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Anjing dan Islam

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Post time 26-11-2007 09:12 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Why is it that dogs are looked down upon in the so-called Muslim world ? Why has tradition made it so difficult to keep a dog in your home ? Why would a "Muslim" Taxi driver refuse to allow a blind man and his guide dog into his cab ?

Dogs are wonderful creatures of God. They bond with humans, protect them and serve them and that has been true almost since God placed man on earth. Does it make sense then that Muhammed (or any messenger of God) would place prohibitions on these loving creatures when God does not ?

How do we know that Muslims are not forbidden to be around dogs? We look at God's word, at the Quran. In the story of the men of the cave in Sura 18, it becomes clear that God sees dogs as part of men's lives.

18:18 "You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his arms in their midst."

Hadith tells us that angels won't enter a room where there is a dog. That means that for 309 years that the sleepers were in the cave, no angel ever entered. Yet God says "We turned them...." The use of "we" clearly indicates the participation of angels. There is absolutely no reason to mention the dog as part of this story, except to make it clear to future generation that dogs are permitted to live among people, right "in their midst." And 18:22 clearly shows that the dog was counted right along with the believers.

"Some would say, they were three; their dog being the fourth, while others would say, Five; the sixth being their dog, as they guessed. Others said, seven, and the eighth was their dog. Say, My Lord is the best knower of their number. Therefore, do not argue with them; just go along with them. You need not consult anyone about this."

There are books of the Bible that don't make it into all Bibles. They are recognized by some sects but not by others. These are called "apocrypha." One such book is entitles "Tobit." It is a wonderful narrative. It reminds me of Luqmaan in the Quran. A faithful man counsels his son to worship God always, to be righteous, to give charity and never begrudge the gift, to be humble and to be fair in all business dealings. In this book of Tobit, the son, Tobias, goes off on a journey to help his father. God sends with him an angel in the form of a man, and chapter 5 verse 16 says;      

"So they went out and departed and the young man's dog was with them." And as they return home, after all the adventure and good things that happen , in chapter: " After this Tobias went on his way, praising God because He had made his journey as success....So they went their way, and the dog went along behind them."

There is no other mention of the dog in the whole narrative. It is just like the people of the cave. There is no reason to mention the dog at all, except to show that it's a perfectly natural thing to be accompanied by your dog. God certainly does not prohibit it.

God has given dogs qualities that make perfect companions and helpmates for humans. The fact that dogs like to be around people and like to please them makes them easy to breed for specific characteristics and to train for a variety of wonderful jobs. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes from the 5" tall, 6 pound Chihuahua to the Mastiff and St. Bernard which may reach 200 pounds. Some dogs are meant to simple be a companion to man, small enough to carry around and sit on your lap. Scientific studies have shown that just petting a dog can lower a person's blood pressure. So their simple companionship is a gift from God.

Beyond that, dogs perform a vast array of wonderful skills. Dogs are excellent herders and guards of sheep and cattle. Some dogs have a natural desire to protect. Police and the military frequently make use of this attribute, using German Shepherds , Dobermans and Rottweilers in their work. Dogs are wonderful in search and rescue. This has gone on for hundreds of years, from the famous St. Bernard of Switzerland finding people lost in the snow and laying down with them to keep them warm (they did not carry a keg of brandy) to modern times, finding survivors in the rubble of earthquakes.

Dogs have always participated in the sporting world, as the Quran attests in 5:4

"They consult you concerning what is lawful for them; say, Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you. You train them according God's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention God's name thereupon. You shall observe God. God is most efficient in reckoning."

Yet according to Hadith, anything a dog touches must be washed seven times, the final time in dust. That seems inconsistent with the Quran saying you may eat what they catch for you. The beautiful bird brought back proudly in the Retriever's mouth would have to be washed seven times, finally in dust. It does not sound very appetizing.

Recently man has come to rely on the dog more for companionship and affection than anything else. And out of that has come the use of dogs as eyes, ears, arms and legs for the disabled. To watch a seeing-eye dog guide a blind person down a busy street or through a crowded mall is a truly inspiring sight. It allows freedom and independence that this person would not otherwise have.

