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UMRAH - kaedah backpacking, boleh ke?

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Post time 30-10-2006 06:28 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam Ya Al-Forummers..

Soalan :

1. Boleh ker ?
- soklan pertama sbb VISA boleh dapat ker camtu?
- kalau kita gi melancong ke Arab Saudi sendiri style backpacking
- pernah baca dlm board ni student UK singgah buat Umrah sblom balik Mlysia tp tak gi Madinah just Jeddah dan Mekah

2. Mudah ker ?
- Tak payahla hotel bintang2.. budget sikit kena style backpacking la..

3. Siapa pernah ada pengalaman ?

4. Boleh ker kita lompat melompat ke satu2 negara timur tengah (yg tak perlu visa) sesambil buat umrah cenggini.. free n easy gitu.. jimat belanja.

Ni kira azam jugakla...



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Post time 1-11-2006 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Good topic..  but sadly nobody to guide.. my azam as well

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Post time 1-11-2006 01:04 PM | Show all posts
mana2 kat negara di dunia ni bole backpack.bezanya back pack umrah ni..ialah untuk beribadat khusus. so kena tau la cara nak buat umrah..the rest is mcm biasa..lepas umrah kalo lapar makan,kalo mengantuk tdor ,kalo boring jalan2 dsbnya...

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Post time 1-11-2006 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Yeap, very true... of course the tujuan ialah utk ibadat.. but energetic travellers and adventurous younger ones ( like me ;) ) intend to do more while being there. Sesambil.. bila lagi..

So how's the VISA application ... VISA TOUR / UMRAH.. sama ke..
Apsal dlm web Kementerian Luar ( Arab Saudi tak perlu Visa...

Entry Requirements        :        Visa Not Required       
Length of Stay Without Visa        :        90 days       
Enquiries for Application        :        High Commission in KL        
Remarks        :       
The charges for visa into Saudi  Arabia:       
i)        Visa for Umrah        - gratis       
ii)        Visa for Pilgrimage        - gratis       
iii)        Visa for Visit         - equivalent to RM210.00       
iv)        Visa for Work         - equivalent to RMRM52.50

Does that mean kita boleh just fly-in, walk around cari suitable budget hotel tanpa booking and spend, say, 2 weeks sight-seeing like locals dgn bas?

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Post time 1-11-2006 07:15 PM | Show all posts
ye ke visa haji free? 100usd per head weh saudi charge..
kalo umrah pun kene bayar gak..tapi murah sket le.. buleh je ko gi sana backpack..tapi kene dapatkan visa umrah dulu le.. pastu ko sampai sana..cari le hotel.. bukannye susah kalo pegi off season nih.. tapi better if bleh cakap arab sket.. senang..takde kene tipu harga.. tapi kalo taktau..belasah je..kat sana bangla banyak..pakis banyak.. indon lagi ramai.. dorang bleh tulung nye.. jgn risau..

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Post time 2-11-2006 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Research sikit..


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Post time 2-11-2006 04:33 PM | Show all posts
The highway between Jeddah and Makkah is about 80km long. Before reaching the boundry of Makkah the highway sign points out for Non-Muslims to take the right exit,as it`s against Islam to let the non Muslims to enter the Holy City. The distance between this exit and the holy Mosque is 27km.

Due to respect for this holy place, there is no airport in Makkah. The closest airport is in Jeddah city, which is about 1 hour away. Buses & taxis run regularly to bring pilgrims into Makkah. If you are visiting from Medina, there are buses and taxis too and you can also perform an Umrah, that will be nice Walk around, taxis for further distances.

Transportation around the city is provided for free and should not be a problem whatsoever. There are many buses that go straight from most of the hotels to the Masjid Al-Haram and back at the top of the hour.

If you would like to catch a Shared Taxi from Makkah to Jeddah (city and airport) or Madinah, you should come to the Taxi stand just 50 meters from Haram's Bab-ul-Fahad. There are many taxis standing but the negative aspect of a shared taxi is that it only leaves when it gets completely filled. The prices are just a bit more than the bus. The good aspect is that they are fast. The Best Time to catch a shared taxi is just after the prayer because there are a lot of travellers waiting for the prayer so that they can pray in Haram and then leave for their journey. I took only 10 minutes for the taxi to get filled after the Maghrib prayer when i wanted to catch a taxi from Makkah to Jeddah. The cost was 10 SR one way.

