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[Tempatan] Hidap radang paru-paru kerana didakwa sering beri makan merpati

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Post time 21-12-2024 07:19 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Hidap radang paru-paru kerana didakwa sering beri makan merpati
20 Disember 2024 10:43am
Masa membaca: 2 minit

Perkongsian Mohanah di aplikasi TikTok mengenai ibunya disahkan menghidap radang paru-paru dan ia didakwa mempunya kaitan dengan rutin memberi makan kepada merpati.

SHAH ALAM - Seorang warga emas disahkan menghidap radang paru-paru dan ia didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan rutinnya memberi makan kepada merpati.

Anaknya, Mohanah Raja Manikam, 44, mendakwa, ia berikutan spora kulat bawaan burung berkenaan berkemungkinan dihidu tanpa disedari wanita berumur 76 tahun itu.

Menurut Mohanah, ibunya memberi makan merpati di balkoni rumah mereka lebih tiga kali setiap hari.

"Ibu saya memang suka bagi makan kepada haiwan terutamanya burung sejak lima tahun lepas. Setiap kali ada nasi atau lebihan makanan di rumah dia akan beri kepada merpati.

"Namun baru-baru ini ibu tidak sihat dan selepas diperiksa doktor dia didapati mempunyai masalah paru-paru (radang paru-paru). Bila disiasat berkemungkinan penyakit itu diperoleh daripada kuman burung merpati memandangkan dari segi makanan dan sejarah keluarga sukar untuk dikaitkan," katanya kepada Sinar Harian.

Tambah Mohanah, tidak mustahil perkara itu berlaku kerana burung merpati terbang merata tempat.

Jelasnya, tidak diketahui kemungkinan burung merpati membawa bakteria memandangkan ia tidak nampak dengan mata kasar.

"Doktor kata bakteria itu sangat bahaya apatah lagi kepada anak-anak dan warga emas, kesannya bukan sekarang tetapi dalam jangka masa lama.

"Bagi orang muda mungkin kurang terkesan kerana antibodi mereka lebih kuat. Saya pernah tengok burung Merpati bawa ular kecil ke balkoni rumah, sangat terkejut masa itu.

"Diharapkan apa yang berlaku akan memberi pengajaran kepada orang ramai, nasib baik (penyakit) ibu saya dapat dikenal pasti awal. Jadi, jangan suka-suka memberi makan burung merpati," jelasnya.

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2024 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Tak perlu pun beri makan kepada 'tikus bersayap' ni

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Post time 21-12-2024 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ultra78 replied at 20-12-2024 11:51 PM
Tak perlu pun beri makan kepada 'tikus bersayap' ni

When chuols put it that way tak semena2 menimbulkan kegelian meols.

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Post time 21-12-2024 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni yg antara punca arwah Sharipah Aini dulu tu x silap.

Lagi 1 tahi burung ni kalau jatuh kat kereta, kalau x bersihkan, cat boleh terkupas. Power tak power tahi burung ni bwak bencana.

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Post time 21-12-2024 10:10 AM | Show all posts
skrg mcm trend bg mkn kat merpati...boleh ke kita report kat PBT kalau jiran kita bg mkn kat merpati sehingga byk najis2 kat laman kita?

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Post time 21-12-2024 10:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bese type I ske bg mkn burung merpati ni. Segala nasi semlm x abis die letak aje kat lua bg burung ni makan..
Kotor la ble die terbang2 tu ade habuk2

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Post time 21-12-2024 10:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MIL aku mmg setiap pagi bg makan burung... dah berbelas tahun lah amalan dia ni.. tp bukan merpati la.. mcm ada burung2 lain je aku tengok dtg menyinggah rumah...

mcm merbuk, tekukur, ni aku name a few je.... ada beberapa jenis lagi, tp aku tak tahu nama

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Post time 21-12-2024 11:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adik queen hanis kepam bangga dapat bagi burung merpati makan kat turkiye

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Post time 21-12-2024 11:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ninja boy at 21-12-2024 11:58 AM

Bagi makan burung mengundang burung berak kawasan jadi kotor byk kuman
Pokok2 besar tepi jalan port gagak balik tidur berak2 kena kereta parking bawah
Mekah madinah yg bg makan burung berak2 atas kepala org kasut pijak najis nak beribadah haruslah bersih dari najis
Sbb merpati dan gagak burung berkumpulan, lainlah burung spesis lain boleh jalan2 2-3 ekor

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Post time 21-12-2024 12:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baik lg bagi burung-burung atau haiwan² jenis lain makan dari bg makan manusia yang jenis tak kenang budi..

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Post time 21-12-2024 04:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Njis merpati irg dlu sebut 'pnas' kena pokok yg dorg tanam, blh mati pokok tu. Dlm njis merpati ada kuman yg susah nk mati...
Yg alegic mmg kena elak...semput n gatal2..

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Post time 21-12-2024 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Psittacosis ka?

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Post time 21-12-2024 05:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makita replied at 21-12-2024 09:17 AM
Ni yg antara punca arwah Sharipah Aini dulu tu x silap.

Lagi 1 tahi burung ni kalau jatuh kat kere ...

Yg kat umah meols pulak burung cak (betul ke sebut tu) selalu dok bertenggek kat alang bumbung kat porch keter tu, mmg diberaknya atas keter, tak pun bertenggek kat awning tingkap umah, berak merata atas lantai kaki lima.  Ada yg meols cuci dgn air keluar, ada yg jenis melekat terus kat lantai mmg gosok macam apa pun tak keluar najis tu

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Post time 21-12-2024 05:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukan je najis, tp nasi yg diorg tak habis makan akan berkulat dkt kawasan yg di tabur mknn tu

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2024 06:53 PM | Show all posts
Edited by ultra78 at 21-12-2024 06:55 PM

Exposure to pigeons can lead to chronic lung diseases: Delhi hospital study

Yunus Dar New Delhi
3 min read Last Updated : Jul 12 2024 | 10:17 AM IST

Doctors at Delhi’s Sir Ganga Ram Hospital have identified a connection between prolonged exposure to pigeon droppings and feathers and chronic lung diseases. A recent case study by doctors warns that feeding pigeons and close proximity to them can pose significant health risks for humans.

The doctors treated an 11-year-old boy from Delhi’s Vasundhara Enclave who exhibited severe respiratory distress linked to his contact with pigeon feathers and droppings. This case underscores a lesser-known health hazard, as reported by The Times of India.

The boy had initially reported coughing, which seemed usual at first, quickly requiring urgent care at the hospital. Medical examinations revealed that the boy had developed lung inflammation and opacities that were consistent with hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP).   

Physicians found severe respiratory complications, requiring urgent medical care, necessitated by an immune-mediated condition caused by an allergic reaction to pigeon features and droppings.

Rare lung disease affects Delhi child

According to experts, HP is not usually observed in children, and occurs in only four among one million children. HP is one of the diseases of long-term interstitial lung disease (ILD) in children, which may lead to progressive and irreversible scarring of lung tissue, hindering the affected person’s ability to breathe freely.

The patient at Sir Gangaram Hospital had to be administered oxygen therapy using a high-flow system and put under steroid treatment. The team of doctors successfully cured the inflammation in the boy’s lungs, allowing him to breathe normally again.
The doctors emphasised the need for awareness about potential environmental triggers, such as bird droppings and feathers.

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis cases amid pigeon populations

A steep spike in hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) cases across many Indian cities in recent years has been linked to a rising pigeon population. The bird droppings come laced with fungi, which if inhaled for some time, can affect the immune system. The consequences can lead the patients to depend on a consistent supply of oxygen and even require them to go for a lung transplant in some cases.

“There are more than 300 reasons to get this hypersensitivity pneumonia and [exposure to] pigeons is one of them,” CBC News quoted Mumbai-based doctor Pralhad Prabhudesai as saying. “Most importantly, this is the most common cause of the disease in our country.”

Pigeon feeding tradition poses health risks

Feeding the birds is a cultural tradition in India and people are often motivated by their religion, with the practice thought to bring blessings. It is, therefore, hard to convince people to avoid close contact with the pigeons. However, the awareness has started to increase over the years with many people developing respiratory complications.

Experts are warning people about the risk of zoonotic disease transmission from animals to humans, and close association with pigeons can only exacerbate such risks. Apart from many types of respiratory complications, pigeon exposure can cause gastrointestinal infections, be carriers of certain allergens, ticks and mites, causing a host of illnesses among humans.

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Post time 21-12-2024 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru aje bagi mkn burung merpati kat pasar semalam....xtahu ada risiko jugak..

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2024 07:13 PM | Show all posts
diss69 replied at 21-12-2024 07:02 PM
Baru aje bagi mkn burung merpati kat pasar semalam....xtahu ada risiko jugak..

Next time pakai face mask waktu feeding..

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Post time 21-12-2024 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cash lah sbb bila ko bagi merpati ni makan, dia akan bersarang dan berak kt umah jiran2....menyusahkan jiran2 lain
So again, CASH la dpt radang paru2

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Post time 21-12-2024 08:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bangsa ninmemang tak pakai otak.. Bagi makan merpati kunun nak cari good karma.. Tapi tak fikir perbuatan dia  menganiaya orang lain... Habis satu taman perumahan dicemari najis, bulu & hama merpati.... Bangunan2  & kereta kotor & buruk dek najis merpati... Orang meniaga makanan terkesan & hilang pelanggan.... Memang babi betul perangai bangsa selfish bodo ni

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Post time 21-12-2024 08:03 PM | Show all posts
makita replied at 21-12-2024 09:17 AM
Ni yg antara punca arwah Sharipah Aini dulu tu x silap.

Lagi 1 tahi burung ni kalau jatuh kat kere ...

awat arwah tokpah dulu rajin bg burung makan ka camna??

dulu tuan umah aku kata dia kena kenser tetek pasai taik burung merpati dlm siling umah dia nasebbaik aku chow cepat2


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