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comparison between Panda and Kaspersky
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Just want to find out the rating and comparison between Panda BusinesSecure With Truprevent Antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus....ade sesiapa yang boleh bagi info atau pendapat?
tq |
| kalau comparison with product feature ade tak? |
kapeksy powahhhh !!
ehhehehhe |
kaspersky internet security 6.0 besh |
try guna sendiri la...
Pad x penah guna Panda...
Tapi pernah guna McAfee, Norton/Symantec, Sophos, AVG, and kaspersky...
Paling baik Kaspersky 6.0... Paling teruk Sophos...
Ni berdasarkan pengalaman la... |
aku pernah try heavy kat PC aku...
so, aku switch to AVG Free + Kapersky Anti-Hacker + antispyware & anti-adware lain...
Tp yg best Panda ni, kalau file tu ada ciri2 virus skit ajer, diblocknya.......itu apa yg aku tau larr... |
Originally posted by abuqaw at 22-11-06 02:12 AM
aku pernah try heavy kat PC aku...
so, aku switch to AVG Free + Kapersky Anti-Hacker + antispyware & anti-adware lain...
Tp yg best Panda ni, kalau file tu ada ciri2 virus skit ajer ...
byk nyer gune
baik gune 1 sware
amik panda internet security ke, kaspersky internet security ke .........
bg fly better amik ntvirus siap dgn internet security
so xyah nak install lain2 sware yg leh beratkan pc .....
lain la size hd besar n ram besar ........... |
Reply #8 fly_in_d_sky's post
emm..memang sengaja install dari lain2 supplier...
Nak test keberkesanan software. Kalau tak pueh hati ngan
satu2 prog., tukar prog lain dr sumber yg lain...
Sbb, performance tak sama........ |
Originally posted by abuqaw at 22-11-06 05:47 PM
emm..memang sengaja install dari lain2 supplier...
Nak test keberkesanan software. Kalau tak pueh hati ngan
satu2 prog., tukar prog lain dr sumber yg lain...
Sbb, performance tak sama........
oooo gitu ........
fly gune 1 sware jer |
Reply #10 fly_in_d_sky's post
aktuali, dah banyak software yg aku dah test...
Sampai pada kombinasi AVG + Kapersky Anti-Semitik (hacker) + Ad-Awre SE + RemoveIT ProXT2 + Arovax AntiSepaiware, sistem yg digunakan lebih stable....
Kalau dulu aku pakai:
1. Panda + SepaiBot S & D + ArovaxShield = Tak stable
2. Kapersky Anti Virus + Ad-Aware + SepaiBot = pun tak stabil
p/s: utk pc aku pakailah, kalau pc onglain, tak suer laks.........:-) |
Originally posted by abuqaw at 23-11-06 11:05 AM
aktuali, dah banyak software yg aku dah test...
Sampai pada kombinasi AVG + Kapersky Anti-Semitik (hacker) + Ad-Awre SE + RemoveIT ProXT2 + Arovax AntiSepaiware, sistem yg digunakan lebih stable.. ...
utk ape test?
gune pc / internet atas tujuan ape?
perlu ke gune sebegini kalau setakat main game online, browsing, check email, chattings, upload items?
Reply #12 fly_in_d_sky's post
hayo yo...aku ni memang kaki test software..
Tak semua, apa yg aku minat jer...
Penciptaan program/software bukan utk satu tujuan jer..
mcm kau mungkinlah pakai utk ngelak dr gangguan virus atau sepaiware..
Mcm aku tidak, aku buat sesuatu dlm komputer aku utk cari ilmu.......ilmu aper2 lah..
Tp, bukan ilmu yg mendatangkan kemusnahan.........
[ Last edited by abuqaw at 23-11-2006 09:58 PM ] |
Originally posted by abuqaw at 23-11-06 09:49 PM
hayo yo...aku ni memang kaki test software..
Tak semua, apa yg aku minat jer...
Penciptaan program/software bukan utk satu tujuan jer..
mcm kau mungkinlah pakai utk ngelak dr gangguan virus atau ...
oooo gitu
good answer .....
hati2 gune sware
jgn boom udah .......  |
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 23-11-2006 10:01 PM
oooo gitu
good answer .....
hati2 gune sware
jgn boom udah ....
So far ok kalau aku dah tak online lagi,
maknanya aku dah kena boom lah tue........
alamak dah lari topik plak....sowi semua........bye.. |
Originally posted by malarky at 21-11-2006 11:15 PM
Just want to find out the rating and comparison between Panda BusinesSecure With Truprevent Antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus....ade sesiapa yang boleh bagi info atau pendapat?
for Malarky..nak lebih
confident, pergi ke link ni:---------->Powerful AntiVirus |
Originally posted by abuqaw at 24-11-2006 06:07 PM
for Malarky..nak lebih
confident, pergi ke link ni:----------> owerful AntiVirus
thank you :tq: |
aku poakai kaspersky av 5.0 + spybot - search & destroy... x de problem....
sebelum ni pakai nod 32 + kaspersky .. dual layer av |
Panda berat,boleh hang pc.Kaspersky ok,aku pakai kapersky pro personal. |
karpesky bgs, tp staun
panda x pnh gune
avira (antivir) seach engine lmbt
avast seach engine lambat
avg one of da best ( recomanded)
bit defender, gune ram sket
2 jela yg aku tau |
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