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Dispatch mengatakan Seo Ye Ji adalah dalang di sebalik tingkah laku kurang ajar

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Post time 13-4-2021 07:05 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by wasssup27 at 13-4-2021 07:13 PM

Dispatch mendakwa Seo Ye Ji adalah dalang di sebalik tingkah laku kurang ajar Kim Jung Hyun terhadap Seohyun di set drama bersiri 'Time'.
Seohyun(kiri) dan Kim Jung Hyun(kanan) semasa sidang media pada tahun 2018

Seperti yang dilaporkan sebelumnya, Staff 'A' dari drama 'Time' pada tahun 2018 mendedahkan perincian baru mengenai Kim Jung Hyun yang meninggalkan produksi drama tersebut secara tiba-tiba. Walaupun kisah itu menyatakan bahawa "ada alasan yang pasti" untuk keluar secara tiba-tiba, laporan baru dari pelbagai kakitangan memberi penerangan baru mengenai isu ini. Pada 12 April, outlet media Dispatch mengungkapkan beberapa pesanan teks antara Seo Ye Ji dan Kim Jung Hyun, yang ketika itu adalah kekasih Kim Jung Hyun. Dispatch mengatakan Seo Ye Ji adalah dalang di sebalik tindakannya yang kurang ajar dan mengkritik Kim Jung Hyun kerana tidak profesional kerana kehidupan cinta peribadinya.Berikut adalah petikan dari mesej teks mereka.

Seo Ye Ji: Stiff Kim, refrain from all physical contact.

Kim Jung Hyun: Yes, ma'am.

Seo: Why don't you report what you did today?

Kim: I didn't even say hello to female staff. Totally acted uninterested to everyone else.

Kim: Only you can touch my hand.

Seo: Do everything without passion. No physical contacts.

Kim: Yes, ma'am. I'm Stiff Kim!

Seo: Are you behaving yourself?

Seo: How did you greet people?

Kim: (sent a video) I didn't even say hi.

Seo: You don't have to say hello to them (staffs) anyway. If they do it first then you can respond gruffly.

Kim: I keep on reading my script. Without doing anything else.

Seo: Adjust the script so it won't have any romantic scenes.

Kim: Yeah I'm reading the script.  

Seo: Okay, do your best. No romance or physical contact.


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 Author| Post time 15-4-2021 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alleged staff from 'Diary of a Night Watchman' claim TVXQ's Yunho showed strange behavior on set after working with Seo Ye Ji

According to YouTube reporter Lee Jin Ho on April 14, new claims against actress Seo Ye Ji have surfaced.

On this day, the YouTube reporter revealed that some staff members who had previously worked on the set of the MBC drama 'Diary of a Night Watchman', starring Seo Ye Ji and TVXQ's Yunho, have raised claims that they observed strange behavior from the TVXQ member gradually.

The reporter stated, "When they first starting filming 'Diary of a Night Watchman', the atmosphere on the set was still bright and lively. Yunho was very friendly with all of the staff members, regardless of whether they were male or female. However, gradually, they say that he began speaking to the staff less and less."

Furthermore, "According to one on-sight staff, Yunho was receiving makeup adjustments during the filming. Normally, he was usually friendly when getting his makeup adjusted. But suddenly, when it was time to adjust his makeup, he stood uncomfortably with his eyes closed, head pointed up, hands behind his back, and said, 'Hurry up'. He also said, 'Don't touch my face'. The stylists, who also worked closely with Yunho to oversee the fitting of the hanbok, were also startled when one day, Yunho told them, 'Don't touch me'. "

The reporter continued, "The atmosphere was not good on Seo Ye Ji's side, either. They say that Seo Ye Ji hated seeing her own staff, including her manager and her personal makeup artist, interacting with the other crew members. When these staff members tried to talk to others on the filming set, suddenly, Seo Ye Ji would turn to where they were and glare at them. And seeing her, her staff would run away."

