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[Tempatan] Stay at home : Panduan utk pesakit or suspek COVID-19

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Post time 14-3-2020 09:48 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Ni nasihat utk calon pesakit covid-19 di uk. UK tau , bukan mesia Vley baca ni utk panduan n elak panik keterlaluan. Kang mati sakit jantung plak.

credit: ... -covid-19-infection

Ringkasannya ...  Ramai pesakit yg dijangkit Covid-19 , hanya mengalami infeksi sederhana.

if ada 2 simptom ni :
1. Batuk berterusan
2. Suhu badan tinggi

Sila kurantin diri di rumah selama 7 hari. If keadaan bertambah teruk spt :

1. kesukaran bernafas

2. demam bertambah teruk
3. sukar bergerak

Sila contact sepital.

Cara Kurantin:
1. Duduk dlm rumah.
2. Bukak tingkap supaya udara beredar elok.
3. Basuh tangan dengan Sabun (cuci at least 20 saat) atau Sanitizer. Basuh dgn air saja tak cukup.
4. Baju kotor jgn di shake. Takut virus terbang plak . Basuh dgn pencuci baju.

5. Cuci permukaan dgn bahan pencuci spt bleach etc. Ini boleh bunuh kuman.
6. Minum air byk2 .
7. Makan paracetamol (panadol) utk kurangkan simptom. Tp jgn over , ikut rekomendasi yg ditulis pd ubat tu.



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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Stay at home: guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection   


The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:
  • new continuous cough and/or
  • high temperature

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection

Main messages
  • if you have symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), however mild, do not leave your home for 7 days from when your symptoms started. (See ending isolation section below for more information)
  • this action will help protect others in your community while you are infectious
  • plan ahead and ask others for help to ensure that you can successfully stay at home

Will I be tested if I think I have COVID-19? We will not be testing those self-isolating with mild symptoms. The following advice is designed to help people prevent the spread.

Why staying at home is very important?

Staying at home while you have coronavirus (COVID-19) helps to protect your friends, colleagues and the wider community. It will also help to control the spread of the virus.

While you are staying at home, make sure you do the following things:

1. At home, try as best you can to separate yourself from the people you live with

Aim to stay in a well-ventilated room with a window that can be opened. Try to keep the window open as much as possible to enable ventilation and airflow as this will help to keep clean air moving through your room.

Try to separate yourself from other people in your home and keep the door closed. If you cannot stay in a separate room aim to keep 2 metres (3 steps) away from the other people in your house.

2. Cleaning and disposal of waste

Use your usual household products, such as detergents and bleach, as these will be very effective at getting rid of the virus on surfaces. Clean frequently touched surfaces

3. Laundry

Do not shake dirty laundry; this minimises the possibility of dispersing virus through the air.

Wash items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Dirty laundry that has been in contact with an ill person can be washed with other people’s items.

If you do not have a washing machine, wait a further 72 hours after your 7-day isolation period has ended before taking your laundry to a laundrette.

4.What you can do to help yourself get better
Drink water to keep yourself hydrated; you should drink enough during the day so your urine (pee) is a pale clear colour. You can use over-the-counter medications, such as paracetamol, to help with some of your symptoms. Use these according to the instructions on the packet or label and do not exceed the recommended dose.

If you need to seek medical advice

Seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening. If it’s not an emergency, contact NHS 111 online.

Wash your hands often

Cleaning your hands frequently throughout the day by washing with soap and water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser will help protect you and the people you live with. This step is one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of infection to you and to other people.

Ending self-isolation

You should remain at home until 7 days after the onset of your symptoms. After 7 days, if you feel better and no longer have a high temperature, you can return to your normal routine. If you have not had any signs of improvement and have not already sought medical advice, contact NHS 111 online.

If you have no internet access, call NHS 111.

Coughing may persist for several weeks in some people, despite the coronavirus infection having cleared. A persistent cough alone does not mean you must continue to self-isolate for more than 7 days.



