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Burger Bertingkat Untuk Merasai Serangan Jantung (24 photos)
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Today we tell you about the bar and any American dream. It serves delicious burgers at the lowest prices. However, the title bar sounds pretty strange - "Heart Attack", and at every turn you encounter posters on medical subjects. Waitress of the bar dressed as a nurse, and the owner institution - the doctor.
A. The unusual bar is located in the town of Chandler in Arizona. "Heart Attack" is known hospital theme and delicious burgers. In the photo: waitress Mary Brasda burger with "quarter-bypass surgery."
Two. Burger on a photo to the right contains 10,000 calories a world record for burgers. According to some information in the past year, two diners have heart problems after eating this burger. More recently, in the branch "Heart Attack" in Las Vegas, a woman eating a burger, washing it down with Margaret, and lighting a cigarette. This lady was hospitalized after she was found on the floor of the bar.
Three. The restaurant owner Jon Basso dressed as a doctor. Pictured: John with a cheeseburger, served in the restaurant. All the posters hanging in the hall bar warn of obvious dangers of such foods.
4. In the photo: the waitress puts the visitor Elisha Greenlee hospital gown.
Five. These bracelets are dealt with advertising facilities for everyone.
6. Steve Trumbull naminaet triple burger.
Eight. Photos from the waitress at the memory on the background of posters in the "heart attack".
9. Restaurant patrons are dressed in hospital gowns. The inscription on one of the posters reads: "The taste, for which to die."
10. The waitress takes the order for burgers.
11. The monitor on the wall of the bar gives information about the vehicles sold per day of calories.
12. Wojtasik Frank (left) and Julian Moreno lunch burgers, washed down with all the same Coca-Cola.
13. At the entrance to the institution is located ATMs.
14. In the hands of the visitor's standard cheeseburger.
15. It seems that this man does not care about the risk of a heart attack.
16. Corporate burger "Heart Attack".
17. It seems that this food is admired by some people.
18. In addition to "sick" posters about the dangers of such food in a restaurant posters with the cost of burgers.
19. Ready to feed burgers.
20. Mary Brasda preparing burgers.
21. Visitors to the restaurant "heart attack".
22. The most frequent request - a burger and Coke.
23. The owner of a corporate institution demonstrates a burger, "Heart Attack".
24. After a hearty lunch, visitors in wheelchairs to their cars delivered waitress. |
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seksinye pelayan |
aku rasa org leh sakit jantung dgn hanya melihat pelayan tu |
sedapnyeeee  |
hadeh mcm2 je,entah2 burger rasa mcm  |
eksploitasi wanita ... .. |
double cheeseburger mcD tu pun aku selalu tak habis makan.
cemano laa nak makan tang bertingkat2 tuh.
Malaysia sekarang pon dah ada trend mkn burger style camni.
risau je aku tengok.
nampak mmg sedap dan menyelerakan, tetapi sebenarnya adalah silent killer. |
macamni pun ada...poster tu buat hiasan aje |
Lazatnya pelayan n burger2 nyer |
Sapa makan burger nih memang nak rasa mati cepat lah...
Tak sedar betul, padahal dah tulis calories berapa... |
yg beli burger bertingkat2 tu bodo la
lau double ok lg tapi ni smp betingkat2
last tepaksa mkn selapis2 je
so apa beza beli burger tingkat dgn 4-5 ketol burger |
pertama kena serangan jantung sbb tengok pelayan yg seksi meksi......
kedua kena serangan jantung makan burger bertingkat yg byk kalori......
tapi ada kebaikannya burger ni....untuk jimat duit....beli roti burger kosong, kemudian beli burger bertingkat ni...keluarkan dua burger kosong bersama cheese , tomato dan bawang dan diletakkan ke dlm roti burger kosong yg lain.......jimat tak? |
Dia punya waitresses pun dah cam pelakon prono jer....
Tak larat aku nak nghabiskan burger bertingkat2 nie |
kaw kaw berger lagi menarik... |
macam2 cara nak lakukan perniagaan kat sana kan... |
Utk pengetahuan:
Memang benar ada a few person yg meninggal sewaktu makan dekat reastaurant ni sebb sakit jantung seperti 1 sumpahan
Aku ada baca tapi lupa kat mana...boleh try google.. |
mcm mne nk nganga tu .........
mkn beger tu pastu ngan coke lagi.......
mak aiii.......
iols mkn yg heavy mesti belasah ngan air kosong jah........ |
sapa ada keturunan sakit darah tinggi/lemah jantung, kena hati2 makan menda camni. yang takde keturunan sakit begini pun kena jaga2 sama.
Aku pernah la makan jenis yang macam ini (campur goreng daging burger + sosej + telur), dalam amaun yang boleh tahan banyaknye. Then malam tu jadik susah nak bernafas.. tapi nasib baik kena sekejap jer. Terus tobat tak makan camtu dah.. |
suka tngok pelayan ke @ suka nk mkn burger!!!! |
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