is bermuda triangle considered geographical studies? how is it related to the mechanism of grativity and magnetism? |
Yup, but I've no idea about that. Will paste interesting articles about Bermuda Triangle later. |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Bermuda Triangle hanyalah nama yg diberi saja....
The region known as the Bermuda Triangle is often defined as a triangle formed by drawing a line on a map from Bermuda to Puerto Rico to the Florida keys and back to Bermuda |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
i heard that bila kapal pergi dekat ngan segitiga bermuda tuh kapal tuh akan vanished betul ker atau it's just a myth? |
misteri segitiga bemuda rasanya belum terjawab oleh mana2 saintis lagi..... |
Originally posted by Lindsay at 31-5-2004 09:29 PM:
i heard that bila kapal pergi dekat ngan segitiga bermuda tuh kapal tuh akan vanished betul ker atau it's just a myth?
pusat bumi
[ Last edited by Amangyuyu on 1-6-2004 at 08:54 AM ] |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
:dia::dia: Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle
The mystery dates back as far as the mid-19th century, with a total of more than 50 ships and 20 aeroplanes having been lost in the Triangle. One of the more notorious cases was the disappearance of Flight 19. Five United States torpedo bombers left Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945, on a routine training flight in good conditions. None of them returned. Even the seaplane that was sent out to find them vanished. Other stories about the region include ships found abandoned with warm food left on the tables and planes that disappear without even making a distress call. The absence of wreckage is often cited as proof of the mysterious power of the Triangle.
Less fantastic analyses suggest that fierce currents and deep water could explain the lack of wreckage, and point out that several of the losses attributed to the Bermuda Triangle actually occurred as far as 1,000 km (600 mi) outside it. Furthermore, military and civil craft pass through the region every day without mishap. As deep sea diving techniques improve it is likely that more of the lost vessels will be recovered, but it is equally likely that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle will linger in the imagination for a long while yet. |
fascinating.kat segitiga bermuda tuh ada apa? |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Tak ada apa pun......tengok map kat atas tu....
hanya laut aje |
winzip This user has been deleted
kejadian2 aneh di kawasan bermuda triangle turut dicatatkan oleh christopher columbus yang sampai ke amerika tu.. |
Paja This user has been deleted
The “Green Flash,” a rare phenomena seen most frequently in the area of the Bermuda Triangle. It is the reflection of light off of something that is otherwise invisible in the atmosphere. Whatever this invisible element might be, it is only visible at certain moments when the rays of the setting sun reflect off of it. Another rare view below.
Paja This user has been deleted
There are actually MORE than one "bermuda triangle"
This is the theory and map by a professional biologist Ivan Sanderson. He founded the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in Columbia, New Jersey.
He claimed that there are actually 12 "Devil's Graveyard" in the world. He wrote an article about this in 31 years ago (1972) in Saga Magazine.
With several associates, he set out to 'pattern the mysteries' by taking full advantage of modern communication technology and statistical data analysis. His success was startling.
"The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World," plotted ship and plane disappearances worldwide, focusing attention on 12 areas, equally spaced over the globe, in which magnetic anomalies and other energy aberrations were linked to a full spectrum of strange physical phenomena.
Highest on Sanderson’s statistical priority list was a lozenge-shaped area east of Miami, in the Bahamas, on the western tip of the infamous Bermuda Triangle. This area’s "high profile" of strange events, Sanderson concluded, was mostly due to the enormous flow of air/ sea traffic in the area. Other zones of anomaly, though less familiar, were equally rich in disappearances and space-time shift occurrences. ...
Another area of continuing disappearances and mysterious time-warps is the Devil’s Sea located east of Japan between Iwo Jima and Marcus Island. Here events have become so sinister that the Japanese government has officially designated the area a danger zone.
Sanderson theorized that the tremendous hot and cold currents crossing his most active zones might create the electromagnetic gymnastics affecting instruments and vehicles. His theory is now being balanced against several." |
Paja This user has been deleted
"The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World"
NOTE: perasan tak kedudukan setiap triangle tu .. semua kat atas garis lintang yang sama. selari je .. tapi disebabkan bermuda triangle yang paling banyak trafik, sebab tu banyak kes .. tapi kat tempat lain tak banyak trafik sangat.