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Post time 14-3-2020 09:50 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 09:50 PM | Show all posts
How to treat coronavirus if you are self-isolating at home

Around 80 percent of those who test positive for Covid-19 will present mild symptoms, consisting mostly of a cough and a high temperature, according to data from China. The vast majority of these patients will be asked to recover from the safety of their own home to stop them infecting vulnerable patients in hospital.

It differs slightly by region, but in most cases these stay-at-home patients should expect daily contact from doctors. Dr Tom Wingfield, a senior clinical lecturer at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, says that doctors in Liverpool are keeping the names, phone numbers, and addresses of those affected, and calling or texting them each day to check on their symptoms.

How do I treat myself?

Despite researchers across the globe launching about 300 separate trials in the hunt for a cure, there are not yet any effective medical treatments for Covid-19, although some doctors have expressed hope about an antiviral medicine called remdesivir, which was originally developed to treat the Ebola epidemic.

All you can do is relieve your symptoms, and at present doctors are advising stay-at-home Covid-19 patients to take whatever they would for a cold.

Tackle pain and fever with over-the-counter painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen, says Dr Wingfield (if you've run out, ask a friend or neighbour to leave them on your doorstep). Keep a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and drink lots of fluids.

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection

What if your symptoms get worse? When should you present to hospital?
Dr Wingfield says that doctors are doing their best to keep in touch with stay-at-home patients, making constant risk assessments on a “case-by-case basis” to determine whether it is time to bring a patient to hospital.

In a small number of cases – usually for older patients – Covid-19 can lead to difficulty breathing. If this happens, Dr Wingfield says, you will usually be brought to hospital. If your fever becomes severe and you are unable to move or take care of yourself, this could also be grounds to come to hospital.

If you think you need to go to hospital then under no circumstances should you walk, take a taxi, or travel by public transport, Public England England warns. Instead, call the NHS on 111 and take advice from a doctor – they will take you by ambulance if necessary.



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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 10:59 PM | Show all posts
The 37-year-old, who has a PhD in bioengineering, said she was sharing her story "to give people a little bit of hope" through her own relatively mild experience with the infection, which she treated herself from home.

Seattle, United States:

An American woman who has recovered from the novel coronavirus has a simple message for people who are worried: Don't panic -- but do think about high-risk individuals and stay home if you feel ill.

Elizabeth Schneider lives in Seattle, the biggest city of Washington state, which has the most deaths in the United States from the disease sweeping the globe.

The 37-year-old, who has a PhD in bioengineering, said she was sharing her story "to give people a little bit of hope" through her own relatively mild experience with the infection, which she treated herself from home.

But, she added, "obviously, it's not something to be completely nonchalant about, because there are a lot of people who are elderly or have underlying health conditions.

"That means that we need to be extra vigilant about staying home, isolating ourselves from others."

This week, US health authorities citing Chinese data said 80 percent of cases have been mild, while the remaining serious cases that required hospitalization affected mainly people over 60 and those with conditions like diabetes, heart disease or lung disease.

The party

Schneider first began experiencing flu-like symptoms on February 25, three days after going to a party that was later identified as the place where at least five other people also got infected.

"I woke up and I was feeling tired, but it was nothing more than what you normally feel when you have to get up and go to work, and I had been very busy the previous weekend," she told AFP in an interview Wednesday.

By midday, however, she felt a headache coming on, along with a fever and body aches. She decided to leave the office of the biotechnology company where she works as a marketing manager, and went home.

After waking up from a nap, Schneider found she had a high temperature, which peaked at 103 degrees Fahrenheit that night (39.4 Celsius).

"And at that point, I started to shiver uncontrollably, and I was getting the chills and getting tingling in my extremities, so that was a little concerning," she said.

She turned to over-the-counter flu medications to treat the symptoms and called a friend to be on standby in case she needed to be taken to an emergency room -- but the fever began to recede in the coming days.

Schneider had been following news reports about the novel coronavirus. The first US case was detected in Washington in late January.

The state has since gone on to become the epicenter of the disease in the country, with more than 260 cases and at least two dozen deaths. Nationwide, there have been more than 1,100 cases and 30 deaths.

