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Looking for Jade Vine (mucuna bennetti/strongylodon macrobotrys)
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1# tccy1981
cuba tanya kak aishah sama ada dia ada stok ke tdk... |
I do have the plants but reserved for some ppls.If they dont pay me till end of this month, will let them go for sure
Rgds |
3# aishah
Aishah : May I know how many plants you have and what's the price?
If I order from you now, how long before I can get them? |
cant take order now will have to wait till end of the month..btw: where are you located? |
6# razifah
ifa evy pun ada nampak kat rose garden CH aritu...kat tag dorang panggil lady shoes.. |
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tak sama darling..yang ni thunbergia mysorensis..daun dia lebih kurus dari thunbergia grandiflora...kalau kat bawah susah nak bunga |
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5# aishah
I'm located in Subang Jaya...where are you located?
You have both mucuna bennetti and strongylodon macrobotrys?
I will need about 8 of each. |
tak sama darling..yang ni thunbergia mysorensis..daun dia lebih kurus dari thunbergia grandiflora...kalau kat bawah susah nak bunga
aishah Post at 12-4-2010 14:34
tak same yer kak.... |
will get back to you on the availability in may as i will be away most weeks in June :0 |
|'s kinda urgent for me to get the plants.
When is the soonest you think it'll be available? |
: 12# tccy1981 pm you already |
masa g MARDI CH,derang ckp jade vine ni susah nak bunga..yg tanam kat dlm tu pon amik masa 4 tawon nak berbunga |
dia tak susah bunga tapi setahun sekali jer selalunya tapi kalau nasib baik 2 kali..yang merah rajin berbunga |
| it hard to take care of these plants?
How often must put fertilizers and water? |
tccy..just treat it like any other climbers...lot of organic fertilizer and fertilizer for bloom on month after that , water daily but do not wet the soil.once it starts blooming, then you will see the nice colored hanging pendants now and then.I guess blooms qty has very much to do with the maturity of plants. |
Thanks Aishah for the advice.
I'm quite a novice at gardening.
Does that means I should put lots of fertilizer when I plant them in the ground?
I think now I only need 4 plants each as the pergola is not very big.
Do you think you have stocks?
I PMed you but not sure if you received it. |
Post Last Edit by Dexter_ng at 17-4-2010 11:34
Reply 8# aishah
Hi kak aishah....have you seen any thunbergia mysorensis blooming in lowland malaysia before? How about pyrostegia venusta aka flame vine bloom? How do you make them flower in lowland? Im also interested in the red jade vine and green jade vine...can you get anymore stocks and how much is the price? Can they bloom in the pot as my house is running out of ground space... |
Hi Dexter..for me space is not an issue.As long as the pot is big enough to hold the roots , should be good then. For the time being I have 25 XGreen Jade Vine..4 will go to tccy. So far I have only seen 2 plant with this color of bloom..the other one is green shrimp plant ( name is still unknown to me, will keep searching). Will pm you the price.
Red jade vine- mucuna-will confirm by me ur mobile #
T. mysorensis--i have seen it blooming in Taiping. |
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