Where to find them? Everywhere and anytime.
How to reach them? Simply Scream TAXI or point by your hand they will stop for you. Eye contact enough to stop them.
Who can ride them? Both males and females.
How much to pay them? I remember 10 minute of driving, he took 15 riyals. Just bargain and he might low the price. SR 3.75 to U.S. $1.00. Taxi drivers are very friendly and mostly from South East Asia + Saudis. Unfortunately their driving mostly horrible.

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Post time 2-11-2006 04:35 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 2-11-2006 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Public Intracity Transportaion

SAPTCO intracity services cover 10 major cities which include Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah, Riyadh, Taif, Dammam, Abha, Gaseem, Tabuk and Hael.


Hotels in Mekkah (arabic - Funduq)

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Post time 2-11-2006 04:57 PM | Show all posts
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


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Post time 2-11-2006 05:25 PM | Show all posts
The birth place of the Prophet Muhammed, Peace Be Upon Him

The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), the last prophet, was born in Makkah in the year 570 CE. The place where the Prophet was born is now marked by a disused library. There are no signs to express this historic sight. To be frank I was a little dissappointed to see how run down the building was. But after talking to some people I learnt that if the government make it too nice and label it, some people may end up praying here, or to the site. This would clearly be against all tradition.

Mt Hira

A must to visit Mt Hira ,where PBUH beloved prophet Mohamad receive the first sentence of the Quran:- 'Read' in the name of God.

Jabal Nur, Where The Revelation Began

Jabal Nur Is About 3km From Masjidil Haram. There抯 A Cave In This Mountain Called 揟he Cave Of Hira

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Post time 2-11-2006 05:32 PM | Show all posts
syarat visa.. kana ada nama hotel kalau tak silap

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Post time 2-11-2006 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Jabal Rahmah At Arafah

This is picture of a tall white pillar at "Jabal Rahmah" Or Mount Of Mercy in Arafah. The Picture Was Taken During My Umrah Trip. But When The Hajj Season Comes, The Place Will Be Totally Flooded With Pilgrims. "Jabal Rahmah" was the place where Adam and Eve met after being overthrown from heaven and was separated for many many years.

Old Quarter

View down a typical street in the old quarter of the city , resembles a lot to jeddah, because they are all Hejaz!

Umm Al-Joud Kiswa Factory

Visit The "Kiswa" (The Drape Of The Kaabah) Factory If You Have The Opportunity To Do So. Here You Will Have The Privilege To Witness How The Beautiful "Kiswa" Was Made.

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Post time 2-11-2006 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sudugarpu at 2-11-2006 05:32 PM
syarat visa.. kana ada nama hotel kalau tak silap

so takleh walk-in la..backpacker style.. kena book beforehand.. too bad...

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Post time 2-11-2006 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Map of Mecca

Al-Hajj Guide Map


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Post time 2-11-2006 08:42 PM | Show all posts
Dulu kalau tak silap, ada cerita pasal macam back-packer juga sorang student ni buat umrah/haji.Dia ceritakan pengalamannya. Cuba tenguk kat belakang-belakang.Rasanya ada kat topik umrah.

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Post time 3-11-2006 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Yeap.. here's the copied text... (page 13 - Umrah thread)

Thanks to forummer foundation


Umrah on Budget

Assalamualaikum, menarik baca pasal pengalaman pegi umrah ni.  Masa saya pergi dulu, baru habis belajar kat uk.  Masa balik tu, ambik tiket Saudi Air transit kat Saudi (turun kat Riyadh, naik balik kat Jeddah) - transit 10 hari.  Flight cost sama je.  Kitorang pegi berempat, langsung takde pakej atau apa-apa - main redah je ikut cerita mereka yang dah pernah pegi.  Macam-macam hal tapi alhamdulillah generally memang dipermudahkan dan kitorang takde apa-apa masalah serius.

Yang kelakarnya, salah sorang member ni budak sekolah agama so bila kat imigresen bukan main lagi isi borang tulis jawi - bila sampai turn dia teruk kena marah dengan pak arab tu dan kena isi semula.