Because she didn't have the most common symptoms like a cough or shortness of breath, "I thought, okay, well that's definitely why I don't have coronavirus,"  said Schneider.

She had gotten a flu shot but assumed her illness was a different strain. A visit to the doctor would only result in her being asked to go home, rest and drink plenty of fluids.

'Pleasantly surprised'

A few days later, however, she discovered through a friend's Facebook post that several people from the party had all developed similar symptoms, and she began to get more suspicious.

Several of these people went to their doctors, where they were found to be negative for the flu, but they were not offered coronavirus tests because they too were not coughing or having breathing trouble.

Knowing that she would also likely be turned down for the test, she decided to enroll in a research program called the Seattle Flu Study, hoping it might provide an answer. The team behind the study sent her a nasal swab kit, which she mailed back and waited several more days.

"I finally got a phone call from one of the research coordinators on Saturday (March 7), telling me that 'You have tested positive for COVID-19,'" she said.

"I was a little bit pleasantly surprised, because I thought it was a little bit cool," Schneider admitted, laughing, though her mother cried when she told her.

"Granted, I probably would not have felt that way if I was severely ill," she said. "But from a scientific curiosity perspective, I thought it was very interesting. And also the fact that I finally got confirmation that that's what I had."

By this time, her symptoms had already subsided, and she was told by local health authorities to remain at home for at least seven days after the onset of symptoms or 72 hours after they subsided.

It's now been a week since she's felt better. She has started going out for errands but is still avoiding large gatherings and continuing to work from home.
Schneider said she hoped her example, which will probably be typical of the high majority of cases, could comfort others.

"The message is don't panic," said Schneider. "If you think that you have it, you probably do; you should probably get tested."

"If your symptoms aren't life-threatening, simply stay at home, medicate with over-the-counter medicines, drink lots of water, get a lot of rest and check out the shows you want to binge-watch," she said. ... o-handle-it-2193571


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Post time 14-3-2020 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Virus ni so far tak membunuh toddler, makin berumur makin tinggi risiko kematian

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Coronavirus Symptoms: Defining Mild, Moderate And Severe




Severe or extreme.

These are some of the adjectives being used to describe the symptoms displayed by patients with COVID-19. Vice President Pence used them in his remarks to the nation this week:

"Some — some large percentage have mild flu symptoms; some have serious flu symptoms."

At this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is not a standard definition of what symptoms are associated with these designations.

It can take years for such guidelines to be issued for a newly identified disease, according to Dr. Sandro Galea, an epidemiologist and dean of the Boston University School of Public Health.

Nonetheless, there are some preliminary definitions that can be helpful in understanding the range of symptoms.


In 80% of known cases, COVID-19 causes mild to moderate illness, according to a report of a joint World Health Organization-China mission of 25 infectious disease experts held in China late last month.

At a press conference on March 9, Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, had this to say about the symptoms for a so-called "mild" case: "This mild infection starts normally with a fever, although it may take a couple of days to get a fever. You will have some respiratory symptoms; you have some aches and pains. You'll have a dry cough. This is what the majority of individuals will have."

It is "nothing that will make you feel like you need to run to a hospital," says Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

A mild case of COVID-19 in and of itself is not dangerous. But in some cases — more commonly in older people and in people with underlying health issues — a mild case can progress to a moderate case that could require some supportive care such as fluids for dehydration, typically in an emergency room or urgent care center, especially if hospitals are overwhelmed by the most acute cases.


Symptoms of being moderately ill with COVID-19 include coughing, fever above 100.4, chills and a feeling that you don't want to or can't get out of bed, says Adalja.

Some patients also experience shortness of breath, although that can occur in various ways. "Shortness of breath is a wide spectrum and whether we consider treatment will be based on how short of breath they are, their age and other health conditions," says Galea.

"Is it shortness of breath after climbing a flight of stairs or when there's no activity — for example, when you're just sitting in a chair?" says Dr. Theresa Madaline, hospital epidemiologist at the Montefiore Health System in New York City.

