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Nasib pemborong kecil+peniaga kecil
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Alkisah hari nih berjumpa dengan teman pemborong cina di Melaka...
AKu agak terperanjat juga m,elihat kedainya yang sunyi sepi dan produk yang kurang....
Biasanya musim begini,pakaian sekolah tentu memenuhi kedainya...
"Pasal Hong?"tanyaku...
"kau tengok nih!",sambil menghulurkan pamplet promosi Tesco dan Careforrr,Mydin.
"Baju sekolah size 14 depa jual rm3.90....aku dapat modal RM4.00..macamana nak jual?"
Katanya dah 3,4 tahun dia tak menjual pakaian sekolah lagi kerana hypermarket super menjual runcit dengan harga gila2....
Sebelum ini aku dengar cerita dari kedai2 runcit di Taman Cempaka juga mengeluh apabila Tesco mula beroperasi...
selepas ini,Jusco pula akan beroperasi...tentu mereka bertambah perit....
Nampaknya dalam dunia globlasisasi ini,nasib usahawan dan pemborong kecil makin terhimpit...Namun apakah yang perlu dibuat???
Aku rasa,jika produk ngetop baju Muslimah SInar Inspirasi GM jatuh ke tangan MYdin,Caref4,tesco,Giant n sdara sebesarnya myb akan menyebabkan ramai usahawan kecil macam aku hilang pelanggan....Sama2lah kita berdoa agar produk tersebut tidak akan dilonggokkan di hypermarket supermarket....
"Kaya wang kaya iman bakal berada di pasaran....kumpulkan syiling anda kerana 1 sen,lama2 akan jadi 1RM..... " |
saya dah pernah raya, masa tahun 2007 saya menyewa gerai di mydin usj, dah la seminggu je rm1800, bayangkan rm1800 tu mcm sebulan kedai biasa, kan.. kita ingat pembeli ke mydin ni rata riti pembeli melayu tu yg pikir elok sewa kat situ..
tp tup2 derang tudung kami, derang bgtau " mahal lah.. kat dlm sana [mydin] jual rm10 je.." lalu kami lakukan siasatan ke dlm mydin, ternyata ada rm10 tu, tp bawal korea [no.2] dan berlian dia dah hampir pupus tercabut semua..
kekadang kita takleh salahkan hypermarket, sbb derang berani jual rendah bukan sbb mereka dpt borong murah, tp sbb kualiti, kalau tokei bang saat jumpa tu modal dapat rm4, tesco jual rm3.90, kena tgk kualiti kain dia, kalau di banding kan letak tepi2 sah2.. lain rasanya.. mcm kes tudung bawal saya juga masa tu, hehe |
ada yg hampir sama.... hypermarket kebanyakkan ada tempah kilang khas utk brg2 depa.... baik di china.. vietnam dan indonesia.. |
aku prefer nasi lemak warung dari nasi lemak supermarket...
korang camner??... |
Nampaknya dalam dunia globlasisasi ini,nasib usahawan dan pemborong kecil makin terhimpit...Namun apakah yang perlu dibuat???
saatcham Post at 16-12-2009 18:05 
must be pro-active instead of reactive...
be 2 steps ahead of competition..
be flexible and be fast..
be willing to learn and relearn..
must change our attitude...
don't blame others if we are not competitive..
lower cost is good for consumers.... |
5# aarie
be small...
dont always think about jaws...
sometimes look down 4 biliss..........
competitions is normal but monopoly can harm most peoples....
are u a Giant owners???
good luck... |
Post Last Edit by aarie at 17-12-2009 10:06
6# saatcham
small is gud.. flexible, fast and lower expenditure
big is also good.. strong, stable and cost efficient ( economy of scale )...
so it is gud to be small but also big.... hehehe...
small company with big product....
takde laaa compete on price jer....
compete laa on product...
jaws, biliss, kembong and mcm2 will always be there...
jadi laa ikan buntal... takde saper nak kacau..
naper choose jadi ikan bilis....
peniaga kita suka buat bizness with low entry barrier..
sesaper jer bleh buat.. pastu komplen bila org lain punya harga murah..
that is the nature of the bizness.. bukan kat mesia jer.. all over the world pun sama...
sebab tu ilmu mustahak.. jgn ikut2 jer.. study dulu sebelum buat..
buat laa bizness yg bleh compete on product not on price...
sebab tu nasi lemak warung mahal pun kita pergi jugak...
kita selalu complain harga barang mahal.. monopoly laa.. kroni laa..
tak sepatutnya mahal laa.. rasuah laa.. itu laa.. ini laaa.. tak habis2 komplen...
tapi bila ada org jual murah pun kita complain jugak.. naper?
sebab kali ni kita ada kepentingan...
keuntungan kita sendiri terjejas..
yg haritu kroni tak bagi kita sket... kalau kita yg buat.. mahal bagus...
org putih panggil SELFISH... pentingkan diri sendiri jer...
barang2 yg aku jual sumernya antara yg termahal didunia...
but they are the best....
my customer don't buy product.. they buy benefit...
so definitely laa bukan GIANT kahnnnn... hehe.. |
Post Last Edit by aarie at 17-12-2009 10:13
kalau ada yg rajin... cuba baca nie :
In his landmark book Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Michael E. Porter identified six major sources of barriers to market entry:
1. Economies of scale. Economies of scale occur when the unit cost of a product declines as production volume increases. When existing competitors in an industry have achieved economies of scale, it acts as a barrier by forcing new entrants to either compete on a large scale or accept a cost disadvantage in order to compete on a small scale. There are also a number of other cost advantages held by existing competitors that act as barriers to market entry when they cannot be duplicated by new entrants—such as proprietary technology, favorable locations, government subsidies, good access to raw materials, and experience and learning curves.
2. Product differentiation. In many markets and industries, established competitors have gained customer loyalty and brand identification through their long-standing advertising and customer service efforts. This creates a barrier to market entry by forcing new entrants to spend time and money to differentiate their products in the marketplace and overcome these loyalties.
3. Capital requirements. Another type of barrier to market entry occurs when new entrants are required to invest large financial resources in order to compete in an industry. For example, certain industries may require capital investments in inventories or production facilities. Capital requirements form a particularly strong barrier when the capital is required for risky investments like research and development.
4. Switching costs. A switching cost refers to a one-time cost that is incurred by a buyer as a result of switching from one supplier's product to another's. Some examples of switching costs include retraining employees, purchasing support equipment, enlisting technical assistance, and redesigning products. High switching costs form an effective entry barrier by forcing new entrants to provide potential customers with incentives to adopt their products.
5. Access to channels of distribution. In many industries, established competitors control the logical channels of distribution through long-standing relationships. In order to persuade distribution channels to accept a new product, new entrants often must provide incentives in the form of price discounts, promotions, and cooperative advertising. Such expenditures act as a barrier by reducing the profitability of new entrants.
6. Government policy. Government policies can limit or prevent new competitors from entering industries through licensing requirements, limits on access to raw materials, pollution standards, product testing regulations, etc.
It is important to note that barriers to market entry can change over time, as an industry matures, or as a result of strategic decisions made by existing competitors. In addition, entry barriers should never be considered insurmountable obstacles. Some small businesses are likely to possess the resources and skills that will allow them to overcome entry barriers more easily and cheaply than others. "Low entry and exit barriers reduce the risk in entering a new market, and may make the opportunity more attractive financially," Glen L. Urban and Steven H. Star explained in their book Advanced Marketing Strategy. But "in many cases, we would be better off selecting market opportunities with high entry barriers (despite the greater risk and investment required) so that we can enjoy the advantage of fewer potential entrants.
--------- Encyclopedia of Small Business. |
Kinna nak masuk barang kat watson/ guardian...?
sapa tahu..diaorg punya deal mcm mana...?
letak brg dulu.. hujung bulan kutip payment...
or .. dlll.......... |
aku nak gelak baca thread berbalas pantun ni...
anyway, from my point of view (as a customer)
1. baju sekolah... mmmm... anak2 sedang membesar, lepas 3-4 - kena tukar baju yg baru - so, beli jer kat "pakaian hari2"... murah dan hanya untuk 3-4 bulan.
2. nasi lemak... beli kat warung sebab nak tolong peniaga warung, tapi kalau sambil membungkus, sambil berbual, sedangkan kita nak cepat ..mmm.... tulah last aku beli kat warung ko...
monolopy tak boleh dalam ugama, tapi merebut peluang adalah digalakkan..
persaingan yang baik amat sihat...
dan jangan under estimate pada si ikan bilis, juga jangan takut pada si ikan jaws
sesetengah pelanggan pentingkan jenama, kualiti, dan ada juga pelanggan yg tak kisah jenama atau kualiti, (they alwiz have reason for buying things) juallah benda yg tepat ada pelanggan yg betul.
after all, jadilah extra smarter than others.. why not...
setiap usaha pasti akan mendapat balasan sewajarnya.. |
aku nak gelak baca thread berbalas pantun ni...
hazel23 Post at 17-12-2009 12:35 
pantun berkasih sayang takpe... 
healthy discussion..... |
huhu quote Poerter tu...dia ni marketing guru.....anyway sekarang ada isu kerajaan nak bawak hypermarket ke kawasan pendalaman sebab dia nak bagi orang pendalaman rasa apa yang orang bandar rasa dari segi harga yang murah........kesian peruncit kecil kat kampung.... |
aisey..makin tersepit la peniaga kt kampung tu... |
camaner pulak perasaan orang kampung agaknya.... |
aku suka beli nasi lemak kat tempat yang aku boleh cedok sendiri... |
monolopy tak boleh dalam ugama
hazel23 Post at 17-12-2009 12:35 
betul tu...berdosa... |
anyway sekarang ada isu kerajaan nak bawak hypermarket ke kawasan pendalaman sebab dia nak bagi orang pendalaman rasa apa yang orang bandar rasa dari segi harga yang murah........kesian peruncit kecil kat kampung....
izzuddin Post at 17-12-2009 12:50 
kat hypermarket, takleh masuk buku 555...
sesetengah orang kg, suka bela ayam sendiri...
sesetengah orang kg, suka tanam sayur sendiri...
sesetengah orang kg, suka beli dalam kuantiti yang kecil je...
silap ari bulan, hypermarket yang bungkus... |
jangan terkejut nanti zaidi....what happen if kerajaan bagi green light kat those hypermarket dan kerajaan kata sesiapa yang dapat bantuan bulanan kerajaan boleh pi ambik terus kat hypermarket........jangan terkejut kalau mereka introduce system buku 555 yang lebih sistematik...orang nak idup otak mesti ligat..... |
bg the Bigger in business,they x think about others....
That's why islam prohibited monoplies..... |
18# izzuddin
apa2 pun, kita tunggu dan lihat...
sanggupkah mereka mengambil risiko yang besar...?
mereka hanya mengejar keuntungan yang besar sahaja... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi