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Chinese Six Year Old Is Social Outcast
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The life of a six year old, anywhere in the world should be filled with bubbles and love and comfort and caring. For poor Ah Long, an HIV carrier from Guangxi Province, China, life is difficult and extremely lonely.
Both his parents died of AIDS and the poor child is too much on his own, doing his own washing, cooking and studying. His 84-year-old grandmother has planted vegetables for him and visits frequently. She cooks for him, for him, but will not live with the child.
Everyone else in his world, including the nearby primary school has rejected him. His only friend and companion is a dog named Lao Hei.
The Welfare department has also declined to take responsibility for the little boy and the monthly allowance of 70 yuan (about $US 10) he gets form the civil bureau is nowhere near enough.
The stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS in China is powerful and it is totally responsible for this poor child’s neglect.
Since the 1980s, the disease has spread from the gay population and drug users to the general population, but there is still a total lack of education, understanding and a pervasive denial that fuels the fires of hatred and discrimination.
There is hope for Ah Long as after his story as published in Chinese newspapers one couple announced publicly that they would adopt the boy.
To date, however, this is yet to happen.
Many Chinese believe that AIDS only infects immoral people.
How could a six-year-old boy be immoral?
Leaving a six year old to fend for himself; many others would consider that immoral. |
sok dah tua buleh jadik gangster nih...he face a very hard life too soon...fear of nothing nih |
pada umo 6 tahun dah suffer a lot already...
mujur ada nenek yang tolong jagakan... kalo nenek tak dok, cam ner ler dia nak survive... |
kalo nenek dier meninggal nanti camne   |
kalo nenek dier meninggal nanti camne
Esperanza Post at 3-5-2011 03:31 
kesian kan... |
budak nie sure kuat mental, emosi, jiwa dan raga sbb dah rase kepedihan hidup tanpa org tersayang... |
alahai umo 6 thn dh pandai masak sendiri..siannya |
kesianyer...meh duk ngn acik meh... |
kesian...  |
sebaknya aku baca...mcm manalah anak aku nanti kalo aku dh takder?huhuhuhuhuu |
sian nyer .. nenek dia jenguk2 je lah tak jaga pun. sekolah pun pulaukan dia. |
kesiannyer pd budak nie...sepatutnyer pd usia dia nie, dia dimanjai n dibelai ngan kasih sayang.......betul2 tough budak nie..
mentality masyarakat sana masih cetek psl HIV nie.....mmg sedey, anak2 yg x b'dosa terpksa menanggung beban n malu
kalu anak kite?...camner agaknyer?...blh x anak kite leh survive spt bdk nie?? |
kesian tetapi bagus belajar berdikari... |
:cry::re: |
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