In either case, there's cause for concern with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case. "Shortness of breath [with this virus] is a symptom to always check with a health care provider. Period," says Dr. Kenneth E. Lyn-Kew, a pulmonologist in the Section of Critical Care Medicine and Department of Medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver.

That's because shortness of breath can be caused by low oxygen levels in the blood. Blood carries oxygen to organs and tissues, and low levels can lead to organ shutdown or even death.

For patients with moderate symptoms, hospitalization is unlikely unless they are having difficulty drawing a breath or are dehydrated. Signs of dehydration can include increased thirst, dry mouth, decreased urine output, yellow urine, dry skin, a headache and dizziness.

But there's another possible development within the "mild to moderate" classification. "Some of those individuals will go on to develop a mild form of pneumonia," Van Kerkhove says. While pneumonia can often resolve on its own, especially in younger people, in older people and in those with underlying health conditions, pneumonia can be life-threatening or require hospitalization, especially if their immune system is weak.

In these instances, without supplemental oxygen or, if needed, a respirator to aid breathing, a patient's organs can shut down and the patient can die, says Galea. People with pneumonia can also get secondary bacterial infections, which can be life-threatening and require treatment with intravenous antibiotics.

A case that is "mild to moderate" will last about two weeks from the first signs of symptoms to recovery, WHO says.

Serious, severe, extreme

According to the report of the WHO-China joint mission, in about 1 in 5 patients, the infection gets worse. About 14% of cases can develop into severe disease, where patients may need supplemental oxygen. And 6% of cases become critical and may experience septic shock — a significant drop in blood pressure that can lead to stroke, heart or respiratory failure, failure of other organs or death.

Theresa Madaline says that in some patients, symptoms can progress to severe in a few hours — or over several days.

A different problem can occur if disease progresses. The virus can enter lung cells and start replicating, killing the cells. The immune system may take action to fight the virus, creating inflammation, destroying lung tissue and sometimes resulting in a more severe form of pneumonia.

This [immune system] response can impair your ability to get oxygen into your blood. Without enough oxygen, inflammation can become more severe and result in organ failure.

What to tell your doctor about symptoms

"Keep in mind that mild, moderate and severe are the inelegant terms we have right now," says Dr. Shira Doron, hospital epidemiologist at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. "Use symptoms rather than adjectives when you speak to a health care provider" and then they can determine whether you need to consider treatment. ... moderate-and-severe



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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 11:10 PM | Show all posts
matamata replied at 14-3-2020 11:07 PM
Virus ni so far tak membunuh toddler, makin berumur makin tinggi risiko kematian

A ah. Ai baca kat mana tah , ikut statistik bebudak plg kurang dpt jangkitan. N selalunya tak kena teruk.


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Post time 14-3-2020 11:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kat vid yg aku post tu ada explain... Bagus doc ni,   

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Post time 14-3-2020 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nice sharing borrow. Moga dimurahkan rezeki borrow sekluarga di atas perkongsian ini. Amin yrb.

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 11:50 PM | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 14-3-2020 11:41 PM
Nice sharing borrow. Moga dimurahkan rezeki borrow sekluarga di atas perkongsian ini. Amin yrb.

aa tq Semoga munch sekeluarga juga dimurah rezeki , n dijauhi dari wabak ni . Amin ...


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 Author| Post time 14-3-2020 11:53 PM | Show all posts
matamata replied at 14-3-2020 11:40 PM
Kat vid yg aku post tu ada explain... Bagus doc ni,

ai tak click lagi , dh nak titon ni. Esok ai tgk. Tq

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Post time 14-3-2020 11:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
borrow replied at 14-3-2020 11:50 PM
aa tq  Semoga munch sekeluarga juga dimurah rezeki , n dijauhi dari wabak ni . Amin ...

Amin amin amin terima kasih borrow. Sama juga doa ni kembali pada borrow sekeluarga dan semua umat manusia.  sama sama kita doa semua ni selesai dengan segera. Aminnnn yrb.

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Post time 15-3-2020 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thank you..worth reading

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Post time 15-3-2020 12:29 AM | Show all posts
bagus thread ni. kasi pin lah.

tapi panjang skit, nantilah baca..

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Post time 15-3-2020 07:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Weols semua dlm rumah ni x keluar pung
Cuti skola ni harap iols kuatkan hati utk halang anak anak keluar bermain..hahaha
Iols sakit tekak ni..smalam panas ebbenor.kat luar...

Tq kerana beri panduan

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Post time 15-3-2020 08:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pastikan DATA INTERNET BANYAK.. Sebab angpa boleh layan utube kalau kena stay at home kuarantin

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2020 09:43 AM | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 14-3-2020 11:55 PM
Amin amin amin terima kasih borrow. Sama juga doa ni kembali pada borrow sekeluarga dan semua umat ...

welkem Amin amin. Sama2lah weols berdoa , semoga selesai segera

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2020 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 15-3-2020 03:33 PM cakap:

Doctor Gives 6 Reasons To Be Optimistic About Coronavirus

1. You can make a difference :

- basuh tgn
- jarakkan diri (elak fizikal contact)
- elakkan mesyuarat yg tak penting
- sebolehnya tinggal di rumah
- kurantin diri jika sakit

Kemudahan hospital/staff terhad. Hanya sebilangan kecil perlu rawatan sepital. Dan bilangan yg lebih kecil perlukan rawatan intensif.

Di italy , pernyebaran tak terkawal menyebabkan bilangan pesakit yg terlalu byk.

Jika chuols berumur 60 thn ke bawah, tak ada sakit teruk ( kena dialisis , sakit peparu teruk ) , just mebi sakit sederhana ( like asthma , diabetes terkawal) kemungkinan besar tak perlu perhatian Medical.

Demam dan batuk adalah normal utk infeksi covid19.  If tak alami kesusahan bernafas , pening krn tekanan darah rendah , better tak yah buat COVID-19 test. Coz after test pun , Dr akan bagi nasihat yg sama - iaitu rawat sendiri coz tak ada penawar.

Beri peluang kpd pesakit yg lebih memerlukan input/ medical service.

*ai baca Dr Msia ckp kekurangan alat bantuan pernafasan mebi punca pesakit mati.

2. We can Whup this bitch

- Covid adalah envelope virus. Dikelilingi lapisan lemak. Virus ni lemah. Even sabun murah pun vley efek kekuatannya.
- Bagaimana? Sabun mampu pecahkan lapisan lemak yg mengelilingi virus itu. Menjadikan virus tu tak efektif lagi.
- Alkohol gel  (70% alkohol) like sanitizer pula vley dehydrate lapisan tu.

* ai baca suhu yg tinggi juga akan pecahkan lapisan lemak pd virus tu.

- virus ini bukan aerosolize , tidak "airborne ( berjangkit melalui udara secara rawak)" mcm demam campak. If pesakit demam campak bersin , virusnya akan berada lama  di udara , dan infek ramai org.

- virus ni merebak melalui titisan yg keluar waktu batuk @ bersin. Dan terus jatuh ke atas permukaan (like lantai / kerusi). Jangka hayat virus yg berada di atas permukaan ni dianggar selama bbrp jam hingga ke bbrp hari.

* ai baca bergantung pd keadaan permukaan dan suhu. If dlm aircond , lagi lama.

- apapun virus ni vley dicuci dgn product pencuci.

3. The stat are better than u think.
- dijangka after wabak ni tamat , kematian hanya 0.6%

4. Other countries are on top of it.

5. The scientific community is working around the clock
- Doktor2 yg berdepan dgn wabak ni sentiasa publish medical journal , utk dikongsi pd Dr lain.

6. Kids seem to be the least affected
- why ? saintis pun tatau lagi. Antara teorinya , sistem imun bebudak tak well developed mcm org dewasa.

disclaimer : ikut pemahaman ai. Mohon betulkan jika ada silap

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2020 09:57 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 15-3-2020 08:44 AM
Pastikan DATA INTERNET BANYAK.. Sebab angpa boleh layan utube kalau kena stay at home kuarantin

haha ... Acik2  vley la marathon drama.


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