[ Last edited by Paja on 4-6-2004 at 03:04 PM ] |
apa kaitan bermuda triangle dengan the dajjal resurrectiion? |
yeah i also wonder about that |
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 12-6-2004 08:13 PM:
apa kaitan bermuda triangle dengan the dajjal resurrectiion?
wei dajal wont kluar at Bermuda triangle la..dia akan kluar kat tanah besar arab...if im not mistaken kat tanah besar Iran tu..somebody correct me if im wrong |
tak tau betui ke tak...tapi ad org penah ckp kedudukan bermuda triangle ni setentang dengan kaabah...maksudnya kedudukan dia kalau di balik globe is kaabah..i tak penah lak try tgk kat globe... |
Paja This user has been deleted
Originally posted by lilydahlia at 2004-6-16 03:40 PM:
tak tau betui ke tak...tapi ad org penah ckp kedudukan bermuda triangle ni setentang dengan kaabah...maksudnya kedudukan dia kalau di balik globe is kaabah..i tak penah lak try tgk kat globe...
cuba gi link ni ... pasal Dajjal seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Quran. DAJJAL |
hmm...ada org forwardkan e-mail kat saya...i think ok jugak kalau kongsi....
Bermula dari Florida, membawa ke Miami, Puerto Rico dan seterusnya ke Pulau Bermuda, bentuk terkuat yang diketahui oleh manusia telah terhasil iaitu tiga segi. Piramid berbentuk tiga segi, maka ia kukuh hingga kini. Kalau kita ambil kayu dan ikatkan menjadi bentuk tiga segi ia sentiasa lebih kuat daripada yang berbentuk empat segi. Begitulah istimewanya tiga segi tetapi dalam masa yang sama ia juga menyimpan misteri.
Bermuda Triangle berbentuk tiga segi dan ia cukup menakutkan. Anda tentu pernah mendengar tentang misterinya Bermuda Triangle. Paling tidak kehilangan skuadran TBM Avengers sebaik sahaja berlepas dari Fort Lauderdale, Florida pasti mendatangkan pelbagai tanda tanya.
Apa yang ada di Bermuda Triangle?
Dikatakan apabila anda berada di sana, kompas tidak lagi menujukkan arah ke utara. Anda dikira 'hilang' . Satu lagi tempat dikenali sebagai "Devil's Sea" oleh ahli pelayaran Jepun dan Filipina terletak di luar dari kawasan pantai laut Jepun, juga dikatakan memiliki keanehan serupa.
Pada ketinggian 25,300 kaki dan masih mendaki untuk mencapai 29,000 kaki, sebuah jet turbo yang dikendalikan oleh Verdi dan Lukaris kelihatan okey. Radar di menara kawalan masih menujukkan di mana mereka berada. Semuanya kelihatan normal. Tiba-tiba ia ghaib begitu sahaja, seolah-olah tidak pernah wujud sebelum itu. Tidak ada tanda-tanda menunjukkan ia jatuh ke laut atau menghadapi apa-apa kesukaran. Ia tiba-tiba ghaib!
Apa yang sebenarnya telah berlaku?
Teringat pada satu hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda, maksudnya, "Apabila salah seorang berada di tempat yang terbuka atau di tengah matahari sedang bersinar, lalu bayangan yang meneduhinya bergerak sehingga sebahagian dari dirinya terletak di tempat panas dan sebahagian lagi di tempat sejuk, maka hendaklah dia berdiri (meninggalkan tempat itu)."
Dikatakan, larangan ini kerana tempat seperti itu adalah tempat yang paling digemari oleh syaitan. Jadi apa kaitannya dengan Bermuda Triangle? Kawasan ini terletak di perairan Atlantik di pertengahan antara benua Amerika Utara dengan Afrika. Secara mudah, lokasi ini adalah kawasan pertembungan dua arus - panas dari Afrika dan sejuk dari Amerika Utara.
Dengan hadis ini maka terjawablah misteri Bermuda Triangle. Perkara-perkara aneh yang berlaku itu tentu antara lain disebabkan pertembungan antara panas dan sejuk dan 'istana' syaitan yang mungkin tersembunyi di situ.
Berdasarkan sebuah buku bertajuk "Dajjal akan Muncul dari Kerajaan Jin di Segi tiga Bermuda" oleh Sheikh Muhammad Isa Dawuud dari Mesir yang mendedahkan bahawa kawasan Bermuda Triangle adalah kawasan jin di mana dari situlah akan muncul dajjal. Jika benar dakwaan buku ini, tidak syak lagi apa yang disabdakan oleh Nabi s.a.w. itu nyata mendahului zaman. Sekali gus ia membuktikan Islam memiliki semua jawapan untuk semua persoalan.
[ Last edited by nevberg on 23-6-2004 at 11:44 AM ] |
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