aku nak minta nasihat...dari kaunselor2 kat PP ni..
aku dah lama terperap kat rumah...
but...aku tak tau...nak apply keja apa..
aku pun tak tau apa yg aku minat...
let me tell you about myself first..
aku ni anak yg agak berada...sederhana..i guess
i don't have to work..sebab...makanan..semua...food..shelter..semua...kene beres oleh bapak..
but...dad doesn't gives me any pocket money...to let me buy things...or he doesn't spoil me cam beli kan aku apa2 yg aku nak...
and...aku ingin nak earn my own money..
since...aku ni anak yg agak berada...i don't have to worry about bills...food or things..like that..
klu aku kerja pun...aku beli something for myself..
aku diploma in accounting and finance..
but not interested...lam kerja accounting...or kerja office..
cos...aku pernah keja kejap kat office..i sit in front all day...sampai bontot aku tido..
there's datelines....and...aku tak ngam ngan org seofis...
and aku tak suka stuck lam office...like a cage...
klu korg tanya...ko suka minat buat apa?
i'd say...aku suka in tune ngan nature/flowers/garden/flower field...
i like to be carefree...stress-free...i like to have fun...
i don't like to be cage up in an office...i like going outside with nature..
aku suka cam...like..helping ppl...a huge impact lam life dier..i want to make a difference in ppl's life..
aku nak kerja....salu aku nak something that i like...ngan niat yg genuine...like helping people..
i like to do research..on bio/physics/medical...
if i want money..aku kerja sebagai...accountant..but....the job is boring...and i dislike it...
but..i'm scared...what my relative or those who used to go to college with me..or other ppl..would think about me..
if i ...become.. like....yg tak berpangkat tinggi..kindergarden teacher..
my first choice...klu nak kerja...
aku nak keja modelling...a lingerie model..or model apa2 jerk..![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
but since...aku maseh ingat ngan tuhan...
so kerja cam tu in my dreams ajerk la..
my second choice..would be a kindergarden teacher...
since...being a kindergarden teacher..tak byk expectation cam teacher2..UPSR or PMR or SPM..
so i guess...it's stress-free..
i could have fun..and play all day...with the kids...
and...klu aku jadi kindergarden teacher...
aku tak jadi cam one of those stupid retarded teacher....yg salu pukol bebudak or marah budak...klu budak tu...tak berapa pandai lam academic..
cos..i read a lot...about learning disability eg: dyslexia, human behaviour..psychology...and medical things...so i am well prepare..
i understand how the brain works...every brain is unique...
instead of being that angry stupid teacher..
yg ajar in one way...kat semua student...and ingat semua student nyer pemahaman semua nya sama..
i'd go..and find a way...to teach in a different way..for student yg pemahaman dier lain...
but...i'm scared..that...my excollege mates and relative...would think that i regress ...and look down upon me..
and semua kawan2 or relative aku semua....pegang job pangkat tinggi....
and aku lak...jadi...just a kindergarden teacher..
my third choice would be...
i like to give advice medically....beauty...
but i don't have the proper...cam tak der diploma..or..certificate..
so...aper korg rasa...third choice...tu..
[ Last edited by makcikmengamok at 13-4-2009 21:53 ] |
View Rating Log
Reply #1 makcikmengamok's post
Bagitau dulu kelulusan anda. Bidang pengajian n so on ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
...housewife shud suit with u... |
Originally posted by bacteria82 at 13-4-2009 09:05 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Bagitau dulu kelulusan anda. Bidang pengajian n so on
diploma in accounting and finance..
but not interested in it..
bapak aku paksa aku amik dulu.. |
Originally posted by majinn at 13-4-2009 09:32 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ape ko ske buat?
well...klu aku cakap apa yg aku suka buat..
aku rasa....takder wujud kerja...tu... |
Originally posted by bacteria82 at 13-4-2009 09:46 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Jadi akauntan la jawabnya.Senang dapat keja sbb semua syarikat memerlukan akauntan. Tapi kalau banyak duit, buat company sendiri or jadi usahawan. Bukak bisnes yang ko minat. Since ko penah n ...
not interested in being an accountant...
that's why aku tanya pi kat PP..klu tak..mesti aku tak tanya.. |
Reply #8 makcikmengamok's post
Kalo jadi businesswoman x perlu jadi akauntan. Bukak company dalam bidang yg ko minat mcm aku cakap kat atas tu. Tp kene ade modal la ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
aku ade tengok isu perbincangan dalam astro awani..
"Graduan sekarang perlu mencari PELUANG, bukan PEKERJAAN"
Peluang tu maksudnye ape2 saje yg boleh berikan pendapatan utk kamu..
Pekerjaan tu utk org yg makan gaji..
so,bak kate Nabil,Lu pikirlah sendirik.. |
kerje cleaner,baru terperap dlm tandas lak |
Originally posted by skuter_buruk146 at 13-4-2009 10:10 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku ade tengok isu perbincangan dalam astro awani..
"Graduan sekarang perlu mencari PELUANG, bukan PEKERJAAN"
Peluang tu maksudnye ape2 saje yg boleh berikan pendapatan utk kamu..
Pekerjaan ...
well...a friend of mine..hmm..he's a student photographer..
dier kenal gak org2 photographer yg lain..so..aku leh dpt..connections..
..dier ada offer..nak aku jadi model..
wanna pay me...utk bergambar...
but at the same time..dier minat ngan aku..
and always wants to sleep with me..
literally wants to sleep with me...bukan sex..
dier nak tido pelok ngan aku...
so tak jadi...
anyway..sblm ni aku pernah kene offer jadi model..utk butik..
but...well...umm...i want to..but..takut berdosa..
[ Last edited by makcikmengamok at 13-4-2009 13:54 ] |
Kalo camtu, ape kata anda bukak tadika sendiri. Anda mintak modal ngan father anda pastu bukak la tadika sendiri. My cousin dia amek engineering tp dia x minat selepas keja 3 tahun. So dia pinjam duit father dia, beli rumah and buat tadika. Skang dah jadi kaya giler, bukak 3 tadika lain, cawangan. Dia bukak tadika ala-ala utk anak org kaya. So maybe anda boleh cuba kot, bincang la dulu ngan father anda. ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
jadik usahawan muda....dlm pelbagai bidang..bidang pertanian etc. |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 13-4-2009 09:03 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku nak minta nasihat...dari kaunselor2 kat PP ni..
aku dah lama terperap kat rumah...
but...aku tak tau...nak apply keja apa..
aku pun tak tau apa yg aku minat...
let m ...
ko keja la online kat rumah...leh jadi jutawan internet pe |
try journalism
u are demonagurl rite?
i think u can write very well.. read your posts in Religion board and i think u are such a brilliant person |
deja vu?
sorry off topic..
macam dah pernah jerk lalu benda cam ni..
masa aku dok depan laptop..
abg aku cakap...besar eh...something2 kat depan tv..
pada masa yg sama aku baru jerk lepas posting kat MPS..tanya bro king aku ada saka ke tak..
then aku pi sini...
ader org cakap...soh keje online..and then..mesmerize...cakap aku demona and pernah posting kat RSF.. |
Originally posted by bacteria82 at 13-4-2009 13:49 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Kalo camtu, ape kata anda bukak tadika sendiri. Anda mintak modal ngan father anda pastu bukak la tadika sendiri. My cousin dia amek engineering tp dia x minat selepas keja 3 tahun. So dia pinjam ...
bapa aku...tak bagi aku duit pocket..
apatah lagi klu nak bagi modal.. |
| |
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