tu la aku cakap.. senasib dengan bob la hafiz ni.. bob dapat lagu too phat.. hafiz dapat lagu malique... oklah.. whateveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
cabaran utk hafiz and am confident he can deliver it and perhaps acis akan buat some kind of arrangement of sort lagi kan.....hafiz has proven it so far and dah minggu 7,hafiz and the rest is playing along with the whole concept ......
so no worries, looking forward to the next concert
Originally posted by joe7289 at 20-4-2009 22:15
halo.. zahid dulu dapat lagu2 yang meletop2.. nie lagu nie org ramai tak taw, walau dah bertahun di merket...
kata ko. dulu zahid dapat where is the love lagik azab sebab in english. and just cause ko tak penah dengar lagu tu doesn't mean it's not a hit.
kalu mcm ni aku nak cadangkan peminat hafiz buat petisyen kluarkan hapiz. lps tu buat album sendiri, kami fan boleh bli. tak yah bazir duit dah nak ngundi:@ hampeh btui