"Most of the time, they say that Seo Ye Ji and Yunho's managers always parked their cars right next to each other's, very close. The two were also spotted spending a lot of time together in one car in between filming scenes. Some staff members said that they occasionally heard Seo Ye Ji yelling so loudly, they could hear her from outside," Lee Jin Ho alleged.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2021 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Gambar sebelum dan selepas PS

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2021 07:15 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 13-4-2021 08:28 PM | Show all posts
seo ye ji ni cemburu buta kan.iols baca dia soh ubah skrip yg ada skinship. mental sama m watak dia dlm its okay not to be okay agaknya

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Post time 13-4-2021 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak sangka mcm tu perangai seo je yi. Dorg masih couple tak?

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Post time 14-4-2021 06:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
helicornia replied at 13-4-2021 08:28 PM
seo ye ji ni cemburu buta kan.iols baca dia soh ubah skrip yg ada skinship. mental sama m watak dia  ...

Ak pun bayangkan bende yg sama.. Dak jantan tu da in love Sgt ngn dia sampai Ikut smua kata dia

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Post time 14-4-2021 06:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Koo Mun Young is real....baik ltk nma btul ja wonder la mnjd wtk dia dlm drama IOTNBO....xsmpt nk berlakon lbih lama bila paparazzi dh bocorkan msj2 kt ats tu....dia pun ad filem bru nk kluar......smpai cancel utk attend PC utk filem bru dia.....lps tu dah step down utk berlakon drama baru dgn Kim Nam Gil...

Xsgka jgk....SYJ ni antara pelapis dan boleh prgi jauh dlm bidang lakonan....xtau la boleh berlakon lg ke tak....K-Netz klu bab boikot mmg ni...

Dia pun katanya prnh couple dgn Yunho TVXQ, Kim Soo Hyun dan cousin Kim Soo Hyun jgk.....nasib Lee Jun Ki dan Kim Jae Wook x sangkut dgn dia...huhu

Kim Jung Hyun tu mmg x professional la....rsny dia berlakon drama Time tu pun mesti sbb company melobi dia utk berlakon drama pun nk cri duit jgk....lps tu kena control dgn SYJ lg....tu yg msa PC drama tu kontroversi jgk K-Netz complain psl attitude dia msa ni sgkut dgn Seo Ji Hye plak dgn tgh dispute dgn agensi dia sndiri....huhu wait & see jala....

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 07:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 13-4-2021 10:05 PM
Tak sangka mcm tu perangai seo je yi. Dorg masih couple tak?

dan clash. katanya SYJ sekarang dengan cousin Kim Soo Hyun.

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Post time 14-4-2021 08:54 AM | Show all posts
kim jung hyun skrg kapel dgn seo ji hye yg berlakon sama dalam CLOY katanya. dispatch yang pecah lobang. elok la lari dari minah toksik. i baca asiatatler tulis is CLOY a matchmaking show or what? ye la 4 pelakon CLOY bercinta

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Post time 14-4-2021 09:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Xde telo ke kjh ni.nak salahkan syj plak

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 12:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
weezerfan replied at 14-4-2021 09:00 AM
Xde telo ke kjh ni.nak salahkan syj plak

tu la ada yang suspek kjh yang bagi convo tu kat dispatch. huhuhu

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 12:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 14-4-2021 06:49 AM
Koo Mun Young is real....baik ltk nma btul ja wonder la mnjd wtk dia dlm drama IOTNBO....x ...

dengan yunho tu terkejut gak. kemain deny dulu. dah la yunho pon dikatakan hampir bunuh diri gak penangan pompuan ni.

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Post time 14-4-2021 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by nadie90 at 14-4-2021 06:20 AM
wasssup27 replied at 14-4-2021 04:10 AM
dengan yunho tu terkejut gak. kemain deny dulu. dah la yunho pon dikatakan hampir bunuh diri gak p ...

Klu ad apa2 rumors celebs bercinta, skandal, rumors artis nk buat buat comeback dll dr ent. insider especially dr sports seoul ka chosun ka ap tu kbykannya boleh dipercayai....dan bukti gmbr2 celebs kluar dating dr Despatch #lol.....fhm ja sbb ap mostly deny sbb nk jg periuk nasi....nt ssh cr mkn plak tgkkan K-Netz klu nk boikot artis mcm celebs buat dosa besar kat depa #lol

Ap yg SYJ ni buat smpai smua pelakon2 lelaki dgr ckp dia dan syg dia smpai sorg hmpr nk bunuh diri....KJH smpai kna depression n anxiety? ....sbb lawakah? bca kt Allkpop K-Netz ckp SYJ ni buat PS....bukan original beauty yg diperkatakan org sblm ni.....tapi dia ad karisma dan bold....ka lbih kpd psiko? #lol

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Post time 14-4-2021 02:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ai suka giler drama Time nie and teyibe masa episode berapa dah takde watak lelaki ni. Masa tuw baru tau lelaki tue ada mental illness sampai dibawa ke reality tp rupanya ada manipulator pulak kat belakang. Sama jelah dua dua ni pun x professional.... kesian Seohyun padahal best dia berlakon dalam Time tue takutlah pulak KJH tue dahlah sensorang sekarang ni takde agency naik kes ni takut pulak apa apa jadi

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Post time 14-4-2021 02:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 14-4-2021 02:16 PM
Klu ad apa2 rumors celebs bercinta, skandal, rumors artis nk buat buat comeback dll dr ent. insi ...

Seriouslah dia pernah kapel dgn lelaki lain? Travk record nampaknay kurang baiklah tp netizen korea sangat dahsyat sampai klaur gambar masa sekolah rendah

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 02:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah_ary2 replied at 14-4-2021 02:32 PM
Seriouslah dia pernah kapel dgn lelaki lain? Travk record nampaknay kurang baiklah tp netizen kore ...

ramai antaranya yunho, kimsoohyun lepastu tadi ada baca drama parkhaejin dengan nana dulu tak disiarkan sebab pompuan ni gak. director drama tu exboyfriend dia jang tae yoo PD. dia nak jadi female lead drama tu dan nak suruh nana leave production drama tu.

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 02:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 14-4-2021 02:16 PM
Klu ad apa2 rumors celebs bercinta, skandal, rumors artis nk buat buat comeback dll dr ent. insi ...

sebab dispatch tak keluar gambar biasa memang diorang deny je. kalau dispatch keluar gambar baru gelabah masing masing.

dah la kemungkinan pembully jugak masa sekolah. tipu sekolah kat madrid satu hal.

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 02:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
#KimJungHyun apologize to #Seohyun, #Time actors + staffs for his attitude. "I regret it a lot. I did smth unpleasant on my own due to personal problems. As main lead, I couldn't fulfill my responsibilities, I apologize w/o any excuse" #KoreanUpdates VF

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 02:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 14-4-2021 02:57 PM
#KimJungHyun apologize to #Seohyun, #Time actors + staffs for his attitude. "I regret it a lot. I di ...

damage done. 3 tahun ambil masa nak apologize. kalau company tak spill the tea diam je la sampai kesudah.

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Post time 14-4-2021 04:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 14-4-2021 02:52 PM
ramai antaranya yunho, kimsoohyun lepastu tadi ada baca drama parkhaejin dengan nana dulu tak disi ...

Kata pd tu nak saman sapa sapa cakap dia ada relationship dgn yeji hhahahaha boleh tahan lah yeji ni. Sejujurnya ai tahu dia ni dr drama dgn kim soo hyun tu jah yg sebelum tue mcm x pernah tgk

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2021 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah_ary2 replied at 14-4-2021 04:13 PM
Kata pd tu nak saman sapa sapa cakap dia ada relationship dgn yeji hhahahaha boleh tahan lah yeji  ...

drama tu pon dia dapat sebab company dia produce drama tu dan factor kimsoohyun. kalau tak masih whoareyous jugak la.

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