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Brown spots/aging/freckles...
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Nak bertanya dgn kawan2 di sini..bagaimana cara nak menghilangkan brown spots atau pon freckles due to aging atau pon make up? me tak sure brown spots ngan freckles ni dua perkara yg sama atau berbeza..
agak2 kalu kita tenyeh pakai scrub hari2 bule ilang tak kesan2 tu..
selain dr itu, kalu forumer di sini dapat share pengalaman u all dalam menackle masalah ini? scrub, laser treatment..serum..kalu betul scrub dan serum bule mengurangkan masalah ini..bule minta tlg suggestkan tak brand ape yg u all pakai complete dgn namanya...kalu laser treatment, kat mana tptnya dan berapa kosnya serta bagaimana dgn side effectnya? paham2 ajelakan kalu ade perkataan 'laser' kat situkan..kalu tak kene gaya mmg bule timbul komplikasi juge..
dan ade sesiapa di sini yg tahu punca2 brown spots/freckles ni utk share bersama di sini?
sekian, terima kasih..
[ Last edited by aryssaharris at 6-8-2007 07:28 PM ] |
saya ada gak masalah ni..saya try guna Loreal Double Essence...abis sebotol..mmg nampak kurang ler..hmpir hilang..tapi maybe depends jugak pada kulit kita...
psssttt...brp harga beautiful corset tu |
Reply #1 aryssaharris's post
i mmg ada masalah freckles, pigmentation..2 cela yg berbeza. freckles ni yg dot kecik2 across the cheeks, on the bridge of the nose. yg pigmentation ni yg selepuk cover an area of the skin...mmg leh nmpk la beza antara yg dots tu and yg sekeping besar pigmentation ni.
age spots lak, dia cam dots...tapi besar....makin lama makin besar. mmg shape dia bulat2. and sometimes u will see these at the back of ur hands, lengan/arms.
mcm2 benda yg org buat nak hilangkan. laser is one of them..boleh hilang...but it will reappear after kena maintain buat laser treatment periodically.
creams pun byk juga...cuma some will make ur skin become sensitive...and when u stop.,...jadik lagi teruk coz ur skin cam dah tak de shield against UV ray.
yg recently i dgr, my mom la told me..dia pakai rosa-e...grapeseed oil and tah hapa...dia kata mmg works la. i tgk lighter la skin dia...coz when she came back from Aussie, sana walaupun winter, matahari dia mengelapkan kulit. mmg dia balik, muka cam legam. and now dah ok. i cam nak try..but malas lak nak cuba2.
currently im using caudalie radiance serum with eternal beauty machine. this serum dia claim will not cause photo sensitivity to the most whitening/lightening/fading creams/serums will. i rasa ada lighten sikit la my pigmentation yg dua keping kat cheek areas yg near my nose tu. and a few people also commented hat my skin is clearer now. yg freckles tu i mmg tak kuasa nak combat psl mmg i ada since kecik.
[ Last edited by yela at 6-8-2007 10:55 PM ] |
Reply #4 yela's post
tx yela for the info..tadi me pi browse kat tenet..ade yg kasik tips..mixkan lemon juice ngan honey kendian lumur kat muka..katenye pon leh lessenkan kesan tu..
oh cam tu plak ye..maksudnya sekali kita berenti pakai this sunscreen atau sunprotection..brown spots lagi naik..takut2 plak me nak cube jadiknya..bebaru ade terjumpa satu multi-vital spf30..this one bukan utk combat the dark spotsla..tapi cume function dia tuk moisturize and protect the skin from UV Ray....
kenapa ye..lepas kita buat laser treatment, dark spot tu akan reappear? adakah dia akan reappear bile kita tak pakai sunprotection..atau pon disebabkan usia kita yg meningkat yg menyebabkan kita tak bule lari dr brown spots ni..ade sesapa leh clarify? |
Originally posted by aryssaharris at 6-8-2007 11:13 PM
tx yela for the info..tadi me pi browse kat tenet..ade yg kasik tips..mixkan lemon juice ngan honey kendian lumur kat muka..katenye pon leh lessenkan kesan tu..
oh cam tu plak ye..maksudnya se ...
apa2 hal...sunscreen mesti pakai! esp so bila dah buat proses whitening/lightening ni. wajib!
lemon juice and honey...lemon tu yg buat kasi cerah tu kot...coz dia acidic...may be honey to neutralise bisa dia sikit. u try la..if jadik, citer kat sini.
why it reappears after laser treatment - psl yg laser tu surface, mslh pigment ni bila kulit tu produce terlebih byk melanin, benda ni ongoing process. so lama2, dia muncul la balik...unless we eat supplement ke hapa yg leh reduce this melanin production. i dengar2 supplements like imedeen, estime tu cam boleh...but im not really sure la betul ke tak. leh tanya org2 yg amik benda ni. mahal sgt...tak mampu kita! |
i got the same prob.. but dah kurang skit.. since pakai avon pt white.. ekceli.. pada kita... apa2 product pun yg kita guna tuk ilangkan pigmentation or frackles... kena guna dgn jangka masa yg lama..
sebab menda ni bukan boleh cpt ilang mcm acne... kdg2 i fikir.. at least acne leh ilang.. tapi bukan frackles and pigment.. dia just leh pudar jerr |
Reply #6 yela's post
besnya baca explainantion u..itula i pon sebenarnya upset juga tiba2 naik brown spots ni..sbb sblm2 ni my face tak de masalah ape...and then bebaru ni je me rajin2 sket make up pakai foundation and blusher...tapi, bile jadik cenggini...macam terbantut plak nak make up2 segala...
