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Waffen-SS (majoring in foreign volunteers)

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:08 PM | Show all posts |Read mode ... ma&pg=ba_02.htm

Adolf Hitler tubuhkan divisyen tentera Islam

Satu pendedahan yang agak menggemparkan muncul baru-baru ini apabila Institut Kajian Aero dan Angkasa Malaysia (IKAM) menemui fakta-fakta menarik di sebalik kajian IKAM terhadap data sejarah Operasi Divisyen Hanzar!

Pendedahan itu menimbulkan kekeliruan mengenai siapakah sebenarnya Adolf Hitler? Dalam banyak catatan sejarah, tidak ada yang positif bagi menggambarkan pemimpin Jerman semasa Perang Dunia Kedua ini. Bukan sahaja negatif malah namanya masih dicaci sehingga hari ini kerana tragedi holocaust. Jutaan orang Yahudi mati dipercayai kononnya angkara perintah Hitler.

Bagaimanapun, sesuatu yang menghairankan sebaliknya terjadi. Hitler didapati masih mempunyai nilai toleransi yang tinggi dengan membenarkan penubuhan beberapa divisyen tentera beragama Islam di dalam kem atau menjadi sebahagian daripada bala tentera nazi Jerman.

Menurut Jeneral Leon Degrelle, seorang komander divisyen Waften SS (askar rakyat) Jerman, ada tiga divisyen Waffen SS yang 90 peratus anggotanya beragama Islam. Jumlah anggota dalam ketiga-tiga divisyen ini pula berjumlah 60,000 orang.

Antara tiga divisyen tentera beragama Islam Waffen SS ini, divisyen tentera paling terkenal adalah Divisyen ke-13 Waffen SS Hanzar. Divisyen ini beroperasi di Balkan dengan 90 peratus anggotanya berbangsa Albania, Bosnia dan Croatia yang beragama Islam. Bakinya orang Croat beragama Kristian Katolik yang berjumlah 21,000 orang.

Operasi Divisyen Hanzar mendapat perhatian IKAM kerana ia sesuatu yang sangat unik dan menakjubkan. Operasi tentera udara sukarela Croatia berjaya menembak jatuh hampir 300 kapal terbang tentera udara Rusia (komunis) sedangkan kapal terbang mereka yang dimusnahkan tentera udara Rusia kurang daripada 10 pesawat ketika Perang Dunia Kedua tercetus di Balkan.

Hanzar adalah perkataan Arab, Bosnia dan Croatia yang bermaksud parang. Parang hanzar ini dipilih sebagai nama rasmi dan juga simbol bagi Divisyen ke-13 Waffen SS.

Pakaian rasmi Divisyen Hanzar pula sama seperti pakaian rasmi Waffen SS yang lain. Cuma bezanya, anggota tentera Divisyen Hanzar memakai tarbus. Dari segi persenjataan, anggota pasukan ini juga dilengkapkan dengan senjata seperti anggota Waffen SS lain.

Namun IKAM mendapati apa yang lebih menarik ialah terdapat seorang tokoh Islam yang mampu menjalinkan hubungan baik dengan Hitler. Dia turut berperanan sebagai pemimpin Divisyen Hanzar.

Beliau ialah Mufti Besar Baitulmaqdis, Haji Amin Al Husseini. Beliau ialah pemimpin yang berpengaruh di Wilayah Arab terutama di kalangan pemimpin Arab Palestin.

Sepanjang Perang Dunia Kedua itu, Amin Al Husseini menetap di Jerman bagi menentukan pembentukan koordinasi antara fahaman Nazi dan polisi Arab sehingga membawa kepada pembentukan Divisyen Hanzar pada Februari 1943.

Divisyen Hanzar dihantar mengikuti latihan ketenteraan di Perancis sebaik sahaja penubuhannya. Ia mula beroperasi di Balkan pada Februari 1944. Divisyen ini beroperasi dengan jayanya menentang gerila komunis Partisan pimpinan Josip Broz Tito dan juga tentera Rusia.

Walaupun jawatan Muftinya dilantik oleh kerajaan British yang ketika itu menjajah Palestin, namun Amin Al Husseini merupakan seorang yang sangat membela Islam. Beliau juga bertanggungjawab menyekat kemaraan dan kemasukan beramai-ramai Yahudi ke Eropah setelah kaum itu gagal di sekat memasuki wilayah Palestin.