Sampai Riyadh, amik flight ke Madinah. Bila keluar dari airport tu, memang terkejut tengok bbrp orang muda muka cam melayu.  Kitorang pun tegur la... kata nak ziarah Madinah.  Rupanya students dari Patani tengah tunggu kawan-kawan yang baru nak sampai.  Ingat lagi pesan diaorang, "Ambik teksi, sebut Haram".  So, kitorang pun buat camtu le.  Alhamdulillah sampai betul ke depan masjid nabawi.  Yang kelakarnya, memang tak de book mana-mana hotel pun. So dengan barang-barang yang sangat byk (maklumlah... dlm perjalanan nak balik Malaysia for good), kitorang pun diturunkan kat tepi masjid.  So, dua orang tunggu beg, 2 orang lagi pegi round cari hotel - target yang paling murah.  Kitorang bahagi area nak cari tu ikut sebelah kanan dan kiri tempat kitorang berdiri; lepas 2 orang tu sampai balik dgn rate yang paling murah diorang jumpa, saya dan teman yang sorang lagi pulak pegi cari kat area sebelah satu lagi - last-last jumpa la hotel dgn cara ni. kitorang pun angkut beg ke sana.  Masa check-in, dia mintak passport - kitorang pun cuak jugak tapi last-last bagi je laa sebab memang dah tak larat nak cari tempat lain dah.  Masa tu dah tengahari - so lepas mandi sikit (terkejut sebab air paip panas cam masa mula-mula buka air waktu tengahri kat Malaysia, tapi sampai ke sudah tetap panas), kitorang pun keluar cari makan.  pekena nasik dengan ayam panggang; tiba-tiba tengok semua orang kelam-kabut sikit. rupa-rupanya nak masuk zohor; memang best pengalaman masa tu berjalan ke masjid sebab SEMUA orang menuju ke arah yang sama.  Masa tu saya nampak ada yang merangkak ke masjid - sayu gak.

Mula-mula kitorang plan nak tinggal kat Madinah 5 hari, lepas tu 5 hari kat Mekah.  Sekali kawan saya call pakcik dia, pakcik dia kata, "5 hari kat Madinah?  Itu dah macam orang datang sebulan" - so kitorang pun kurangkan ke 3 hari je.  Hari kedua teringin nak berziarah kawasan sekitar tapi yang ada hanya pemandu teksi cakap arab mintak bayaran yang tinggi.  Masa tu saya teringat sorang kawan ada beri contact no sorang ustaz melayu pattani yang selalu bawa org melayu berziarah kat sana.  Bila call dia, dia pesan, "esok pukul 12, tunggu kat depan hotel apa ntah, pastikan berwuduk".  Kitorang pun ikut je la... rupanya dia ada bawak satu group orang melayu hari tu.  Kitorang pun join le naik bas panjang.  Lepas ziarah semua (berserta dengan penerangan bahasa melayu dari ust ni), kitorang sampai balik dah dekat Asar.  Dlm pada tu, tertanya-tanya pulak, brp nak kena bayar ni.  Sekali bila semua dah turun bas, kitorang pun bersalaman dengan ustaz tersebut dan tanya, berapa kitorang kena bayar.  Sekali dia jawab "Takpelaa, saya memang nak bawak group ni pun hari ni dan bas kosong.  Lagipun anak-anak ni student lagi...."  Hah.... alhamdulillah.  Itu hari ke-2.  

Hari ke-3 kami ke Mekah.  Naik bas awam je.  Memang sayu bila perati keliling dan teringat camana susahnya Rasulullah SAW berjalan / naik unta sejauh tu... panas pulak tu.  

Kitorang sampai mekah pukul 12 malam.  Lepas check-in (mudah sikit sebab dah pre-book kali ni - belajar dari pengalaman kat Madinah) dan buat tawaf; kitorang makan KFC - maklumlaa, dah lama tak makan KFC kat UK.  Yang kelakarnya, kat resit tulis, KFC Haraam" - terkedu jugak mulanya....

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Post time 3-11-2006 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Sharing info..


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Post time 3-11-2006 11:10 AM | Show all posts
wah.. Malaysia menghadap bucu kat Hajarul Aswad rupanya...

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Post time 3-11-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
thanks for the info..

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