For a deaf person, a hearing-ear dog allows him or her to live alone without fear. The dog can be taught to alert his owner to the doorbell, telephone, alarm clock, and smoke alarm. A deaf couple can respond to their baby crying, for the dog will alert them. The world is not so frightening and they do not feel so alone, with a dog to hear for them.

For someone in a wheelchair, or someone whose arthritis won't allow them to bend or lift, a dog can provide so much help and comfort. The simple act of picking up a dropped objet is something we take for granted. But to a disabled person, it might mean the humiliation of always having to ask for help. With a service dog by his side, that same person achieve independence and self-esteem. The dog is happy to get the pen or the keys or the pill bottle, even if it rolls under a table.

The positive qualities of the dog-loyalty, dependability, tolerance- have been recognized throughout history. Mark Twain said "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." And Lord Byron's epitaph for his dog says "[He] possessed beauty without vanity, strength without insolence; courage without ferocity; and all the virtues of man without his vices."

And of course the most important trait of all, which Byron missed, is complete and total submission to God for all his life. I think we'd be well served to share our lives more with these wonderful creatures, and learn more from them.

"The heavens and the earth are full of proofs for the believers. Also in your creation, and the creation of all the animals, there are proofs for people who are certain." (45:3-4)

"Among His proofs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He spreads in them. He is able to summon them, when He wills." (42:29)

p/s: Pening kepala aku, hadith... hadith..bukan tulisah tuhan, tapi tulisan manusia. Quran and Hadith is just like Gospel and Bible

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Post time 26-11-2007 09:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sLapshock at 26-11-2007 09:12 PM
Hadith tells us that angels won't enter a room where there is a dog.That means that for 309 years that the sleepers were in the cave, noangel ever entered. Yet God says "We turned them...." The use of "we"clearly indicates the participation of angels. There is absolutely noreason to mention the dog as part of this story, except to make itclear to future generation that dogs are permitted to live amongpeople, right "in their midst." And 18:22 clearly shows that the dogwas counted right along with the believers.

The angels referred to the hadith wheareas Angels do not enter the hause wherein there is a dog, are angels of blessing (malaikat rahmat). Angel of Death and others (contoh Malaikat pencatat) are NOT meant by that hadith.

The use of WE in Holy Quran does not necessarily indicates participation of Angels, rather to show the VAST KINGDOM of Allah.

Allah Knows best.

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Post time 26-11-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sLapshock at 26-11-2007 09:12 PM
Yet according to Hadith, anything a dog touches must be washed seventimes, the final time in dust. That seems inconsistent with the Quransaying you may eat what they catch for you. The beautiful bird broughtback proudly in the Retriever's mouth would have to be washed seventimes, finally in dust. It does not sound very appetizing.

Not all, if only wet and touch one's skin directly. And still there are lesser degree of interpretation but only people of knowledge are able to interpret them (hadith) correctly.

According to my knowledge, it is not the Quran that say you may eat what they catch for you, BUT it is in the hadith, PROVIDED the dogs are trained for hunting and before let them hunt you say the name of Allah.

Dogs are NOT looked down by Muslim, but are not allowed to keep as pets. One may used dogs for other useful purposes and keep them seperately from entering one's house, if it is required to do so.

And Allah Knows best

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Post time 26-11-2007 10:05 PM | Show all posts
Think.... there are also people who can list out the benefits of PIGS....

Does that means the Law of God failed?

We believe in many of the unseen, but yet the Laws of God always being questioned....

Apparently people tend to follow the man-made laws rather than the Al-Mighty's Laws.... sadis....

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Post time 27-11-2007 01:00 AM | Show all posts
sebenarnya artikel panjang berjela tu dari mana kau dapat huh, tuan rumah???

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Post time 27-11-2007 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mnm77 at 26-11-2007 09:45 PM
The angels referred to thehadith wheareas Angels do not enter the hause wherein there is a dog,are angels of blessing (malaikat rahmat). Angel of Death and others(contoh Malaikat pencatat) are NOT meant by that hadith.

The use of WE in Holy Quran does not necessarily indicates participation of Angels, rather to show the VAST KINGDOM of Allah.

Allah Knows best.

sebenarnya, KAMI dalam Al-Quran tu refer kepada Allah...Allah tak bahasakan dirinya sebagai Aku, tapi Kami...just to maks thing clear for the writer of this article who obviously does not have much knowledge about what Islam is...

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Post time 27-11-2007 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sLapshock at 26-11-2007 09:12 PM
Why is it that dogs are looked down upon in the so-called Muslim world ? Why has tradition made it so difficult to keep a dog in your home ? Why would a "Muslim" Taxi driver refuse to allow a bli ...

Anjing dipandang hina oleh masyarakat Melayu bukannya Islam yang memandang hina kepada anjing. Orang-orang Melayu mungkin terkedu dan terkejut kalau mereka berjumpa dengan riwayat yang mengatakan bahawa cucu Nabi pun penah membela anjing.
Malah anjing ini juga ada diceritakan dalam Al-Quran tentang Ashabul Kafi. Yang pandang hina anjing ialah masyarakat melayu yang kononnya kalau tersentuh anjing kena samak 7 kali.

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 Author| Post time 27-11-2007 10:28 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-11-2007 10:29 AM | Show all posts
aku plak fobia ngan anjing.. dulu kena kejar..   dulu suka sekarang tak.. sekarang suka kucing lak..

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Post time 27-11-2007 11:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 sLapshock's post

RasuluLlah saw. Dalilnya: Dari Sufyan bin Abu Zuhair, bahawa Nabi saw bersabda,

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Post time 27-11-2007 11:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 sLapshock's post

teringat masa dulul2( 12 tahun lepas.)
aku ade sorang kawan (melayu)
die terjumpe anjing kecik yg tercedera..
pastu die bwk ke klinik haiwan.
lepas anjing tu dah sihat jer...die pun lepaskan anjing tu..
tapi anjing tu tak nak pergi..
so kawan aku pun belalah...anjing tu (name anjing tue Lessy kalau tak sliap aku)
tah camne tah die latih anjing spy tak sentuh die..(tapi ade gak die tersentuh anjing die..pastu die samak le ^^)
skang ni anjing tu dah takde..)
tapi jangan tak tau...sbb anjing tu la aku yg dulu tu tak suke ngan pet dah jadi pencinta haiwan ^^
aku ade baca satu fakta(btul atau tak)kalau kite tersentuh ngan anjing pastu kite lalu tempat memana yg ade anjing lain...anjing tu akan kejar kite...btul ke?(disbbkan oleh bau anjing )

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 Author| Post time 27-11-2007 11:14 AM | Show all posts
tapi itu ayat dalam hadith... bukan quran.

hadith is not word from god. tuhan tak suruh, manusia yang memandai...

betul tak?

kita islam ikut quran kan..bukan hadith..coz hadith is human written..quran is word from god

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Post time 27-11-2007 11:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #12 sLapshock's post

ko ni bukan Islam ker? :@
:@ :@

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Post time 27-11-2007 11:29 AM | Show all posts
salah satu kesalahan kita mungkin menganggap hukum2 sepatutnya menyenangkan bukan menyusahkan...

bila ada hukum yg tak kena ngan diri kita maka kita akan anggap ia outdated atau tak relevan...
mungkin terpengaruh ngan penyakit walhan (cinta dunia takut mati) yg disebarkan oleh manusia2 tidak beragama kerana manusia tidak beragama mana mungkin terima dunia ni medan ujian dan pasti mahu dunia ni syurga mereka...lagipun hidup mereka singkat...

terus menerus ditipu oleh kesenangan dunia, dan akibatnya hukum2 yg nampak tak relevan diragui plak...

sy bercakap secara general bukan tentang anjing saja....
mana2 kalo rasa ada hukum yg tak seswai ngan kita tu bukan maknanya tak relevan....

hukum2 kalo tak menyenangkan manusia biasalah tu....
kita di bumi utk diuji...
kalo hukum seronok saja, maka bila yang kamu akan diujiNya....?

lumrah ujian itu tak menyenangkan...
tak terima ini, baik buat syurga sendiri...

kalo tak mo ikut hadith plak, golongan ini memang sudah ada....

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 Author| Post time 27-11-2007 12:18 PM | Show all posts
apa kau merepek usop.. thread aku ni pasal "betulke islam takleh pegang anjing"

unlike babi, dalam quran terang terang tulis takleh sentuh..

tapi al quran tak tulis pun yg kita takleh sentuh anjing or air liur..

yg tulisnya hadith...
masalahnya HADHITH bukan perkataan dari tuhan..tapi dari perangai, sikap, tingkah laku nabi muhammad...

ada tak dalam quran suruh kita percaya hadith...

contoh .. there's a diff from gospel and bible...

bible is tingkah laku, sikap, nasihat.. jesus.. tapi gospel..ayat yg diberi jesus...

so.. kenapa kita nak kena percaya hadith?

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Post time 27-11-2007 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hang at 27-11-2007 09:19 AM

Anjing dipandang hina oleh masyarakat Melayu bukannya Islam yang memandang hina kepada anjing. Orang-orang Melayu mungkin terkedu dan terkejut kalau mereka berjumpa dengan riwayat yang mengatakan bahawa cucu Nabi pun penah membela anjing.

Aku setuju ni...cucu Rasulullah saaw Hassan dan Hussein sendiri pernah membela anjing cuma apabila sudah terdapat hukum-hukum berhubung dengan najis anjing ini maka mereka tidak lagi membawa nya masuk ke dalam rumah.
Aku sendiri ada membela 3 ekor anjing di belakang rumah aku. Asalnya ialah sekor ibu anjing liar yang menumpang beranak kat belakang kebun rumah tapi apabila aku kesian dan bagi makan selalu dah jadi macam anjing aku pulak. Dulu anaknya ada 4 ekor tapi mati 2 ekor maka tinggallah sekarang 3 ekor yang secara tak langsung menjaga kebun aku dari binatang lain.

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Post time 27-11-2007 01:08 PM | Show all posts
mempertikaikan hadis pulak dah.. setiap perbuatan dan kata Nabi diiktiraf dlm al-quran, Nabi SAW tidak akan melakukan sesuatu hanya menurut hawa nafsunya..

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Post time 27-11-2007 01:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 sLapshock's post

tenangle.. memula skali klu ko ni islam aku nasihatkan ko mengucap jap.. aku xtau sama ada ko ni xpecaya hadis ke tidak, tapi ayat ko menunjukkan ko seolah2 xpecaya hadis.. sumber paling utama adalah al-quran.. hadis2 ni gunanyer utk mendetailkan perkara2 yg xdetail dalam al-quran.. aku malas nak komen pasal anjing ni sebab klu ko tunjuk perangai xpecaya hadis ni no point utk kite bincang..

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 Author| Post time 27-11-2007 02:48 PM | Show all posts
aku was was ngan hadith ni kerana quran sendiri tak suruh kita ikut hadith... hadith adalah tulisan manusia. quran adalah ciptaan tuhan.

kalau camtu..baik aku baca bible jer... itupun tulisan kebaikan tentang nasihat dan tingkah laku nabi isa...setiap perbuatan dan kata Nabi diiktiraf dlm al-quran, Nabi ISA al-masih tidak akan melakukan sesuatu hanya menurut hawa nafsunya JUGA bukan?

oh lupa, bible corrupted... because they many version of each other.

masalahnya... hadith pun ada so many version of each other, and each book contradict itself... wow..

do u see the similarities...

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Post time 27-11-2007 05:07 PM | Show all posts
kalau quran boleh dipercayai . . .  kenapa hadith tak leh dipercayai . . sbb quran dan hadith dari sumber yang sama iaitu nabi muhammad

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