Bersyukurlah kita dilahirkan sebagai seorang insan yg sempurna..Seorang bayi di Pakistan dilahirkan dengan mempunyai 6 kaki!!! Bayi yang baru seminggu dilahirkan itu ditempatkan di unit rawatan rapi di National Institute of Child Health, Karachi.
Para doktor dan pakar di institut tersebut menimbangkan untuk melakukan pembedahan terhadap bayi tersebut dan bercadang untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari pakar-pakar asing yang berpengalaman.

[size=1.2em]'Operating on such a baby is not an easy task as proper assessments need to be done first,' he said. 'We need to figure out whether the baby has his twin’s limbs or his own. We also need to consider how much the internal organs have developed as thelatter could complicate matters and decrease the baby’s chances of surviving.'[size=1.2em]PARASITIC TWINS[size=1.2em]A parasitic twin is sometimes referred to as an asymmetrical or unequal conjoined twin.
[size=1.2em]It occurs when a twin embryo begins developing in utero, but the pair does not fully separate. [size=1.2em]One embryo continues developing at the expense of the other (the parasitic) which will rely on the body of the other for blood supply andorgan function. [size=1.2em]It is incompletely developed and dependent on the other twin. [size=1.2em]The independent twin is called the autosite. [size=1.2em]In some cases the body of one twin absorbs the other during development, known as fetus in fetu.
[size=1.2em]In January a boy in Peru was operated on to remove his parasitic twin from his stomach.
[size=1.2em]Speaking to the news site, the baby's father, Imran Shaikh, made a plea for help from the government and charities.
[size=1.2em]‘I can’t afford to visit Karachi and get treatment for my baby,’ said the X-ray technician, who earns the equivalent of $66-a-month. ‘I appeal to philanthropists and the government to come forward for the treatment.’
[size=1.2em]Shaikh and his wife of four years live in Sukkur, around 280 miles north of where his son is being cared for. His wife is reported to be recovering well from the birth and in a good state of health.
[size=1.2em]His wife - who is also his cousin - has been unable to travel because she had a caesarean section delivery.
[size=1.2em]He said they were planning on naming their son Umar Farooq.
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