- He sometimes writes his stories in a journal. He writes his daily tasks down. If one of the members trying to read his journal that he puts in his bag, he’ll buy one bag with a lock.
- He is the hardest to wake up, along with L.
- If Infinite is a family, he’d be the mom.
- He chose Woohyun who most likely be the best at love/relationships, because Woohyun has a charm that you can’t hate even if you want to.
- When he meet someone for the first time, he feels like he becomes close with them when they call him Hoya, not Howon.
- He will use his free time to practice even harder while other members go out for playing.
- He was a taekwondo athelete up till middle school & received his 3rd – degree black belt. Then he stopped his taekwondo activities because he was entering a tournament that wasn’t his level & got hit a lot during it.
- He chose Woohyun who most likely be the best at love/relationships, because Hoya think Woohyun will be good at it.
- He may seem like the studious & smart type. But he’s really aloof. He has a lot of weak points like whenever he talks, he squeaks and he easily cries.
- He likes a younger girl than a noona.
- His ideal type of woman is a woman who doesn’t pretend to be innocent & easy going, yet her actions aren’t disliked.
- He is very emotional.
- He chose Dongwoo who most likely be the best at love/relationships, because Dongwoo’s emotions and feelings are faithful.
- He shares room with Woohyun and Sunggyu.
- If he could become another member, he’d want to be Myungsoo because he wants to become a ‘flower boy’.
- According to Dongwoo, when Sungyeol sleeps, he doesn’t move at all. To the point where they have to occasionally check if he’s still breathing. But, according to L, Sungyeol also very sensitive to sounds when he sleeps. They have to be extra careful because even the smallest sound wakes him up.
ad y bkak.. ak mls nk bukakk umh deorg...
smua ak nk cop.. heheheh... sbb smua gojes. ...
aima87 Post at 9-6-2010 18:59
aku dah lama nak bukak rumah dorg tapi fikir balik tunggu dorg debut dulu baru bukak..
dorg nampak promising..pastu klakar..aku suka dorg nyer rancangan You're my oppa..
aku suka L dgn ledo dia(suara sedap)
yg lelain x berapa cam sangat..
kita dok berkenalan sesama..