Generasi sekarang hanya mengenali Hitler namun ketokohan Amin Husseini sebagai pejuang Islam pada Perang Dunia Kedua sangat jarang diketahui. Malah beliau seorang yang banyak berjasa menggerakkan kebangkitan orang Islam selepas kekalahan kerajaan Uthmaniah (Ottoman) di Palestin diikuti Mesir dan Iraq.

Malah beliau merupakan mentor perjuangan kepada pemimpin Pertubuhan Pembebasan Palestin (PLO), Allahyarham Yassier Arafat dan ketua pemimpin dan pejuang Islam yang lain.

Walaupun ada laman web yang memburuk-burukkan nama Amin Al Husseini kerana dituduh terlibat dalam pembunuhan orang Kristian di Balkan namun paparan gambar sepanjang hayat beliau jelas menunjukkan tokoh ini mampu menerokai hubungan antarabangsa yang cukup luar biasa terutama berjaya menjalinkan satu hubungan dengan Hitler.

Presiden IKAM, Norul Ridzuan Zakaria berkata, adalah satu isu yang sangat menarik apabila Hitler memberikan persetujuan untuk menubuhkan Divisyen Hanzar dan toleransinya terhadap kegiatan anggota divisyen berkenaan yang majoritinya terdiri daripada orang Islam.

揝ebelum ini begitu banyak fakta menjelaskan bahawa Hitler adalah se-

orang diktator yang kejam dan tidak bertoleransi terhadap keagamaan, apa tah lagi Islam,

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Oh great ....apparently the Iranian Pres does not understand Hitler's concept of Lebensraum and what the roles of non Aryan peoples were to have  if the Germans had succeeded in WW2

[ Last edited by  taiaha at 19-5-2006 01:21 PM ]

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Rejimen Punjab, Jepun , dan Turkey dalam Waffen SS beraksi dalam WW2

nanti aku post gambar

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:28 PM | Show all posts
oh just go to feldgrau. Most of these units were set up for propaganda purposes

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:34 PM | Show all posts
1943 Hanzar SS Division

[ Last edited by  HangPC2 at 19-5-2006 01:35 PM ]



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Post time 19-5-2006 01:38 PM | Show all posts
Walaupun ada laman web yang memburuk-burukkan nama Amin Al Husseini kerana dituduh terlibat dalam pembunuhan orang Kristian di Balkan namun paparan gambar sepanjang hayat beliau jelas menunjukkan tokoh ini mampu menerokai hubungan antarabangsa yang cukup luar biasa terutama berjaya menjalinkan satu hubungan dengan Hitler.

haha, alliance with the devil himself, is that something to be proud off ?
I guess the writer must really be masochistic to want to bring up this old history

Pasti masih ada sesuatu yang telah disembunyikan daripada pengetahuan umum di sebalik Hitler yang sering diburukkan dengan holocaustnya itu. Benarkah beliau sekejam itu?

Haha, yes he was and he was born a freak of nature, having only ONE ball.

[ Last edited by  gekko at 19-5-2006 01:39 PM ]

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:53 PM | Show all posts
kan aku dah cakap sejarah ditulis oleh pihak yang menang

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:07 PM | Show all posts
have you lived in Germany (pihak yang kalah) ?

I have and I can tell you with great certainy that the Germans are ashamed of Hitler.

So here are some info of Amin Al-Husseini in WW2.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population. Nazi Germany refuses to implement the Pejani plan.  

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:

     . Orthodox Christian Serbs:  200,000 killed

     . Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed

     . Gypsies:    over 40,000 killed

Husseini's legacy of hatred is a major factor in today's Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.

Amin Al-Husseini intervenes personally with Nazi High Command to block Red Cross offer of exchanging 10,000 Jewish children for Nazi prisoners of war.  They will die in Hitler's gas chambers.

He plans construction of concentration camp [xxxii] in Nablus (Palestine) to implement the  Final solution in Palestine to exterminate the Jews there, as an extension of Hitler's plan.

Mufti becomes close friend of  Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS (Nazi Officers).  Amin Al-Husseini is given a private tour of Aushwitz death camp by Himmler[xxxiii], where he insists on seeing first-hand the murder of Europe's Jews.

from here

Have you been to a concentration camp, where they gassed people to death ?
There is one at Dachau, about 1 hr train ride from Munich.....and this Mufti wants to built one in Nablus after seeing Aushwitz. SICK!

"Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: The Jews are yours."

Former Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in his post-World War II memoirs. [1}

"The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan... He was one of Eichmann's best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures."

Adolf Eichmann`s deputy Dieter Wisliceny in his Nuremberg Trials testimony. [2]

A person who has his hand in blood......a hero.....hahaha!

[ Last edited by  gekko at 19-5-2006 02:15 PM ]

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:29 PM | Show all posts
I have no problem in the idea of exterminating Jews..

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:35 PM | Show all posts
and the legacy of Amin Al-Hussein lives on in Palestine today...

Palestinian police officers salute during a graduation ceremony in the West Bank town of Jenin May 9, 2006

a photo from a Hizbullah swearing-in ceremony, and some PA "demonstrators" in Gaza.

This is of Hamas doing the same salute.

Still think Nazism is great ? Go to any parts of Germany and do the same salute as in above pictures.
Especially infront of the German Police.
I hope you will have a fun time explaining to them later in their jails!



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Post time 19-5-2006 02:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 gekko's post

well gekko..there are always the extremists in any side...that's why the silent MOR majority cannot be silent all the time

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gekko at 19-5-2006 02:35 PM
and the legacy of Amin Al-Hussein lives on in Palestine today...

http://us.news3.yimg. ...

Hitler formed Islamic Division.
Untuk menegakkan Islam?
He he he he he
The British also done the same thing laaa,in India, Pakistan, Egypt n Malaya.(Askar Melayu)

Why? Why? Why?

SAHIH utk menjaga KEPENTINGAN deme sahaja.

PENULIS di atas telah terlalu kemaruk dgn PERJUANGAN ALA ALA ISLAM.
Kui kui kui kui kui........

p/s teringat sepoi sepoi

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Tapi aku rasa la, Rejimen Renjer DiRaja pun salute mcm Nazi punyer salute...s ikut logik hangpa, RRD pun ada element Nazism ker?

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:51 PM | Show all posts
teringat aku kepada...




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Post time 19-5-2006 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by IceMallet at 19-5-2006 02:51 PM
Tapi aku rasa la, Rejimen Renjer DiRaja pun salute mcm Nazi punyer salute...s ikut logik hangpa, RRD pun ada element Nazism ker?

He he he he he

ASKAR MELAYU DI RAJA pun di tubuhkan oleh Penjajah British.
Kalau Malaya di jajah olih Hitler...................depa akan katakan ASKAR MELAYU pun ada unsur2 NAZISM la kot...IceMallet.


Salute PDRM n ATM macam British n American......

Nih tentu ada UNSUR UNSUR haper ker bender.....:hmm:

p/s camana SALUTE unsur unsur Islam???
p/s2 mentang2 ler German kalah...............kalau Allied yg kalah plak?? Amacam?

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Post time 19-5-2006 03:03 PM | Show all posts
did any of these regiments participate in ethnic cleansing, like the Hanzar SS divison and on admission by the Mufti himself, wanted to setup a concentration camp to execute the FINAL SOLUTION ?

You know what the FINAL SOLUTION is right ? And what NAZISM stands for ?

Do you know that for the Palestinians, the salute is to associate themselves to Nazism. They don't hide the fact that they admire Hitler and the arabic Mein Krampf is the best seller book in Palestine.

[ Last edited by  gekko at 19-5-2006 03:06 PM ]

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Post time 19-5-2006 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by IceMallet at 19-5-2006 02:51 PM
Tapi aku rasa la, Rejimen Renjer DiRaja pun salute mcm Nazi punyer salute...s ikut logik hangpa, RRD pun ada element Nazism ker?

I would really love to see you explain that to the German Police after you have done the salute infront of them.

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Post time 19-5-2006 03:08 PM | Show all posts
I am all for FINAL SOLUTION...maybe the FINAL SOLUTION is yet to come

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Post time 19-5-2006 03:10 PM | Show all posts
I hope you find the Amin Al-Hussein and Hitler good company....when you meet them in hell.

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Post time 19-5-2006 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gekko at 19-5-2006 03:10 PM
I hope you find the Amin Al-Hussein and Hitler good company....when you meet them in hell.

Wah, u GOD ka?..U can determine who go to heaven or hell?

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