itula yela, sblm ni me pakai minyak aje kat muka tanpa spf..kalu kat mesia dulu me pakai olay with spf15...itu pon just bule protect muka around 150mins depends ngan berapa lama muka kita will blush after sun, maknanya skrg..kene pakai higher spfla kalu malas nak apply moisturizer tu byk2 kali..
cam tertarik juga nak try imeedeen..tapi apa namanya ye? but skrg, me tgh on jamu nona roguy..buleke mix2 ngan suppliment lain..takut plak ade makan phytonatal utk mudahkan bowel movement..tu ari teruja gak nak makan once a day EPO+codliver oil+vit E&C coz kat sini ade kuar product SEVENSEA yg cover sume suppliment tu..cume, dr segi knowledge i tatau apa side effectnya makan jamu&suppliment at the same time..ade sesapa leh kasik komen di sini..
bukan ape yela..this mid aug, me will be, me concious sketla bab2 cenggini..rasenya me takde freckles..cume ade this brown spot aje.. |
Reply #7 gals2's post
ha ah kene continous...cubela gals teknik murah ingat pon nak cubela..ramaila sket org leh kasik review kat sini..
ade gak yg rekemen kita scrub muke..sbb katenya brown spot tu cam dead skin juge..
ade gak belek2 muka my hubby kkdg tu..dia takdela plak bown spot ni..kalu ikutkan my hubby tu lagila sempoi..langsung tak pakai moisturizer ke brown spot ni hanya menyerang org pompuan saje? |
Reply #6 yela's post
oh maksudnya..walaupon kita pakai sunprotection, dia still akan leh reappear disebabkan perubahan hormonla ye ni..maksudnya hormon yg stimulates atau control the melamine content kat kulit kita, cam tuke yela?
adakah maksudnya, makin kita berusia, makin meningkat kandungan melamin dalam badan kita?? walla..kene cari imedeen secepat mungkin ni...sbb tak pernah nampak plak estime kat sini.. |
Petua menghilangkan jeragat/bintik2 hitam :
Tomato Hapus Jeragat - Aambil jus tomato, sapu dgn 2 sudu besar tepung gandum dan telur putih. Campur semua bahan jadikan mask. Sapu sampai kering selama 15 minit. Bilas. Ulang 3x seminggu.
Madu - Campur madu dan air. Sapu pada muka biarkan kering. Bilas.
Sebab2 jeragat/pigmentation nanti continue..ari tu ada jumpa kena cari balik. |
mmg hormones pun memainkan peranan. tu psl sometimes yg amik contraceptive pills naik pigmentation ni. i pun dia start naik after the birth of my baby. dulu u i rajin buat research psl mende ni, but byk dah lupa.
but melanin ni la yg buat jeragat/pigmentation/freckles kat muka. how it not so sure. if u tgk skincare yg ada lightening properties ni..sure ada sebut melanin..melanin inhibitor la, melanin blocker la, etc. etc. |
my mom pakai primrose oil.Alhamdullilah brown spot dia hilang. |
Reply #14 LVgirl's post
pakai tu mcm mana tuh? makan atau sapu? |
i have this problem since teenage..
at that time baru balik states..kena cuaca mesia..naik freckles nih..lagi2 pulak duk berjemur main netball the time, mane ade org suh pakai sunscreen and dot dot nih..
mase pregnant lagi ligat die naik..freckles makin banyak..tension nak hilangkan..
now duk try dior snow but rasenye mcm tuh jugak ler..
i'm considering alpha beta peel or microdermabrasion..still survey2.. |
Reply #15 gals2's post
dia sapu kat muka.I tak ingat brand apa but from Australia. |
i have the same problem tooo.......adeiii
I noticed....manyak products from australia...ape brand nak jugak.......recce.....
Aryssa i rasa because of age....ageing symptom/process....and all the while...we have been expose to sun...without having proper protection most of the time (without we realize) like go and jemur kain ke........and due to all the mekaps we put on....over the years...will also trigger these pigmentation/freckles/spots...and I read somewhere stated as hereditary is also one of the factors......
All i do now is just use proper skincare....and make sure i did the right process to remove all my MEKAPS.....
and especially night works me......and enough sleep and substantial FLUID.....dan sewaktu dengannya |
malam smlm me try petua campurkan honey dgn perahan limau(sket je letak)..kendian buh kat muka, biarkan sampai kering..bes jugak..sbb dia seakan2 mask kat muke...lepas cuci muka kulit lembut aje.. |
Originally posted by Ratu_Lybeau at 7-8-2007 05:23 PM
i have the same problem tooo.......adeiii
I noticed....manyak products from australia...ape brand nak jugak.......recce.....
Aryssa i rasa because of age....ageing symptom/ ...
u kat sana tu better be careful...matahari kat sana very damaging. eh...leh cari placenta cream yg good tak? kata sana banyak betul placenta cream, but im not sure which is good. i ingat nak pesan kat my mom, but lupa nak sms dia, bila dia balik i kata i dok teringin placenta cream..dia kata why tak cakap coz berlambak2 menda tu. masa dia gi sana time sale.and also EPO...murah gila compared to here. sempat la i cilok satu jar from my aunt. |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki