divine herbs...

xxxxxxx(not telling the herb name), one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic healing, has been used since ancient times for a wide variety of conditions, and is most well-known for its restorative benefits. In Sanskrit xxxxxxx(not telling the herb name)  means xxxxxxx” indicating that the herb imparts the vigor and strength of a stallion, and has traditionally been prescribed to help people strengthen their immune system after an illness.

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Post time 7-11-2016 04:00 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

than why many hindus in  india look like arabs- mat salleh..

It's called interbreeding. Happened when Middle Eastern barbarians came to North India and start raping Hindu women. Many of these women choose to kill themselves but there were a few who continued to live with these barbarians, reproducing the retards we have today in India who continuously drag the country into the slums.

i als believed GOD communicate with the dark skined first...that is my feelings

Did you know that the light-skinned people only appeared AFTER the end of the last Ice Age and around 7,000 years ago?

Source : ... nome-sequenced.html

While light-skinned humans were something new in Europe, dark and brown skinned humans already exist in most parts of Asia. Around 9,000 years ago, it was what hindus called the Treta (3rd) Yuga when Sri Rama came.

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2016 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Scientists speculate that some of  xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name)  benefits stem from its antioxidant properties and ability to scavenge free radicals.10

Two main classes of compounds—steroidal alkaloids and steroidal lactones—may account for its broad range of beneficial effects. Steroidal lactones comprise a class of constituents called  xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name). To date, scientists have identified and studied at least 12 alkaloids and 35   xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name). Much of    xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name) pharmacological activity has been attributed to two primary  xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name) and  xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name)

Other studies reveal that   xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name) has antimicrobial properties, with antibacterial activity against potentially dangerous bacteria, including Salmonella, an organism associated with food poisoning. This activity was demonstrated in cell cultures as well as in infected laboratory animals.12

Additional studies show that r xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name) root extract enhances the ability of macrophage immune cells to “eat” pathogens, as compared to macrophages from a control group that did not receive . xxxxxxxxx (not telling the name)


Thats explained how I been heal the sinus problem plus improved my health...

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