my daughter is 2 years 3months old..she is consider smart for her age..tapi i rasa mcm my teaching tak cukup for so she become bored at times...she speaks in english,paham bm and urdu and abit of tamil....
i nak hantar my daughter ke class so tat dia rasa seronok la sikit masa belajar and also nak ajar dia bersosiol coz kat umah dia sorang je budak.....
and i am staying in ipoh...so i need help in suggesting names place where i can send her...
kalau ada website pun boleh i browse thru...and also plz ceritakan ur pengalaman menghantar anak2 you all belajar kat sana... |
woo .. english.. malay tamil urdu.. aku raso ko tambah satu lagi.. mandarin.....
Originally posted by poison32 at 25-2-2008 03:05 AM 
my daughter is 2 years 3months old..she is consider smart for her age..tapi i rasa mcm my teaching tak cukup for so she become bored at times...she speaks in english,paham bm and urdu and abit of ...
Can opt for KUMON... there are 6 KUMON centres in Ipoh...
website: http://www.kumon.com.my/
Or Smart Reader... also available in Ipoh
website: http://www.smartreader.com.my/ |
Originally posted by my-alja at 25-2-2008 07:53 AM 
r u working?
no iam not and insyallah my second baby will arrive this end of april..tats y i nak send my daughter,takut i tak larat nak ajar mcm dulu |
thanks kikilalat....anymore wed to browse thru? |
Originally posted by poison32 at 25-2-2008 04:10 PM 
no iam not and insyallah my second baby will arrive this end of april..tats y i nak send my daughter,takut i tak larat nak ajar mcm dulu
ooo...personally, i dun like formal edu. for the young age...if u can find any playgroups, gud enuf for her to socialise...but it depends on you anyway
my doter pun dlm usia ur doter, cuma tua beberapa bulan....kat rumah nie, she does painting with water colour almost every day, playing puzzle, colouring, craft, origami, computer games like teletubbies, balamory, tweeneis...byk games for young age dlm net...
i prefer if u send her just for playing n socialising....part nak tolong dia belajar tu, boleh buat cara santai aje...she is too young for structured edu.
just my thot |
Originally posted by my-alja at 25-2-2008 09:11 PM 
ooo...personally, i dun like formal edu. for the young age...if u can find any playgroups, gud enuf for her to socialise...but it depends on you anyway
my doter pun dlm usia ur doter, c ...
agree. |
I agree with Alja too...
My hometown is Ipoh, so I know that it is quite hard to look for enrichment programme for toddlers...and the last time I checked...which was early last year...there's no programme relating to playgroup for toddlers. |
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