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Hospital kuala kubu bharu
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Salam uolss.... iols nak tanya sikit, kalo bersalin kat hospital kuala kubu bharu ni husband bole masuk teman wife skali ke time bersalin tu?
Kalo uols ade ape2 pengalaman meh la share kt cni.. |
ada hantu tak? |
penah check in wad bersalin dia...
tp request duk third class sbb ramai sikit org
2nd class cam seremmm |

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Post time 22-8-2017 12:37 PM
From the mobile phone
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dark28angel replied at 22-8-2017 11:42 AM
penah check in wad bersalin dia...
tp request duk third class sbb ramai sikit org
2nd class cam se ...
Mesti x ramai org bersalin kt sana...
Seram la plak huhuhu..
Husband bole teman ke masa kt labour room tu? |

Author |
Post time 22-8-2017 12:39 PM
From the mobile phone
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zulka replied at 22-8-2017 10:45 AM
ada hantu tak?
Harap2 xde hantu la... |
TT boleh tanya direct kat hospital...
tapi KKB ni kalau ada problem dengan ibu dia terus bawak ke hospital selayang..
hspital selayang mmg dia panggil husbnd time nak branak
tapi kalau KKB rasanya tidak..
tapi better check dulu..
x sure leh teman ke x...
tp rasa mcm x boleh jer
belah sealngor suami yang bole teman isteri
hospital selayang, serdang, ampang, sg buloh |
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